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Projects Kurt’s Puddle Jumper - 1930 Model A Extended-Cab Pickup Build

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by rgclouse, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Again, 2 weeks since the last update. A cold snap and Thanksgiving got in the way. I do not want to heat the garage to a comfortable working temperature when it is below freezing outside. Takes 3-4 hours to do to get just a few hours of work.

    I did get the headlight relay cover painted and installed.
    969 112523 Headlight Relay cover painted.jpg


    970 112523 Headlight Relay cover installed.jpg
  2. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Warm enough this past week to get a few days in the garage working on Kurt. Got the 2 remaining window garnish moldings cleaned up, primered, and painted. Also cleaned up the bottom channels on the door windows and got them painted as well.


    971 120523 Window granish moulding and window bottoms primed.jpg


    973 120823 Window bottom channels painted.jpg

    974 120523 Window granish moulding painted wrong color.jpg

    Opps. They were supposed to be gray. Had to wait 48 hours to repaint.

    975 120523 Window granish moulding repainted gray.jpg

    As soon as I open the purse strings on Kurt after the Ney Year, I plan to get new window felt and glass setting rubber and get the glass installed.
    Toms Dogs, Okie Pete and brEad like this.
  3. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Almost a month since my last update. Back from holiday travels. I did briefly open Kurt's purse strings and got the parts to install the windows and a 90 degree Speedometer cable adapter.

    Spent a couple of hours in the garage yesterday. Trying to measure for proper Speedometer cable length. Any suggestions on how to find a GM style cable of a specific length? Looking at a long list of ATP cables online but they are not sorted by length.
  4. Althebass
    Joined: Nov 29, 2023
    Posts: 3


    Really inspiring build!
    Plus keeping the DDs and MH on the road, never mind all the other jobs you’re doing too.
    Fantastic work!

    I’d love to see a roof chop before you buy the bits and pieces for the side windows though!
    Jrs50 likes this.
  5. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Thanks Althebass for the kind words. Trying to keep busy to stay alive. The consensus of the HAMB and the Bionic Woman (my wife) is to not chop it. I wanted to do a 3 inch chop. Another HAMBer did a photoshop chop.

    Kurts Coupickup.jpg

    Using existing glass so no $$$ being expended there. Been busy with other projects so not much done this week. I usually dedicate Saturday morning to work on Kurt while listening to Lynne Warfel's Saturday Movie Music program on MPR. I got sidetracked this week with another Bionic Woman project of making up a box to hold bells for some form of Christmas decoration. Spent the whole morning on that.

    Side project took up most of this morning.jpg

    Did get the mounting rubber on one of the quarter windows.

    976 011324 Mounting rubber installed on first quarter window.jpg

    Going to get super cold for the next week so don't expect to get a lot done.
    Jrs50, Toms Dogs and Okie Pete like this.
  6. jhexide
    Joined: Feb 23, 2012
    Posts: 334


    Man,Thats a fine looking Bell Box...!
    Jrs50 likes this.
  7. Parnell
    Joined: Sep 18, 2020
    Posts: 11


    Happy New Year Roland! I am siding with the Bionic Woman... don't chop it! I get a lot of joy out of reading your posts and following your progress. I am praying for good health for you two in 2024! Stay warm!
    Jrs50 likes this.
  8. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Gee time flies. Two weeks and not a lot to report. Had about 4 good work days in garage but little to take pictures of. Spent 2 days cleaning and painting inside of doors in prep for gluing in the window channels.

    Bionic Women's DD is acting up. Ever since I filled it with gas it has really run bad. In my defense, there is bridge reconstruction between home and the closest ExxonMobil station and instead of having a 10 minute delay I filled it with another brand. Took the fuel filter housing out of the top of the gas tank and pumped out 7 gallons. Did not change filter as not due till Tuesday. Put in a can of SeaFoam and filled it with Exxon++. Still not running right.

