Someone wrote to me about this car club plaque and wondered if I knew what the name of the club could have been. After a few searches on the Internet, I came up empty. I do think the thing riding behind the engine could be a Shmoo, the cartoon character created by Al Capp ... Does anyone from that area know what the name of this club was?
BTTT ... With a little more research, I found out that the Shmoo character first appeared in the comic strip Li'l Abner on August 31, 1948, according to Wikipedia. The popular character may have been used for a car club name as it influenced many things in the 50's, but who knows for sure? Someone from the Brooklyn area must know about this club and the character on their plaque
This thread has sunk into the pit of dead threads. No real responses. Then today, while searching my spreadsheet for something else, I spotted this San Francisco plaque that someone sent to me in 2010 and it reminded me about my earlier question ... I'll stick with my original guess that the NY club was called the same thing. What do you think?