Has anyone run a fenderless 32 with the rear frame horn covers still on it? I started looking but could not find any pictures. Wondering if it would look smoother or just stupid. If you have a picture post it up.
I don't have any photos but I tried them on my roadster. I didn't like the look. It was cleaner without them. They just kind of hung down and looked out of place since there wasn't a fender to attach to.
I just took mine off as they, in my opinion, look a little bulky, and will fill up with dirt from the tyres flicking stuff up. I am still on the fence as to whether they should be on or off and I think the main determinator is how and where you position the tail lights, and what type they are. I considered mounting the lights shown, on top of the frame horn covers with separate stands. Although what I really wanted was ‘50 Pontiac tail lights in the rear panel, but they would catch on the rumble seat lid.
I did it on a high end OT highboy. We did quite a bit of trimming and fitting to get them to look good.
Do you recall that little mod on hiboys ( maybe fiberglass) years back where a corner extender was added on, I can't find any photos but I recall that it sort of rolled over the frame horn, filling that empty space. Probably a "streerod" thing!
Other options to fill the gap…….. I know that you didn’t ask, but others may be interested ! (Will delete if you want).
@DDDenny , is this what you mentioned above? I've wondered how these would look: https://www.speedwaymotors.com/1932...cf7Qez5uFZcXldQqQ2lssuOMyYSsEXvgaAoPQEALw_wcB