Sorry for my off-topic question! But I´m going to Paris for a few days, and would like to know if there is any cool "low-brow" galleries, shops or rock'n'roll cafeés that I shouldnt miss when I´m there? BR Mikael
I stayed there for a month 2 years ago. One of the coolest galleries was the Salvador Dali museum. Its over by sacre coeur. By far (in my mind) the coolest thing i saw. The catacomes are cool. Irish pub by the bastille across from the opra house is good. The Rock and roll cafe is ok. Its by the red light district, which is interesting at night. Musée des Arts et Métiers is a museum of inventions. And of course the monuments are cool. At night therese always street performers with torches and such, but it might be getting cold around there so i dont know. And theres always the sewer tour. Get to go down in the working sewers. Theres tons to see. Just depends on what your into.
so the Louve and the Orsay and the eiffle tower arent cool enough? man theres more than cars out there! we spent 10 hours at the Louve and that was rushed.
You beat me to it! Man, just enjoy Paris for the history and culture you can see and experience there. It is a beautiful city! Travel to some of the small towns outside of the city and enjoy even more. The hospitality of the French people is amazing.
Thanks, I registered and created a thread! Damn my french is rusty! Been thinking about the Dali museum aswell, I visited the Dali museum in Figueres in Spain, thats the one Dali made himself! So could be cool to see this one to!! Didnt know they has catacombs there too, think they are a must see!! Hehe... I visited Melbourne last year, and actually my main goal there was the Hotrod show in march!! But there I got some connections to the Bendigo hotel and the "Outré" galleri, I would really like to visit something similar in Paris! I really dig this lowbrow art style!!
Ofcourse the Eiffel Tower, Louve and Orsay are mustsees, they are allready in my "schedule". It was just if there was any other places that are not as "tourist minded" that could be cool to visit aswell!
Don't forget Gaugin! A big chunk of his sculpture is in his old house, across the street from Hotel de Invalides (where Napoleon is buried)
Mikael, Dude, the Paris Motor Show is going on until Oct 15th! If you are a fan of Jim Morrison, check out his gravesite at Père-Lachaise. If you are a fan of "erotica" make sure to check out the Musee De L'Erotisme! And don't forget the Cabarets (striptease shows) at Crazy Horse Paris, Capricorne, Larry Flint's Hustler Club, Pink Paradise, and Stringfellows! While I was there I made sure to take public transportation and did what Europe is good at - good old fashioned WALKING! Although the walk up to Sacr'e Coeur was rough, I did stop for some fun along the way! Sorry, I am such a BAD girl. . . .! Enjoy it, it is a great place! Adieu! RedHdGrly
My everlasting memory of Paris is that when I stepped down out of my '66 VW bus, my first footstep was in dogshit. After that it went downhill. Watch your step.
Go see Versaille...Huge palace, gorgeous architecture and kilometres of gardens..if yah into that kinda thing... Some amazing art/architecture/culture. There next year to see hot french girl i'm friends with...cannot wait. =]
Thank you all for the help, I´m just packing my stuff now and getting ready to leave!! Cant wait to go there now!!! I have written down all the places, so hope I will get time to see most of them!!! Some of the galleries sounds really really cool!! See you soon!! BR Mikael
Put aside two days for the louvre and check sacre coeur? It's in the end of the underground internet ferarri video "seeing paris". Enjoy, I did!!!
your right on the two days, one day was such a rush. also you can eat cheap in the louve at the caf on the first floor. they have a salad area with cold meats that you could heap a plate up for a good feed if you have a big appetite, buy a couple of bread rolls and make baguettes to last you the day. OT I know but helping out a hamb'r.