I found this for $250. Is 36" wide enough for floor pan work. Howe about work in general. I assume bigger is better but this looks to be a pretty good deal and it's 3 tools in one.... Worth a crap?? EDIT: I noticed in Titus' post about saving a 32, his floor pan was in smaller sections....
If that's the same as the chinese harbor freight one it's not very good. If it's an older USA made version it might be better then the one we had. We ordered one for our shop from the Navy Stock System. It lasted about 6 months and then it joined Davey Jones Locker. The slip roll and break work okay, the shear barely cut paper. It might get you by though, just don't cut sheet metal heavier then it's rated for.
Hey, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!! These things usually are breathin' hard workin 20 gage. They have a nasty habit of breakin frames and folding, not shearing sheet material. You can bend 90 & 45 degree flanges in sheet with a piece of angle iron clamped to your bench. Fuck the Chinese! Swankey Devils C.C.
i emailed the fella to see who and where it is made....haven't heard yet... yeah, if it's over-seas i don't want any part of it.....it just had that old american made look to it.......
The ones Harbor Chink sell are garbage. I know first hand. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=132926