Who’s got the coolest one ? I don’t really want to build several but I need the radius variable. and because of what’s being made I need the end open to slide the parts in and out of the end. I’ve got a slip roll but doing them in there a PITA. Too many flips , adjustments generally to much time and too much dickering around. But it opens this is a pipe anvil, You certainly could hammer on it but it’s more of a manual slip roll. Push/pull the metal over a radius.
I've often wondered about building one with an open end and my thoughts have been as follows.... 1. Build one end with the pipes connected to a heavy piece of plate to prevent flexing. 2. Actually drill that plate so the tubes go all the way thru the plate as to get a solid weld around the complete circumference of the different pipes. 3. Maybe throwing in some rebar inside the tubes and filling with concrete to further stiffen the pipe to keep from flexing with the unsupported open end... That's as far as I got, one downside is it would be heavy BUT I think it would work rather well. Also thought about building a standard 3 pipe version, mount the outside pipes lower on the main tube and then mount the pipes on a spinning stand so I can roll which ever tube I want to use up and make it more accessible. Add a pin into the end so once I roll which ever tube I want to use up I can pin it in that position and start prying my metal around it.... Plan on building one, just don't know which version I want to build... ..
I have a 2' section of railroad track I cut and ground to make a horn, ground the center down to make a flat spot on. It's clamped to a stump with 6 penny nails. Does that count?
Here's mine. Hinged at the wall to fold away. Rotates for position. End cap/support unbolts to slide in/out panels. Pipe sizes are 5", 3.5", and 2". It's really handy... I've made a bunch of parts with it. Now I want one with bigger pipe!
I thought that was my photo. that is a "Winfield bender" that Gene had the guys in Post Falls make for a class a few years ago. they also had a smaller one
It is from a post of yours. Seems a “pipe anvil” is a bit of a mystery. I grabbed the first and best picture I could find to give a visual. Maybe there’s another name they go by?
It was one of the things that Gene had the guys hosting the class make before the class. He was the one who called it a Winfield bender. Simple and not real spendy tool to shape metal with. They had a whole batch of handmade tools for shaping metal. https://photobucket.com/u/mr48chev/a/0bdcfd5e-b581-4f01-9f5b-4b0c66dd2899
I just recently heard of one. It would be a nice tool to have. I do have a big steel sawhorse and a couple pieces of pipe along with a wooden mallet, I used those to fab up this air cleaner. And it was round when all finished Lol. You can do a lot with a piece of pipe.
Almost ashamed to show it, nothing to brag about on the internet. I have a very small 12'x22' garage that is simply big enough to store tools in, I work under the cover of the carport attached to the garage. So I made mine 36" small and it mounts in the bench vice. I really should clean & paint it ..... I needed it for a particular project, I used it and it worked fine ... I've used it a few times since then and it just leans against the wall til next time. I would definitely build another or just replace it if I did not have this one.
@lostone instead of all the concrete and rebar why not just put slots in the ends of the tubes and use a removable section of rod or all thread that clamps them together. A washer in between each pipe for spacing. Slide it in tighten up a few nuts then loosen and remove to slide off your workpiece.
Found this in a quick search, building one has been on my list of things to do for a while... https://m.roadkillcustoms.com/tools-that-dont-suck-homemade-pipe-anvil/
@studebakerjoe that's a good idea! Never thought of that one and easy enough to do. That's why I like bouncing ideas around whenever I get serious about building something... ...
I use mine like Los_Control, just clamped in the big vise. I spaced the tubes with washers and used nut serts on one end to give me an open end if I need to slide a shaped piece off without distorting it.