Murpho's Publishing was publisher of Ol' Skool Rodz & Car Kulture DeLuxe magazines - filed Chaper 7 Bankruptcy. no resolve at this time for subscribers, vendors, etc. I received a copy of this document in mail from Bankruptcy Court since I was a subscriber. Never received any information directly from publisher.
...I got the same thing today,...maybe get something back on subs later on, said they'd send more info later.
I've stated before, these are some SAD times in publishing. Hot Rod going quarterly, the Speed & Kulture book a no show, Rodders Journal and Hop Up in limbo....'14 and '19 the death of some classic magazines. I too, hold and scroll the phone for auto/ rodding updates BUT the periodicals always had a special place in my heart.
I was wondering about the Speed and Kulture book the other day. I didn't read Ol' Skool Rodz or Car Culture Deluxe.
I talked with Trent around the holidays. He said he is still working on the book but will issue refunds if I wanted that. I decided to wait. I have always liked his work. Just bought the first Rod and Style little pages and I like it a lot. Have always liked Chuck Stanfill’s work too. So I guess I am a print junkie and accept the fact that feeding my addiction may be slow and costly these days. I really can’t join the trash MURPHO’S movement because he made an admirable effort and never tried to sell us on anything more than hope. They were great magazines. I do think most guys are sincere when they start or assume ownership of of these magazines. But then, there was John Diana .
^^ they are still taking pre-orders for their book now. so is Cheater Slick Culture for theirs. still waiting for the new Hot Rod magazine. Latest magazine out is from Rod and Style.
There seems to be more traditional historical information in these mags coming out. So I am looking forward to them.
New Cheater Slick Illustrated - Volume 1 / Spring 2024 issue available online now. pic of back cover since front cover does have an OT drag car on it --
got my fisrt quarterly Hot Rod Spring issue today, not much HAMB friendly but there was this Scott Sullivan 54... and a vintage rail article.
Bought the New CHEATER SLICK Culture pocket book in hopes it might pick up where Hot Rod Deluxe dropped off. Slick paper and color but 16 pages of a Nova funny car and 10 of a 34 Ford coupe were a bit much. Needs a few more cars like these two to justify the $10. My opinion.
It's a sinister plot to foster only approved content in cyber venues. We are the enemy, the pariah, the sin, the stain, the scarlet letter of the automotive world. Some ecomaniac wants to rid the world of us car guys completely because what comes next is censoring and shell games. You know, like that song: