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Hot Rods Quotes to live by...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Boneyard51, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. drtrcrV-8
    Joined: Jan 6, 2013
    Posts: 1,778


    I've been accused of being a "dirty old man" for quite some time, but now at nearly 80, I have an answer : 1. A great many of the women in my age group are gone, so no longer available 2. Many of the rest are either happily married or bitterly divorced, so are not interested or available 3. Another group have girlfriends that really don't like them talking to men, so also not available. 4. Many of those left tend to resemble "Pro-football interior linemen in drag", so I'm not available... I do, however, enjoy the very few that are left who are interested in talking to me, possibly with a meal & a glass of "adult beverage", if only for the pleasure of adult conversation with someone who has shared similar life experiences (especially if they don't need to use "google" to find out what I'm talking about...)
  2. 80% of being successful is showing up on time…
  3. Boneyard51
    Joined: Dec 10, 2017
    Posts: 6,653


    I am a little younger than you, at 72! I manage a bar, here in town. I see crazy every night! But….at our age…. the women way out number the men. So it’s pay back time , for when back in the old days they didn’t want to get up off some of that stuff. Life it the seventies ain’t all that bad!

    Bones said that!
  4. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525


    “There is nothing permanent except change.”

    We have all gone through change in our lives. The low powered Flathead 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery was a great choice for me to move on ahead towards a new change in our lives. The high school change went smoothly from drag racing to surfing adventures as it opened a new path to further our enjoyment of being teenagers. There were slight roadblocks along the way, but the change was good and we moved forward from that addition to our family lives.

    Then years later after college, another 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery arrived with another change in our lives. We were a college couple that turned into a wedding that has lasted all of these years. But, in the mean time, a change in our daily drivers was evident after we were able to modify and repair the project 327 40 Ford Sedan Delivery we thought was an automatic daily driver. The change over took awhile, but in the long 6 years of daily driving, it was well worth it.


    So, these days, we have all had change in our lives. We did experience a fabulous granddaughter that “changed” our outlook on family and its path. Our hot rod days were no longer, except in art and random digital photos. For our son, his request was to make a change that had to happen. A larger station wagon to protect and haul all of our granddaughter’s stuff and protect our lives when moving from one place to another. So, we had to get a larger station wagon. Change was good… A Sherman Tank was his proposal for safety !!! Ha!

    She is now in college after staying with us from 6 months to high school. We are trying to make her road beyond, as the least difficult intrusion as possible. And, to have her enjoy a great college experience as my wife and I had, way back, a long time ago… The road progresses and more change is in our future as it should be. We just go with the flow… YRMV

  5. verde742
    Joined: Aug 11, 2010
    Posts: 6,486


    Grandpa said : " I am NOT hard of hearing,
    I have "selective hearing," and at this point, you are Not selected .":(
    Cooon, DDDenny, Sharpone and 5 others like this.
  6. You two sure make a morning a fun start!:p:p

    Sharpone, Boneyard51 and trulyvintage like this.
  7. atch
    Joined: Sep 3, 2002
    Posts: 5,988



    Love your avatar...
  8. Thanks Mike!

    The stars definitely aligned that weekend, I still smile every time I think about it. Can't wait till next year. I don't think anyone went home disappointed & we all made a bunch of new "in person" friends (you included) that we only knew from their posts on here previously!

    God Bless
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
  9. drtrcrV-8
    Joined: Jan 6, 2013
    Posts: 1,778


    Every guy that I've met either has, or will, go through something called "The 40 Stupids" : Somewhere between the ages of 30 and 70(roughly : it varies by individual) they become convinced that somewhere out there is a cheap Porsche(or insert car of your choice) and an inexpensive "Redhead"... I've got news for those of you who believe this legend : NEITHER of those "unicorns" actually exists : They are "Cultural myths" that have caused many a divorce(or worse!!) For those of you who say : "Oh that could NEVER happen to me because I'm too smart for that!", I would suggest asking a few of your older (70 or older) friends for their opinion & for examples they remember from their past... A few manage to avoid or resist by burying themselves in their work or their golf game, but they are very damn few!!
  10. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525


    “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.”


    Change is something in all of our lives that we cannot stop. Time marches on and we go along for the ride. But, within that moment of change, we as “pilots” can make moves to adapt to the different choices we are facing on those moments or situations.
    upload_2023-11-24_3-20-40.png (thanks for version 2 @themoose )

    How is it that we are so satisfied, today, at our “retired” lifestyle? Our bodies are no longer 20-30 somethings and it may be a struggle to get back up when on the floor trying to get a simple job repair done. Time does change everything and for some, it is slow and for others, it moves quite quickly.