    Got a sheet of 1/8 inch plywood to make door panels. Have vinyl coming Tuesday to cover them.
    977 012824 Fitting passenger door panel.jpg

    Got the Bell Box cleaned up and painted. Stick will hold a gold star but do not have gold Paint yet.
    bell box painted.jpg
    Jrs50, Okie Pete and Althebass like this.
  9. Cutlas Fan
    Joined: Jan 29, 2020
    Posts: 50

    Cutlas Fan

    I also agree with not chopping it. And as a side benefit it will be easier to get in and out of as we aren't getting anymore flexible as we age.
    Jrs50 and craig b blue like this.
  10. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Spent much of week on the Bionic Women's DD. Cleaned the MAF and Throttle Body and changed the PCV valve and it drives much much better but is idling at 1400-1500 rpm. Still waiting on the fuel filter. Left UPS last Monday for the USPS 40 miles away and has not gotten there yet. Bell Box is done.
    Bell Box Completed.jpg

    OK, back on topic. Got 3 days of work in on Kurt (well maybe 2 days, spent most of one day cleaning up from the thrash on the DD). Got the passenger door glass reinstalled and the door panel cut, fitted, and temporarily installed. I shouldn't have cleaned the glass since you can't see it in the picture.

    980 020424 Passenger door panel installed.jpg

    981 020424 Passenger door panel installed.jpg

    I though I ordered new inside door handles when I ordered the other door parts but somehow missed them. Ordered them yesterday. Think I need some type of door pull or handle to close the door from the inside when the window is up. Suggestions?

    Got the vinyl to cover the door panels. Picture makes it look much lighter than it really is but a nice contrast to the other trim.

    982 020424 Grey vinyl for door panels.jpg

    Cutlas Fan, not going to be chopped anytime in the near future.
    Jrs50 and Okie Pete like this.
  11. Can you reverse the door caps to get the pull away from the glass?
  12. Toms Dogs
    Joined: Dec 16, 2005
    Posts: 622

    Toms Dogs
    from NJ

  13. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Dumb, dumb, dumb; I could not figure out why the door caps were not flat when I was cleaning them up and painting them. Have not sat in Kurt with the caps installed and windows installed so always just pulled on the door opening. Don't have to reverse them, it works as is. Only down side I see will be occasional figure marks on the glass. Thank You Vtwhead.
  14. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got the driver's door panel fitted. Had to see what the vinyl will look like so temporarily taped it on the passenger door panel. Have to get some contact cement to attach it to the panel. Have some fancy oval head screws and cup washers to attach the panel.


    I think it looks great!
    Jrs50, Cutlas Fan, brEad and 2 others like this.
  15. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,915

    Dick Stevens

    It does look good! You can be proud to tell everyone that you did it yourself.
  16. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Thanks Dick,
    I have not done any upholstery since about 1960 when my Mother and I redid the door panels on my 51 Chevy with vinyl. We did them in black and white vinyl stitched together. My mother did the sewing machine work.
  17. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Installed the drivers door window but found I could not roll it all the way down. The lower channel on the glass was catching on the winder mechanism. I knew there had been a lot of rust on the channel but I was hopeing it would work. It has spread the channel too far.
    985 021024 Drivers door glass lower channel replaced.jpg

    Ordered a new channel and installed it yesterday. What a Pita. Soaked the setting rubber in oil. Had to double it up on one side to get it tight enough. Trying to position 2 pieces of rubber setting tape and the channel soaked in oil with 2 hands that were black in the first 2 minutes. Finally got it in place and let it sit overnight. Nice and tight this morning. Installed the window this morning.

    Got all the escutcheon fitted on the door panel and got all but 10 screw holes drilled and the fancy screws and washers installed.

    986 021024 Drivers door panel 10 screws to go.jpg
  18. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got the driver's door panel all ready to install. Vinyl fitted and glues on, escutcheon installed, BUT? Vinyl was on the wrong side of plywood making it backwards. Oh s@#$! Quit for the day.

    987 021324 Drivers door panel ready to install BUT.jpg
    Okie Pete likes this.
  19. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,915

    Dick Stevens

    Practice makes perfect. :rolleyes:
  20. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Redid the driver's door panel. Was able to salvage the plywood. Door panel now has vinyl on both inside and outside. Got vinyl glued up on windlace and installed.

