I went to the Lone Star Roundup for the first time ever this weekend, and was blown away by the swap meet. Walk in the door and first thing I see is a pristine 32 chassis for reasonable money. Second booth in and I find a winged SW water temp for $25. Back down the other direction a guy had a set of NOS 40 fenders! I’ve never seen such a thing in my life! Met and chatted with some nice guys, and also got a great BBQ recommendation (we were sent to Black’s in Lockhart, thanks Willie!). Not many swaps where you also get culinary critiques. Best BBQ I’ve ever eaten!
Went to a small swap meet at a car show a couple of weeks ago. Was mostly 60’s cars stuff or drag car parts. Nothing I couldn’t live without. That’s about the only ones I get to go to. I’m not driving 200-300 miles just to come home empty.
Franklin, IN swap meet May 17-18 at the Fairgrounds. Lots of good stuff. I'll be there in space 72 stop by and say hello. 50 Ford , 33 Dodge, alot of SB pullys and much more. Then don't forget the following weekend the big one in Springfield, Ohio.
I've been to 4 swap meets in the past few weeks. I got some great stuff at the first one that I had low expectations of since it was the first one at that location, so that was a nice surprise. The 2nd one was a dud and total waste of fuel, with about 20 vendors selling absolute junk. This past weekend I spent 4 hours at New Braunfels Swap Meet on Friday, and made several passes through the Lone Star Round Up swap on Friday & Saturday, and I didn't buy a s single thing. I'm contemplating heading up to Pate Swap Meet next weekend.
The Future Starts May 4th ... Swap meets are dwindling for several reasons the primary one being a hosting venue that will be able to ensure an event year after year after year ... Join me - either in person or on social media for live coverage of " Swap-O-Rama " on May 4th, 2024 in McFarland, CA just outside Bakersfield .... Well over 100 vendor spaces have been sold - the event is being organized by our very own Jim Holguin .... Spaces available up until the day of the event @ https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/famoso-drag-strip-swap-o-rama-may-4th-2024.1308448/ The Hobby needs your support for automotive swap meets to continue for the next generation ! Jim
Bob, you have been saying that for years. If I can drive 7 hours to get there from Pennsylvania, you can drive 3 1/2 hours from your house.. After saying this I will not be at Fitchburg again, I am 83 years old, and my wife is 75 year old, and neither of us is in good health, that, and the northeast traffic, make going there more than we can handle nowadays. Bob, how many years have we known each other starting at the Ridgefield, Connecticut swap meet many years ago.
I'm going to say 1967, a high school friend and I went 50-50 on a 1930 Model A Cabriolet for $50.00. He needed the rear axle, I got the rest of the car, and parted it out. I swapped six 19 inch wire wheels to you for two orange 1926-27 T Roadster doors off an old drag car. Those doors went with the front half of a 26-27 Touring that eventually became the flathead powered Bo Jones clone Art Johnson built. All the cars and parts but mostly the people are what make for great memories. Bob
Yep! Canfield, Ohio this weekend. We have had the same spots for a long time. The swap meet scene has changed. We see more people walking by with weed whackers, type writers, and so on. No body wants to get up early so they can get the best deals. Ok, I'm done venting.
Looks like there may be light rain on Friday but clear on Saturday so I'll load up and tarp Rusty the night before and all should be good. Can't wait.
Difficult to pass a swap meet regardless of the vendor count if within reasonable distance, at any given time a barn or garage might be vacated or an estate dispersed..
New Braunfels Swap Meet wasn’t too bad, Conroe has turned into a flea Market won’t be going to that one anymore. The LSRU was decent, a lot of pre 1960 parts. Pate continues to be the premier Swap Meet in Texas. You never know what you will find, I have done very well at Pate.
I went to the Portland swap for the first time in about 40 yrs. came home with a few things and cant wait for next month!
I have been a vendor at Charlotte Auto Fair for over 30 years & will probably give it up after this year. I have been moved 4 times because of Speedway projects. Last year they closed the Blue Field & moved me to the Orange Field (where I started 30+ yrs ago), recently received info for Fall Meet, now called "Auto Fest", & no longer spaces inside the speedway. All are outside in the Green Field, no asphalt & plenty of mud if it rains. Think I'll pass & wait & see what's offered for Spring 2025. I have been attached to a walker for the last 3 weeks with a blown out right knee & surgery is 2 weeks away, Doc said it wouldn't last forever. I've had 4 surgeries since last June! Guess I've exceeded my life expectancy at 82! Walking through swap meets is out of the question!
Just finished the weekend at Canfield. It seems the economy is hurting everybody. Talked to several vendors. Many are frustrated that there is not a lot of action. We have seen the slow transition from automotive swap meet to a flea market. It's still a good time to socialize with old friends, just like we used to do at the old rod runs.
Add: Canfield was good on attendance. Very few carrying vintage car parts. People had no problem laying down $100 for China garage art signs. Could not give away SBC, BBC, so I zigged when they zagged... lowered price, unloaded BBC was 2pc away from total sell out. I kept lowering till I got their money. Many venders said they would not bring back sbc, bbc. Truck parts were moving, 83-99 thou.... not my style.
By this time on a Saturday morning, I'm up early at the Lawrence Ks. Swap meet which is one of my favorites for the past 40+years, usually arrive by noon on Friday which is set up day, but only on rare occasions do I vend. The weather forecast was mostly rain so sat this one out knowing full well those that attend will rub it in & tell me the clouds parted & the weather was great. A 200-mile jaunt is a bit much not knowing about the weather outcome.
Did Lawrence yesterday, they shuffled the field around some but still a good year. Only down side was the grid lock on the interstate coming home. Think I may have been able to walk home faster.
Seems like a lot of swap meet/car shows held together and swap meet spaces getting expensive. By the time you pay swap meet spot and gas and food, drinks you invested $150 already. And the public paying parking and entry their already invested $20 before they even walk the swap meet. I sure do miss the Sacramento under the freeway swap meet. I waited years to get a spot at Turlock and finally got openings but $80. I would be in the hole $200 to start out so I had to pass on selling but I did attend and bought some stuff. Turlock is definitely a must for buyers.
Lawrence Ks. meet I believe is $40 for 2-1/2 days, I have taken a few small items & bigger items as well & offered to pay half the vendor fee to anyone already set up as I seldom ever stay on Sunday, have never been refused, usually alternate stepping away to look, works well for both of us at half the cost.