    Before, we worried about what we were going to do “in life.” As we got into life with a little toddler, time were very tight for daily expenses. The old saying from economists is that rent or a mortgage should be about ¼ of the monthly expenses. For most, that is fine. For us, as we moved from 20 to 30 age group, the costs were now into the over half of our monthly expenses. It began to get a little hectic and that forced us to make some changes to compensate.


    The change was to have a nice single family residence. One where our son could play all day and have no worries about anything. We would settle down and move along with our involvement in family life. Although our expenses were a lot higher than most, we knew if we could get by these years, the sale of our house would bring dividends to help us in the next phase.

    We liked where we lived, accepted the fact that we are not “rolling in the dough…” and enjoyed our developing family lives. So, in our next phase, we were able to get back to the quarter of our expenses for our next phase and today, we are well below a quarter to make things easier for all concerned. (us, especially.) Hardships seem to hit most, but, our mom used to tell us as teenagers, “endure” and it will bring benefits to all who are decide to adapt to the change. Old Wive’s Tales? Who knows, but it does work and our lives were the result of changes. YRMV
  11. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,787


    My dad used to say”Don’t bullshit me but more importantly don’t bullshit yourself”
    My quote “Good business is when everyone gets what they need Great business is when everyone gets what they need and want”
  12. enjenjo
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 2,757

    from swanton oh

    My signature line
    Boneyard51 and Sharpone like this.
  13. ramblin dan
    Joined: Apr 16, 2018
    Posts: 3,830

    ramblin dan

    Many voices tell my story.
    Boneyard51 and Sharpone like this.
  14. tim troutman
    Joined: Aug 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,123

    tim troutman

    Man I wish I was 60 again Quote from Buttface in his mid 80's
  15. jetnow1
    Joined: Jan 30, 2008
    Posts: 2,180

    from CT
    1. A-D Truckers

    I resemble that remark!
  16. From the 1% Outlaw in his early 50s I work with-

    I have an Evo motor, a smartphone and a Facebook account, I have become everything I hate!
  17. 29A-V8
    Joined: Mar 14, 2014
    Posts: 474

    from wyoming

    Im thinking 60 would be good as well but then Im not in bad shape for the shape Im in.
  18. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525


    “There’s nothing like staying at home for real comfort …” Jane Austen


    As a teenager, home was comfortable. Our mom was a stickler for cleanliness, but allowed us to use our room as we saw fit. I had no idea that it was stuffed to the brim with file cabinets, and magazines in storage areas, etc. The den or study area was cluttered in photos, but back then, it was “home.” Plop on the comfortable sofa, take a nap, eat some great food and perhaps, study or wake up and listen to some music. What a lifestyle. I guess we thought this was the way it was going to be in the future! Ha!

    As young as we were, when my wife and I got married, something snapped and our decorating became minimal and simple. No pile of things, other than a stack of records.
    upload_2023-12-1_4-5-38.png from one end to the other upload_2023-12-1_4-6-14.png
    The largest room accounted for almost 200 sq. ft. of simple living space. Small, simple and comfortable, plus room for two and a little dog. There were two other small rooms, the kitchen and a bathroom that we could stand up to use, but when a shower was used, the funky architecture in the roof line made us sit down. It was small… 600-700 sq. ft. overall. But, it gave us a small two car garage.
    upload_2023-12-1_4-9-20.png That 4 years were eye opening as it was comfortable, simple and very inexpensive. Plus, everyone left us alone. We were just starting out and were developing a sense of togetherness along with a simple low key lifestyle. The beach area does make everything seem like is makes anyone slow down and enjoy the surroundings… We have lived near a coastal shoreline ever since.


    Over the years, many house moves later we began to see the comforts of simplicity. But downsizing from a large home to a small home for us was the right decision. We are comfortable, and when people came over for a visit, prior to the pandemic, they thought we were still moving-in as our minimal decorations and house hold stuff was not to most folks idea of “stuff the living room” until there is no room to walk or hit some furniture along the way… ha!

    We like traveling and have been doing that since we met each other in college. We have been around quite a few different places and as of now, our lifestyle has still one thing going for it. Of all the places around the world we have visited, the whole “across the USA road trip” and vacations. There is nothing like being at home. Our simple lifestyle home we have created. It is real comfort…YRMV

    Sharpone and chryslerfan55 like this.
  19. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525




    We have always like dogs since our “little kid” days. Our separate families, both had family dogs from the late 40s to the 60s. We were fortunate to be given a small dog when we were in our 20s. It went everywhere with us, from short trips to long up the coast road trips. She loved the back small tray and seat top of the red El Camino to run back and forth to keep an eye out on the traffic.
    upload_2023-12-8_3-56-8.png Jump up to 2012
    We took in my wife’s dad’s dog as the aging grandfather was no longer taking good care of the little puppy. My wife would go over to her parent’s house for a visit and the dog was friendly enough to come up and hang around during the whole visit. It was, like most dogs, a part of the immediate family.

