All, anybody put a headliner in a 39 ford pu? I’m trying to find a kit with the cab corners , kick panels, windlace , etc. anybody have a recommendation on one? Anybody used a 40 headliner kit? Would it be the same? I know the windshield area would be somewhat different. Thanks in advance for any help and or suggestions. Wayne
I used vinyl from Joannes on top of foil insulation/ the console I put up help keeps it up in tge middle and I had made templates for over the doors, the back sides of tge doors and the back window using some mdf brown board and sceeng it into the small support pieces inside the cab. Chrck out the build thread - it’s all in there …..
I bought one 30 years ago from a company called Fairlane for my '38. It was fiberglass. Worked OK. Wish I could have gotten one in the orginal type material.
That’s probably what’s in my 36. Came with the partially completed truck. Mac’s used to sell them, under their previous ownership. My truck is missing one piece. The stuff is reminiscent of white dairy board, but molded in black. mine looks a little cheesy, especially with the lost or hopefully only missing piece, but better than nothing
Used a Cartouche kit from Macs. Fits OK but the headliner is sagging. Mightbe the headliner itself or the sound deadner I glued to the roof coming loose. If I had it to do over again I would have used an ABS one from someone like these guys: 1938-39 Ford Truck Molded Headliner & Quarter Panels..- Chicken Track FORD 3839-THMQP ( Also Rod's Doors is scheduled to reopen in January per their web site. Vintage Auto Interior Parts - RodDoors
My 41 PU. I like the look of a bow hung headliner, so I had my guy do one for me. It turned out nice and tight. Just an idea.