Why in the world would an engine run good if multiple carbs are all adjusted differently? Getting the two sides to the same sweet spot would be a nightmare.
Just make sure the links from the bell crank /pivots are adjustable or they will never be right. Keep them all disconnected till it idles how you want it too.
They are made for 2 barrels. This one is on a 4 barrel cap for my dual quads..Unisyn from Summit. Allthe carbs should have the red ball at the same level.
For a full throttle only engine carb sync can mostly be ignored. For an engine that needs to run well on idle you really need the carbs to share the job properly. (Note that multiple carbs feeding the same "log" may have different use, one may handle idle alone, and the rest just coming in later as more throttle is applied to supply peak power. Can make life way simpler as you won't have to have all 6 or whatever perfectly synced at idle, just the 2 actually in use.)
Ok, so now I'm confused, I just ordered a Unisyn from Summit last night. I have 3 94's on a FE. Do I disconnect the linkage to all 3 carbs and use the Unisyn individually to get them all idling the same? Sorry I don't mean to hijack this thread, cheers.
no linkage connected, adjust all three to the same flow for the idle you need then connect the linkage.
Multipule carburetors need to be adjusted the same, idle air bleeds, float levels, metering rod hight, idle speed, everything that is adjustable should be the same. Unhook the linkage while adjusting. Once happy with the idle speed and mixture adjustments, hook up the linkage one carb at a time and adjust the linkage as you go so the speed doesn't change when the linkage is installed.
Important…. After adjusting all the carbs with the Unisys, Before connecting the linkage back up, you must readjust the linkage lengths to keep the throttles in the position you set them with the unisyn.
Food for thought. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...econdary-carbs-have-air-flow-at-idle.1069364/