    My wife’s dad had put in a “doggy door” so he would not have to take the little guy outside, every time he wanted to go out.


    One day, my wife had taken a nice pizza over during lunch hour for her parents. They were talking and having “a good old time.” Of course, the little dog was trying to get into the conversation with hopes of getting some of that pizza. So, during the conversation, my wife got up to go get another napkin and left her pizza slice on the coffee table. Everyone was busy with the conversation at hand and did not notice the little dog sneaking up to the table.

    The coffee table was standard height and the little dog was just a little shorter than the top surface. But, if he stood on his hind legs, the table top was fully accessible. So, as my wife left her pizza slice on the middle of the table, the little dog saw his chance for a nice lunch. He jumped up on his hind legs and reached to the plate to snatch the pizza slice and instantly, backed off and ran out of the doggie door.

    When my wife came back to the coffee table area, she asked where her pizza slice happened to be. Her mom said that while they were talking, the dog grabbed it and ran outside. It was too late to do anything, so the aging parents just let the dog have the pizza!

    My wife was flabbergasted and saw the little dog outside munching down on the pizza slice. When she went to get it back to throw it away, the tiny dog growled like a ferocious animal. Ha ha !!! YRMV
  20. Toms Dogs
    Joined: Dec 16, 2005
    Posts: 638

    Toms Dogs
    from NJ

    ‘It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have!’ Sheryl Crow :D:rolleyes:
  21. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525


    “Forensic process of introspection, remembering memories as a device, delivers results in your brain. It is ordering memories that create confusion… for you to research and filter.”


    I would like to thank all those that have responded to my old memories from our So Cal adventures from the 40s onward. Staying in the HAMB perimeters was good, as it allowed me to clean up the dusty memories to see the light.

    But, as my wife and I spent countless hours deep in the library bookshelves area with a quiet study desks, from various So Cal colleges, we learned to develop a good sense of research and writing our valuable notes for our classes. It also allowed us to get deep into a subject as the stacks were full of countless sources for finding answers.

    Those were the old days and from a person who disliked studying or writing stories or “essays” during our teenage years, we have come a long way. It was the times (hectic society during the mid 60s) that were changing and the methods of studying to learn was tantamount to getting knowledgeable and being an actual college research student. Facts were becoming important as there were plenty of resource areas to search and understand.


    When I started the idea of writing a journal, it expanded to include our family history and the fun things we did as kids. At the time, our granddaughter was a toddler and we had our hands full of a rambunctious little kid wanting explanations of everything we exposed her to, as a way of growing up in So Cal. "What did you guys do when you were little?" So, somewhere down the line, it will be in our files for her to read and enjoy. Her grandma and grandpa’s old days as kids…Ha, what a concept.

    Paraphrasing…When We Were Young lyrics – Lucy Schwartz
    Lucy Schwartz “Parenthood” soundtrack

    When we were young
    We were small but we didn’t know it
    When you were hurt
    You would smile so you didn’t show it

    When we were young
    We were brave, we were wild warriors
    And you liked to race
    So we’d run to the distant shores

    But, the memories are still coming, as things spark the instant the brain clicks… so far… YRMV

    chryslerfan55 and Sharpone like this.
  22. Toms Dogs
    Joined: Dec 16, 2005
    Posts: 638

    Toms Dogs
    from NJ

    Many people will walk in and out of your Life, but only True Friends will leave footprints in your Heart.

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    Sharpone, X-cpe and Bill's Auto Works like this.
  23. tim troutman
    Joined: Aug 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,123

    tim troutman

    The sun will rise and set regardless.What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us-Alexandra Elle
    Sharpone, X-cpe and Bill's Auto Works like this.
  24. tim troutman
    Joined: Aug 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,123

    tim troutman

    "door handles are handy" Big Johns thoughts on shaved handles
  25. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,787


    I’ve noticed a few fellow HAMBers have passed on as of late, didn’t know these people but they sound like fine human beings and that is what’s important.
    The dates on a tombstone go something like
    Born 1898 …died 1985 “the dates are simply starting and stopping points it’s the … that counts”
    With this group it’s the fond memories of cars they may have built, the stories, the help and encouragement they gave others maybe some funny quips etc.
    Boneyard51, mad mikey, das858 and 5 others like this.

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