    989 021824 Driver's side door panel complete.jpg 990 021824 Driver's door panel completed.jpg
    Jrs50, Okie Pete, brEad and 2 others like this.
  21. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    A bit behind on posting. Raining so I don't want to head to the garage right now. Got the pass door panel finished and installed.
    991 022324 Pass door panel completed.jpg

    Started on the inside quarter panels. Had to remove the seats. Drivers side fitted.
    992 022424 Drivers interior quarter panel fitted.jpg

    Vinyl applied and started install. Need to glue up the windlace before finishing the screws.
    993 022724 Drivers interior quarter pane almost done.jpg

    Fitting the wood for the pass side. Have to order more vinyl. My screwup on the drivers door made me short.
    994 022724 Pass interior quarter panel fitting.jpg
    Okie Pete, brEad and Althebass like this.
  22. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Driver's side panels almost done. Need screws to hold quarter window frame and windlace between door and quarter panel.
    995 022824 Driver's side panels almost done.jpg
    Jrs50, Okie Pete, brEad and 2 others like this.
  23. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Falling a little behind in posting. This first pic happened last weekend. Driver's side interior quarter panel is done with windlace.
    996 030624 Driver's quarter panel completed.jpg

    Didn't get to work on Kurt for a few days with spring yard cleanup projects. Was walking in garage getting a flat shovel and heard a load "crack" sound. I wondered what that was? Walked back around Kurt and saw this Oh Sh$% minute. Must have tightened down to hard on the screws on the front trim piece.
    997 030624 An oh sh@# minute.jpg

    Got the pass side interior quarter panel with windlace done.
    998 030924 Pass quarter panel done.jpg

    Sat the seats back in to see what it will look like.

    999 030924 Seats in to see what inerior will look like.jpg

    Started work on the headliner. Was going to use a white vinyl but decided to use the same as the doors.

    1002 031024 More fitting of headliner.jpg
  24. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got all but the rear panel of the headliner fitted and ready to cover with vinyl. The rear panel I need to bend. Not sure what I'm going to do yet in the corners.
    1005 031624 Front of headliner fitted.jpg

    1003 031624 Front of headliner fitted.jpg
    Outback, Jrs50, brEad and 1 other person like this.
  25. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got the rear panel of the headliner fitted and installed. Need to fit the trim piece under the back edge and then on to covering everything in vinyl. Yes, the right side above the rear window is crooked. Screw for some reason not grabbing. Must investigate when I pull it apart.

    1007 031823 Rear panel of headliner fitted.jpg

    1009 031823 Rear panel of headliner fitted.jpg
    Jrs50 and brEad like this.
  26. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Good weather most of the week so busy on Spring yardwork. Got a few pieces covered with vinyl this morning. Here is a sneak peak at what it will look like.

    1010 032324 A peek at what headliner will look like.jpg
    Jrs50 and brEad like this.
  27. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got eight more pieces covered with vinyl yesterday. Hope to get the remaining 5 done today.
    1011 032524 Eight pieces covered in vinyl - 5 to go.jpg
    Jrs50, brEad and SS327 like this.
  28. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Taking longer than expected to install headliner. Did not allow enough gap for 2 thicknesses of vinyl. Have had to peel back, trim, and reglue to fit. I'm also getting ahead of myself. Need to reinstall the left rear quarter window glass before I go further so I don't have to take things apart again. Phineas the Perfectionist is not proud of how it looks. I have to keep reminding him that it is a 94 year old truck and not meant to be a show car.
    1013 032824 Headliner Coming Along - Pass Side Rear.jpg

    1012 032824 Headliner Coming Along - Drivers Side Rear.jpg
  29. rgclouse
    Joined: Apr 30, 2014
    Posts: 363


    Got all of the headliner panels covered and installed. Need to do the windlace on the top of the doors, reinstall the rearview mirror, redo the one trim piece above the driver's side quarter window, and reinstall the seats and that project will be complete.

    1014 033124 Last panel of headline installed.jpg

    Above pic was shot thru the quarter window.

    1015 033124 Last panel of headline installed.jpg
    Outback, Jrs50, Ryan and 2 others like this.
  30. Looking good! Great progress!
    Jrs50 likes this.

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