yep Tom your correct, heads cam, intake manifold and valve parts........ but we got a step closer today, hope to fire up tomorrow, thanks to grandson for helping me today as the ol bon es don't work like they used to.
Yep tha's what I am lookin to do, now just to get ready for Eagle Field and all the craziness down there!!!!!
58 more getups for the Flathead V8 /6CYL Clash at Eagle Field come join us ...........................
Eagle Field in just 30 More getups!!!!! wahooooo just some memories from the past......... 2009 till now
Man that looks like fun. Can I ask a dumbass question please Carl? My FED is getting closer to completion, and in between works I've been thinking through some of the track practicalities. I have the trailer sorted, fire extinguisher mounted, thinking through the tools I will need trackside etc. I'm uncertain on fuel though. The cars I have taken to the track so far have been road going. I fill them up with enough pump gas to last the event, and if I am a little low I fill them up on the way home at the nearby gas station. The FED though will run on methanol. This is my first methanol vehicle, so a little unsure on fuel handling. The FED will probably run once every second to third month. I know I need to flush the fuel system out with gas, and can visualise how to do that. I cannot store a 44 gallon drum of methanol, and will not have enough use to consume that volume. I am figuring on buying methanol in 5 gallon drums and storing it in those drums at home. I can take those drums to the track and topup the FED via a funnel and filter sock. Is there something I am missing here? Cheers, Harv
Also, Marvel Mystery oil is your friend for things like fuel pumps, poppets, valves, etc. Lubricate pumps/valves after you flush the alcohol out of the system. If you have a fuel-filter, clean it as well. Before you race again, check all your poppets, main jets, metering valves, etc - and make sure they're in good shape. It is not a bad idea to take the pump, poppets and other such stuff off the car between races - to clean, inspect and reinstall later on.
Harv when I was running methanol I would by it in 50 gal drum stored at house and bring 2- 5gal cans to race weekend. Made an adapter to apply 4lbs of air pressure (no more than 4!) to drum to push the fuel out to fill the 5 gal containers. Like Dale says make sure you clean it out after each race and don't leave any in system.
Thanks gents. Agree on the oiling part - drain alky, pickle with gas, pull off and oil anything that moves. Cheers, Harv
I hate watching your videos Carl. I wish I was there racing with you lot. I'd be too slow for the trophy, just be there for the grins. That carnage was bad. What let go?
Yea Dale it was as usual a wonderful weekend, and my new driver Christopher had a grin from ear to ear, I think he likes it!!! Spanners we run it as a Bracket race so everyone has a shot at the trophy, and you are entirely welcome! Don't know the final outcome on Rons engine but he almost split the block in half, a tremendous amount of carnage. They will be back in October I'm told.
Hey Carl - what engine in that? Is that the guy running the 6 Cyl rail? Any boost? Looks like he lost a rod and the "cement mixer" fired right up!
292 with Alky injection no blower damn near split the block in half he did a 360 into the dirt about 5/8 the way down, didn't get hurt thankfully and didn't roll but came damn close to flippin her.