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Projects 1932 5w Coupe project continue

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by AULIZ, May 28, 2016.

  1. dirt car
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,397

    dirt car
    from nebraska

    We here in Nebraska had a mild winter until January then the snow & frigid winter hit with vengeance, glad to have the heated garage to work on my rough 32 however, having a return of temps in the 50's this month so the snow has mostly dissipated & getting some reprieve from the heating bills. Ron
    chryslerfan55, Stogy and Dick Stevens like this.
  2. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Our winter is long, but that´s good time to built Harleys, Hot Rods, American Cars... Snow and minus decrees (celcius) from begining of December to end of March. I have in my garage 100mm urethane insulating in walls and 600mm blow-in-wool in top. 100mm insulation under building continue 1,5meter far from garage all directions.
    Cable on floor (155meter - 4kw). Keeps floor warm and not leak down or side.....
    Electric is not so expensive. 10cent (euro) /hour. My 100y old house + 14y old garage = total 170 squaremeter.
    Electric heating + fireplace on living room. I have sauna warm 4-5 times every week (1,5hours 6kw).
    Electric all year approx. 2500euro (2700usd). and of course I spend 4-7hours daily in garage. 3phase machines,.....

    Somebody smoke or drink very much money or travel many times during year to Spain, Thailand, Greese.....
    That is expensive!

    chryslerfan55, Outback, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  3. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Drv side: door ready, A-pillar ready, B-pillar ready. C-pillar need to grind and hammer straight.
    Quarter window frame bottom need to cut slice off and weld back.

    A-pillar factory gas weldings come out after I warmed lead off.
    What is this welding they used when they put together 5w coupe top (8pieces)?
    Looks like battering ?

    Last weekend I grinded customers 1959 390cid caddy heads. Also bored from std to 020 oversize.
    Today my friend was hone cylinders right dimension. I bored cylinders 2/100 mm undersize and he has honed that 2/100mm. Last month I ordered pistons, rings, bearings, lifters,... from Kanter. They are still open.... old company. rod-coupe467.jpg rod-coupe468.jpg rod-coupe469.jpg rod-coupe470.jpg rod-coupe471.jpg rod-coupe472.jpg rod-coupe473.jpg rod-coupe474.jpg caddy-6.jpg

  4. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    It was Christmas today. I was help my friend to get Mustang 1968 ProMod from Oklahoma to here Seinäjoki city Finland. He promised that I have free shipping, if I need something from US. Not big needs, but something... Seacontaier arrived today, my friend bring my stuff "door to door".

    - New stuff to my 1955 cameo
    - Magnaharger from ebay. (looks very good. maybe not used, only bolted on). Nice size and outlook for flathead use
    - two gauge panel from HamB. Thanks!
    - batterybox with brake maincylinder from HamB. Thanks!

    Today only grinded some weldings and narrowed quarter window bottom size. When top is chopped, thickness of window frame is so much different in upper part and body part. I cut 3mm slice and weld together.

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  5. dirt car
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
    Posts: 1,397

    dirt car
    from nebraska

    Auliz, I believe the factory welds on the 32 ford roof bodies you mentioned was commonly referred to as resistance welds, I believe a full description with process factory photos were posted here on the hamb or the Ford Barn some time ago. An interesting observation on the 32 sedans is they were completed the full vertical height of the rear quarter panels on the left & right sides adjacent to the rear window opening with little or no warpage, perhaps some hammer & dolly work but apparently little or no leaded seams.
    29EHV8, chryslerfan55 and Stogy like this.
  6. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You for Your comments, info.
    Yes, lead only little. More lead A-pillars which has been gas welded.

    Saturday I sold one 1932 roadster project to Sweden. Thanks NH.

    Started to install woods. I want to see that all fit...
    I bought all wood kit 6-7y ago. One wood set B-20068 is mystery for me?!

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  7. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,929

    from Minn. uSA

    Hey, AULIZ:
    Thanks for posting the detail-build pics.
    Outback and Stogy like this.
  8. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    rod-coupe510.jpg rod-coupe511.jpg Thanks.
    it takes few second to shoot pics.... somebody don´t like many pics.... I like.

    Wednesday weldings.
    Little more hammering before start to weld door garnish


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  9. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,607


    Always impressed!
  10. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,432


    Auliz do you tack with MIG then finish weld with TIG or do you use TIG for all your welding?
  11. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
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    Dick Stevens

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  12. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Normally all TIG welded, but when need "three hand" I tack with mig.
    TIG welding is smooth, not crack when hammering...
    chryslerfan55 and ct1932ford like this.
  13. SilverJimmy
    Joined: Dec 2, 2008
    Posts: 596


    On your tacking before welding choices. I hope I’m clear with what I’m asking. If you were to tack two pieces together with MIG and then did the actual welding with TIG, would the MIG tacks become more like a TIG welded joint if while you were welding the joint you washed the tack with your TIG weld puddle? Would that then change the tack into a TIG welded joint? Give the joint the soft metal joint that is the benefit of being a TIG instead of MIG welded joint? Like I said, I hope I’m being clear in my question, wanting to learn from someone who I consider one of the BEST on the HAMB! Thanks for all you share, please, MORE!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  14. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Sorry my english.... now I understand what You mean.
    I use MIG only when not easy to get all parts on their place with one hand (Another had I have welding burner.
    Like that right side rear corner. There I used MIG only when installed those installation plates.

