I might pick these up, Question what centers are supposed to go with them. What’s available that works ? thanks
If you visit the Radir website, they show cones, center caps, and center caps with spinners. Some people also go without any. You'll find a variety of photos, and maybe from that you will develop a preference. Hope that helps. Gotta56forme/Scott
Rocket? I'm not sure. Perhaps knowing the wheel hole diameter vs the Rocket caps will help you. You can buy just center caps, etc off the Radir site, I believe, if that helps. I don't own a set of Radirs just yet, but they have long been a favorite wheel of mine that I am planning on using on a project that is currently backburnered. IIRC, the original Rader/Mickey Thompsons were sold under those brands and perhaps even sold under other brands in the 60's. If you do a search, I started a thread about the Rader/Radir/MT's a few years back that has alot of contributions by people who have opinions & experiences of the wheels back in the day. Something I learned from the thread is the early designs were not well regarded by some for their strength due to their riveted construction. Some people were warned away from the wheel, it sounds like in the early days, because of that.
I've always been kinda' partial to the no center cap look on the Radir's... But then again, I'm kinda' weird. Radir still sell's spinner's, bullet style, and the standard flat faced style with the Radir logo, just not quite sure if they will fit the old wheel's. I know... absolutely no help at all.
I had a pair of Mickey Thompson 's but only one cap. It was heavy and chromed Die cast, with M/T in the center. Never found another like it. I would expect some generic units would fit.
I had push-through bullet center caps on mine, I bought the caps new but the wheels were the same age as yours. I just measured the diameter of the opening and bought the corresponding diameter bullet center cap.
Mickey Thompson had many choices for center caps. They pop up on here and on ebay every so often. I sold off most of my collection a few years ago. I think I still have bullets but only a pair. I still have these NOS caps
I did the measure the hole and but the right sized bullets (from Mooneyes I think?) for my Mysterion wheels as mentioned above. Work fine.