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Off Topic Hot Rodding

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, May 6, 2024.

  1. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,435


    It's my darn avatar I shoulda looked closer...neat!!
    Sharpone and JohnLewis like this.
  2. JohnLewis
    Joined: Feb 19, 2023
    Posts: 530


    Lol, for as long as I've lurked here and been on here. Always see your comments and never noticed the avatar as a Nash.
    Stogy and Sharpone like this.
  3. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Could be the additional way of bringing in younger guys into the Traditional Hot Rod and Custom world like you mentioned we need to in your interview in 21 with Stoner.

    This is a way / side benefit that brings in new younger fellas.
  4. TA DAD
    Joined: Mar 2, 2014
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    TA DAD
    from NC

    I came on here in 2014 looking for info. on some parts. I had read this is a place for traditional Hot Rods, that sounds good. You know a traditional Hot Rod is "my car is faster than your car " and I built it.
    But as I was to discover that is not the only meaning so here I am 10 years later and I have learned a lot about the Traditional Hot Rod
    ( which I had never heard of ) as defined by the H.A.M.B .
    My point being that the OT thread for me has been great, it is nice to see where others have come from in their journey with the machine and for me to share a little of my life. And my life has been nothing but 4 spinning wheels for 64 years.
    I like the 35 years rolling cut off date as suggested by the Reverend , I appreciate what Ryan has built here and it is real simple, just follow the rules and share your knowledge. Someday all of us old guys will be no more and the only thing of value we can leave behind is our knowledge given to someone else.
    Stogy, ekimneirbo, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  5. If you want you get younger guys, a cutoff of 72 or 79 won’t help much
    Those are still high dollar rides.
    I looked at 4 first gen broncos at goodguys. The cheapest was probably 100k.
    Banning modern engines like LS amd new 5.0s won’t help either.
    the number of carburetors commpaired to injection was noticeably different at the 2 shows I attended yesterday.
    Large wheels being OT in an OT forums sounds self defeating.
    Walking around shows and seeing what driven or built by non grey beards yesterday. The vast majority of the rides driven by younger people would be OT in the OT forum with rules being suggested by members. Those rules would probably only attract a different group from the same age group here now.
    Just an observation from yesterday’s adventure.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
    A Boner, Texas57, CSPIDY and 7 others like this.
  6. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
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    from Berry, AL

    When I started my little board, this was pretty much what I had in mind. I figured some folks might want to have a place for what is OT to the HAMB, and it looks like I was right. Just wasn’t my place, but so what, doesn’t matter to me. Mark and I were talking about it, and I told him I don’t care if my little board gets over 100 members , as long as they were having fun that’s what’s important to me. I’ve said for ages there was a need for a spot like this for us Boomers, and the participation has proven me right. Keep it sensible guys, not too far off the wall, and maybe we can enjoy this a while. I know I’m sure enjoying living the past here.
    Deuces, firstinsteele and Sharpone like this.
  7. After years and years of keeping the HAMB on topic and closing threads and deleting pics for just the slightest offense against the rules and pissing off people who did not get it (which was ok for me), suddenly everything is possible from Pro-Street, S-10s, Porsches to Buggys.
    It's not the point that I do not have to look into that forum, for me the point is what was all the hassle for regarding the "Rules" and the "Gospel" and the talk about "There are enough other forums for you, you don't have to be on the HAMB?"?
    It's like going to a car show: of course I can pass by the cars that don't interest me but in the end I prefer to go to car shows and meetings where there are only "on-topic" cars (and people.)
    I guess I am too much of a purist but that's my opinion.
    The "unique selling proposition" of the HAMB gets lost.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  8. :(:(:(
    Deuces likes this.
  9. chicken
    Joined: Aug 15, 2004
    Posts: 552

    from Kansas

    I like it. Most of us have OT rides we enjoy and are maybe even proud of, and a good place to share and discuss them is very nice. Ryan and his moderators know how to run a good show...none better managed anywhere that I've seen...and will keep things under control. The main board will be what it should be- pure traditional rods- and will either still be the most visited or maybe the OT will. Who knows? But no matter...there will still be the HAMB for real traditional rods.
  10. RodStRace
    Joined: Dec 7, 2007
    Posts: 5,055


    @Surfcityrocker I kind of get your point, you appreciate the narrow focus.
    As a counterpoint, I'd suggest An Emo Phillips comedy bit about a guy who's about to jump off a bridge.
    41 GMC K-18, Deuces and Sharpone like this.
  11. Yup seems like current members just want a spot to post their off topic cars with no regard to trying to attract younger members.
    Sharpone and anthony myrick like this.
  12. I’m no marketing expert.
    But advice from folks that don’t like the target audience might to be worth listening too
    K13 likes this.
  13. silent rick
    Joined: Nov 7, 2002
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    silent rick

    and attitudes like that could drive away long members
    Surfcityrocker likes this.
  14. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Pretty much spot on.
    The main board has very specific rules that we moderate closely as “Traditional Hod Rod and Custom Cars and Trucks “ is the main theme for the HAMB.

    The “off topic, hot rodding” was added as the conversation that started about Dune Buggies.
    I’ve added to that post as I have other rides, and one in particular was what I considered a great story.

    The main board is dedicated to traditional hot rods and customs.

    That won’t change.

    I fail to see how the “off-topic hot rodding”takes anything away from the traditional hot rod customs main board.

