After viewing your current offerings.... I'll accept an I.O.U. for something GOOD! Got any Grape NEHI?
Holy carp @down-the-road You are a veritable encyclopedia of beer! Signs of a mis-spent youth perhaps?
@ramblin dan Hello, As we were growing up, we had gone through plenty of cub scout stuff. but, the age limit was approaching for entry into the Boy Scout era. We were accepted into the world of BSA youth. The kids in our Cub Scout Troop all got to the same level and for our next level activity, we were asked if we wanted to camp out for a week at the first 1953 Boy Scouts Jamboree on the West Coast. It was located in Newport Beach, inland of PCH, high on a barren hilltop area. The view from the top of the hill was pure Pacific Ocean Coastline from Palos Verdes Peninsula in the North, all the way South to San Diego coastline. When you turned around, the view was the mountains from the far West as you can see all the way to the East, towards Nevada/Arizona. It was barren country nearby and no housing could be seen for miles. Where was it located? Since it was a historic event, the city/county government named the road that was plowed through and next to the site was called Jamboree Road. Jnaki Today, Jamboree Road is a long 17+mile highway leading from Balboa Island Bay waters, inland to end at the giant, Irvine Regional Park entrance and Irvine Lake. The development and road, all stemmed from the early BSA Jamboree held on a hillside in a then empty Newport Beach area near the ocean. This is the best description of the whole event… My small group from the Westside of Long Beach in their full regalia. July 1953 Newport Beach BSA Jamboree Luckily, the area was walkable and our Long Beach parents drove to the site, parked and walked up hill to the center site on the last day. Our parents were in their late 30s and it was a good thing. The walk from the parking area was noted as a "killer uphill" battle, plus it was July 1953 in the middle of a So Cal heat wave. Yikes ! The afternoon relief was a daily occurrance with the cool, salty, ocean breezes blowing towards the hill top area and beyond. The Newport/Balboa Bay was just across PCH from the huge camping site. Boy Scout Jamboree 1953 Sherman Gardens Collection Today, it is a series of houses, office buildings and a myriad of crazy roads as far as the eye can see. Today, the site is hardly a green grass or at least a barren area... It is packed full of commercial buildings as the Newport Fashion Island Center or Business Park. Resort hotels, residential homes, condos, apartments and a myriad of small business line the area with their stores. in the background, today…
I got a personal PeePee slapping from the "Pin up gal with cars police" about a month ago. I quit posting on this thread and started posting here: (55) vintage pics of women & cars | Page 42 | For C Bodies Only Classic Mopar Forum
My grandmother had this exact same year and model of this car for sale but wouldn't sell it to me because she knew I would do this to it.
You guys must have a metabolism problem, never had a headache from Budweiser and I drank my share. Can't say I didn't have a few bad mornings though if I drank to much the night before, but that was true with any alcoholic beverage .
I’m not a hard liquor drinker so I’ve drank more beer than many and in my youth went from Coors to Bud. Then at middle age I could no longer drink it without getting sick. Moved on to MGD, then to PBR, now to local 805 and Stella. I read somewhere it actually takes a week to get a single beer out of your for system so by my calculations the next one will be gone out of my system in 2027…..yeah I’ve a few brews in my day.