Im Estelle, but get called Twinkle (Twinkle Starr is my stage name), Im a kooky kinda bird whos into traditional styled customs and rods and one whos not afraid to get her hands dirty with oil and grease .. Ive lived in sunny ol England for the entire of my 29 years, some one you may know Loggy, who is my lovely other half .. Hes a newbie too, and has been going on so much about this site that I just had to have a look myself .. We met through cars, vws to be precise (well a girls gotta start somewhere), he asked me about auto boxes, romantic ol fool that he is Im interested in all things low brow, tiki, vintage, etc and I collect profusely (and addictively) anything from the 40s to the 60s .. Im working on becoming a cheesecake model and burlesque dancer and make my own costumes. Ive been passionate about all things automobile since I was a child, my Dad tinkered with cars throughout my childhood and only having daughters he imparted his love and knowledge to me, and they never ever moaned when I turned up with another tin wormed heap Bless em . Im pretty open to inspiration and ideas, I know what I like, even if I dont know what it is . I want to read more, listen more and learn more and be inspired to make my ride as beautiful as possible.
Allo the missus welcome aboard y'know this sites' murder of course,you'll be looking about going "i want that,i love that"..........just like i do 5051's shoebox*sigh* if only lol. And you know how bad you are with mercury sleds,best we do a bit with the edsel first tho eh.....theyre a good bunch here,inspiring cars n i'm learning all the time its' all good.... *hugs*
Hey waitaminnit...I thought it was no women on deck...or mabey you couldn't paint them green because it was bad luck.....someone get the rulebook. Welcome. in posting an intro, you have already saved yourself a ration of crap. Now you crazy english kids behave,Ya hear! Lux
Hi Twinkle! Nice to have you here. I´m also a newbie and I´m happy to see that there are other girls who are into traditional Hotrods and Kustoms!
how is everyone? im nick from australia and im a newbie aswell. i like rods and muscle cars and im rebuilding my chev/holden flatbed.
WELCOME! Brittish girls make me feel all warm and nervous in my pants when I hear 'em talk- Could you get me a date with Jennifer Saunders? Or maybe just her Tx#? I've got Ford parts to trade- + cash- Let me know...
Well thank you all for the heartfelt welcomes to this site, maybe you're not all as tough as you make out??? Eisenfaust, if I see Jennifer Saunders I'll tell her your interested.... Think Ade Edmonson (her husband) might have a thing to two to say about it though..... As for the stage name, I'll get pictures up as soon as they are available E x