Is anybody headed to Tulsa this weekend for the Darrell Starbird car show? I didn’t notice a thread about it here already. I hope to make it over there Saturday morning.
Not this time, but we did stop at his museum as a side trip on our Route 66 tour. Quite the place and worth a trip.
Well, I went and was not particularly impressed. The few I’ll post here were literally the only cars worth taking pictures of. Most of the vehicles were something you might see it a local cruise night, certainly not show quality. The Model A coupe was exquisite.
Man the Orange Hauler and Predicta STILL LOOK SHARP! Love Predicta in red, used to seeing it blue. I'll admit, some skinny pinners and chromies would take the Orange Hauler back to '66, but those Cragars work!
You took pics of pretty much the same cars I did. We obviously have the same good taste. Sorry I missed you today.
We saw his signs on the toll road in the fall of 2021 so we got off and got directions and finally found his place only to discover he was closed on Tuesday's Wish I would of known that or had been traveling by on a different day. Would love to see his collection. Dave
Hey Dave, That museum is now closed but they moved the collection to the Speedway museum in Nebraska if I remember right. So, that is a little closer to you and has even more to see. So, you still have opportunity. Jeff
Great pics !!! Thanks for posting them. Really cool that HAMBer Cody Walls won with his gold E Job 49 Buick
The original Predicta is still blue, this is a just finished and debuted at the show clone of the "Monogram" version. Nicely finished I thought. I would agree with other posters....haven't been to this show in 10 years or so until Jack Walker invited me to bring the Chevy (NOT Watson's original Grapevine, despite how they promoted and tagged it...even after I stated SEVERAL times clearly that this is a tribute car, not even a direct clone never mind not the original) and was surprised to see the lack of customs and nice rods. I remember there being way more 10 years ago. Oh well, judging by the crowds they filled it with the cars people wanted to see.
I can say I was disappointed with the show in how it seems it is more aimed at the general public than car people (but it is obvious the motivation is to attract that group and bring in money). I would enjoy it much more without half the cars there or the “sculptures” blowing flames etc. as part of the show. All that is just distraction and part of the circus in my opinion. But, I also do very few car shows for those reasons too…. Not every show can be the SK500 or Gathering at the Roc in Oklahoma.
I told Michelle the very thing. She will occasionally ask why we keep going to the same shows....because they are the ones that have the cars I want to see without wading through 1000 others. Although it did re-ignite her fondness for 32-34 sedans and C-3 Corvettes so all was not lost. LOL
Thanks for the info. We have been to the Speedway Museum twice now. Lil Coffin was there last time. Might be a few years before next time. Dave
Darryl used to have his own museum, but as stated above, it's closed and the contents have been transferred to the Speedway museum in Nebraska.