I need a small cap SBC distributor due to firewall clearance. Currently using a Mallory.. are there any other options without cutting firewall? I wish I could use a stock points delco but do not have room. Help.
I see small cap Chevy V8 distributors advertised but haven't paid a hell of a lot of attention to them.
Witch Mallory ??? Msd 85701 for sbc/bbc is smallest round cap made , smaller round then Vertex Mag , unless you make your own , distributor top with cap witch requires cutting off above clamp welding & fabrication thinking outside the box,!!!!! There is a small 2 wire china knock off for $50ish The module that is in the blue circle can be cut off and relocated wherever you want by extending the wires, MSD $400 Just cap on right is cap for 85701 MSD View attachment 6051638
Great responses thank you all. It’s a unilite with a Petronix module. I’m thinking maybe the 55/56 Chevy distributor would work. Also wanting something with vacuum advance
Beware that 55 & 56 needs to be dropped in correctly or you’ll loose oil down the right oil galley for the lifters. Also the oil hole in the oil groove of distributor needs to plugged when used in later engines with full oil pressure to the lifter oiling galley’s. (See “Oil In” below right)
I have a Bubba converted Chevy distributor in my 8ba flathead. Don't like the looks of the window cap on the Chevy. A friend gave me a small cap Accell dual point that I thought about having converted. Then I looked into buying 2 new sets of points, a new condenser, and a cap and rotor plus the cost to modify. Now the look of the window cap no longer bothers me.
@Little AH PM sent a while back. That's the thing that looks like a letter at the top right of the page.