    But, this is Ryan’s Web Site and we just go with the flow. Old cars is our thing and I have fun sharing the many I have / had.

    By the way, I’m in my middle 60s and yes I have posted on the off topic Hot Rodding post as I also own a late 60s and late 70s performance cars.

    But, my 1st car passion is traditional hot rod and custom cars prior to 1965.
  15. Maybe this isn't the time or place to ask, but here goes. Do Ryan and all of the moderators get together by way of Zoom or some other method like monthly or on some sort of regular basis to hash out details like the addition of this new forum? Just curious how you guys manage to stay on the same page. Thanks for continuing to do the great jobs you do. Oh and my thoughts, I think the off-topic thing is a viable way to bring more folks to the site. Is it too early to tell yet?
    41 GMC K-18, alanp561, Stogy and 5 others like this.
  16. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    No Zoom.

    Everything is Ryan’s decision and we just go with it.

    If Ryan asks our opinion, we have the opportunity to share it if he asks.

    When your core passion is the same, the foundation works.

    If a few changes come about, we handle and sometimes we collaborate behind the scenes to make sure we’re all on the same page and consistent.
  17. Well, I must say first I'm just a bit bemused by the range of posts from long-time members. I will say that if attracting younger guys and gals is the goal, extending the year cut-off into the late '80s (if not a bit further) will help with affordable cars. But the one thing that struck home more than anything else was this shows that try as you might, trying to put us into 'categories' proves that doesn't really work and that true hot rodding still exists. Faster/better can be applied to any vehicle, for more reasons than can be listed here. And while I LOVE 'traditionally styled' vehicles, I don't particularly love 'trad' technology... up to a point. So while drum brakes and flatheads will never be a feature of anything I build, neither will EFI, LS motors or automatic overdrives.

    Long live hot rodding!!! Or at least until gasoline disappears... LOL
  18. 1 month ago everybody and his brother would have been roasted for airing most of the opinions we read in this thread and it would have been closed. Now suddenly everything's fine....
    I'm with Anthony, no youngsters will be attracted by the new forum but existing members can show their OT cars.
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
    Deuces, RMR&C and anthony myrick like this.
  19. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    Maybe the new forum should be called Non traditional hot rods and customs
    CSPIDY, porkshop and lothiandon1940 like this.
  20. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    The boss opened the door and when I see an open door that is usually an invitation.
  21. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    What I don’t understand is why someone would click on a subject that they don’t care about and then feel the need to comment “ugly as shit” about someone’s prized possessions
  22. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    ^^^^^ Ditto Mark^^^^^

    As I said earlier in a post up the page,
    " I fail to see how the “Off-topic hot rodding” takes anything away from the Traditional Hot Rod and Customs main board."
  23. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 2,697


    People, huh? Can't live with 'em, and apparently it's frowned upon to kill 'em with a hammer.....o_O:rolleyes:
  24. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and not everyone is going to be happy but this I know, my generation is not going to live forever and frankly I haven't done enough to get younger fellas exposed to more of Traditional Hot Rods and Customs and Off topic Hot rodding could expose more to Traditional Hot Rodding.

    Have you ?

    The HAMB is to enjoy if you wish.....or not.
    Don't open the Off topic Hot Rodding post if you don't want to.
    That's ok if you don't. I respect that.

    Maybe the Off topic hot rodding will gather more interest.
    Or, could be deleted tomorrow, you never know, it's Ryan's web site.
    As a gear head - I'm just going with the flow and I enjoy all of it.

    You know the 78 Camaro Z28 I posted in Off topic Hot Rodding posts with Camaro's ?
    That is going to be Lil Cob's ( my son early 30's) this year when he comes to get it.
    He likes my old HAMB stuff, but I haven't offered to give him my old HAMB stuff yet.
    At least the Off topic hot rodding could get him really more involved with more old HAMB stuff.
    That would be fun and maybe he can get his buddies involved with old HAMB rides as well.

    It's Ryan's website who's first and foremost passion is Traditional Hot Rods and Customs, as is mine.

    To carry it on - we need to carry it on and some younger talent is out there that maybe will embrace the Traditional Hot Rod and Custom world.
  25. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,269


    Ditto ditto ditto and belittling someone’s car, project or what ever doesn’t make sense to me, a lot of cars aren’t to my liking So what. I say if the owner is happy great. OT but a car running around these parts, a Smart car painted red/orange and yellow like a lil tykes car with Lil Tyke painted on it, Not something I would do but the owners evidently like it, they’re smiling every time I see them driving it.
  26. I apologize for that, had a bad day and as you could see, I immediately deleted that comment.
    41 GMC K-18, jimmy six and Beanscoot like this.
  27. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    There is many time I write stuff that I want to say and some fellow HAMBers may feel exactly the way I do…buuuut I know it’s really the wrong way according to the rules to badmouth poor decisions or flat out incompetence……
    So I write it.. read it… and then delete without posting….I do feel better.
  28. choptop40
    Joined: Dec 23, 2009
    Posts: 5,541


    51 Chrysler chopped coupe on a stretched 1995 Impala SS platform.......lots of hotrod going on with that vision...
  29. Corncobcoupe:............all of your posts have been spot on. Thank you.
    Heck, maybe some day I'll get up enough nerve to post pics of my avatar I haven't been able to previously.
    The Bossman sure pleasantly surprised the heck out of me on this!!! Just freakin' awesome we can now ask OT questions of the most knowlegeable group on this planet.

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