Hello, I have a Dynaflow 1950 Buick Special with a 248. The gearbox was rebuilt, and ran fine for several thousand miles. I had it on idle in neutral for a long time due to bad battery. Then I got a severe leak from the front. It leaks about a gallon a mile! Bunch of transmission fluid when looking into the timing hole in the bell housing! Question 1: Is idling in neutral for a long time bad for these Dynaflows? Quwstion 2: How is the front seal changed?! Do I have to take a lot of things a part or is it relatively painless?!
If you remove the inspection plate on the Dynaflow, you'll notice that there are a lot of small bolts on the torque converter. Go through and make sure they are tight (I don't have the torque specs in front of me, but I think they are in the 20-25 lb./ft. range - you may want to double check) in addition to the drain plugs. Dynaflows have torque converters with an o-ring to seal the front cover, and they can leak from there if they're loose. If you actually have to replace the front seal on the transmission, the torque tube and the transmission have to come out.