While reviewing my options for my cam for my latest 59ab. I was thinking there are two different ways to go about it, Regrind or New grind. I have ran a few regrind cams with no issue and same with the new, but you hear the new regular OHV motor cams having tons of issues on heat treat and going flat, so I know that really isn't much of an issue with the low spring pressure on Flattys. So that makes me wonder, what is everyone else's idea on regrind vs new? And list your personal experience so we can all learn a bit.
Have you confirmed there are new cams available and if you have, from whom? FWIW, with reground street OEM flathead cam and lifters, we've not seen any flattened lobes. jack vines
I am not opposed to a regrind, and for a lot of our oddball mills a regrind is your only option. Example: who on earth produces a hot rod cam for a Willys banger, or perhaps a @PackardV8 . Here is the rub, do you know or know of a cam grinder who is legit and can handle the job? Like with anything else to do with a car if you are getting something done it falls back on who is doing the job and can they produce a quality job for you. I voted new but for most of what I want to build these days I prefer an older cam profile and they are not easy to come by in a new cam. So if you do not find a new blue print of an old grind I suppose a regrind may be your best option.
Yes, we have a local cam grinder who has most of the old Iskenderian flathead profiles. Every time I'm in his shop, he's threatening to retire. Then, we're all up shite creek. No, old school cam grinders don't work from blueprints; their machines use hard masters. jack vines