    We know that MIG welding is harder both side of welding. Cracks very easily if You hammer sheet metal after grinded both sides. Gas welding or Tig leaves welding and both side of welding smooth.
    If weld frame or something You dont need hammer, shrink, strecth... MIG is good and easy.
    30-35y ago when I was working in paperindustry, steel factories, Mining, sawmill we used only ARC welding machines.

    TIG: I use 2mm welding wire and 1.2mm mig welging wire. 1.2mm wire I cut 50-80cm long pieces from end of mig welding roll. In industry they use those over 1mm welding wires (welding robots...) and my friends are leave me those "roll ends". They change new roll before long weldings. For tig I have also welging wire for Staingless steel (2mm) and cast iron (Ferronickel 2.4mm). TIG is best if You weld cast iron (cold welding). No preheating, not need stretch welding,....

    chryslerfan55 and SilverJimmy like this.
  15. Amazing pics of amazing work!
    The pics really help me to comprehend the amount of work involved.
    Thank you for sharing your talent.
    The 39 guy likes this.
  16. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You. Not show quality, only real hot rod driving -quality.
    Today pass.side door garnish.

    Today bought 5kg tig welding wire. 2.0mm size.
    Tomorrow, Saturday, after morning sporting in gym need to weld door. After that pass.side A-pillar.

    Year 1995 I was fall down 9meters (27feet) in steel factory. Need to sport 3times week or have pain (back, legs,....)

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  17. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Saturday Oskar welded in "Aulis welding school" his quitar rack. Iwas made all parts ready.
    Today I welded pass.door ready.
    Also added 16mm to panel above door.

    Tomorrow need to finish A-pillar.


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    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  18. It is good that you teach Oskar welding, as well as other work. It will make him proud of himself, as well as you being proud of him. I enjoy seeing your work as it shows what is really involved in doing the job correctly. It is not just chop and weld. You put a lot of thought in your work, and it shows.
    The 39 guy likes this.
  19. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You very much.

    Oskar asked if I teach him. He is in 7th grade in basic school. They have handcraft lessons. He was in wood handcraft couse and next is metal works. They weld etc. When I was his age we also use lathe, furnace....

    Today made A-pillar ready and started to straight windshield frame. Chopped same +90mm than top and try to heat frame to right shape. Continue tomorrow morning.---


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  20. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    windshield frame finally ready.

    aulis rod-coupe525.jpg rod-coupe526.jpg rod-coupe527.jpg rod-coupe528.jpg
  21. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
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  22. 29Sleeper
    Joined: Oct 25, 2023
    Posts: 330

    from SoCal

    3 seasons - June, July & Car Building.
    chryslerfan55 and Outback like this.
  23. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Winter is very long, but then You can built cars, engines.... enjoy in garage.
    Driving 6months, building 6 months = Very good balance.

    If had warm all the time = its so easy to push building foward,... "i do it next week,...."
    Dick Stevens, Outback and The 39 guy like this.
  24. Auliz, your coupe build is like a Jig-saw puzzle with some missing pieces. You make the pieces needed to finish the puzzle. We have an expression here "You make a silk purse out of a sows ear.".
    chryslerfan55 and Outback like this.
  25. meeksie
    Joined: Aug 28, 2009
    Posts: 36

    from Australia

    I'm trying to figure out whether I like your bootlid, dashboard or roof chop the most.
    Thanks for putting in the time and effort to show us all your amazing work, greatly appreciated.
  26. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Thank You. Roof chop looks very good. I liked 10-15 y ago my 5w coupe (grey). That car top was cut in USA. I bought it from Tennesee, Mr. Genes Hot Rod shop (Gene McKinney ?) arranged project to Finland. Top was cut but not welded. I must do that height top because pillar pieces were not follow car. I havent then any machines like beadroller machine, english wheel, pullmax.... Only hand use china beadroller machine (Harbour freight tools) and Lowbuck tools (Norco CA) shrinker and strecher. I had more passion than skills.... OK, not so much skills now a days, but passion is maybe same level....

    Today i have only made few drilling, open threads, finished windshield frame and fixed garage.
    Sill need to weld many things and test fit. Today one man visit here. He promised to blow with sand this 5w coupe fuel tank and my 55 cameo wheels.

    My goal is get all welded before spring and my coffee shop opening. During spring (April, May) I want to spray epoxy primer over body parts. Frame changes need to do too. I straight front crossmember 1". I straight it only from that area where spring is mounted. I want to use original engine mountings front side of engine.
    Rear crossmember need to cut and straight.... Im gonna make one piece hood top. Hole for carburetors and bending from radiator shell to cowl. Topcenter I made 2mm Aluminum. Bending around it. Topcenter and one piece hood top will be mounted using old aircraft dzuz fasterns.

    After summer I start to make car ready. this time next year it will be ready for driving.
  27. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Nothing special with coupe. Just finished windshield frame. Drill and make new threads.
    Tom Cirello fixed my Harman Collins magneto. He magnetize it and send back from sunny California to Finland.

    Couple of days I have worked wit 390cid caddy engine. I want make engine ready before end of next week.
    Heads are grinded, chambers blasted with glass. Block is bored and honed, crank is polished. I started valve seat grinding and washing parts. Yes, those extra engine buildings and sheetmetal jobs are bring in my hot rod building money.


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  28. AULIZ
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,617


    Today I fired my P-51 italmeccanica supercharged roadster. Than sound and smell.....
    Two pics more.

    I have good videos, but no skills to add here.


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  29. Dick Stevens
    Joined: Aug 7, 2012
    Posts: 3,935

    Dick Stevens

  30. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,432


    Do you have an engine machine shop in North Finland who are happy to do early American engines?
    Cleaned and machined engine blocks are a thing of beauty.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.

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