The area between the impeller and mounting flange looks different on yours than mine, see that (that's the new/used one in the photo)? I would take my other one out but I broke the old one beating on the flange (and threw it out), don't want to do that again!
Issue solved, partly.. Samdcrab brought his pump over and sure enough, most places just advertise ‘v8-60 water pump’ but there are two types: early tapered ones, like he pictured on the previous page, and the later type which I pictured, which won’t fit my early mount. I now have the option of finding an early tapered pump (and rebuilding my other pump, most likely), or taking the front engine mount off my spare engine (which I have the later pumps for) and going through the trouble of swapping that in.
I remember having a conversation some thirty years ago, with a long retired Ford dealership mechanic. The subject of flathead Fords came up and we discussed all the 85 through the 110 hp Mercs. Somehow the conversation drifted off subject and he mentioned the V860. He said it was the only engine he ever worked on that you could change spark plugs while it was running and never notice a loss in power. Highly modified 60's in midgets or cracker box boats do well. Stock, they leave a lot to be desired. After building flatheads most of my life, I never heard a customer rave about all the power a V860 had in a full sized Ford. They were for very leisurely motoring and waving to trucks passing you on steep hills. I once inherited 12 of them and a couple of Simca motors. I couldn't give them away and finally scrapped the lot.
It's good to see you back. You might want to check this out....
They have a tappered and straight type water pumps, different years. One will not fit the other, new to v8 60's but learning and trying to build one now