I agree, but getting one is the first step! I'm told I have rock going on the encroachment today. I was up over the weekend prepping for fire season, upon us again. We have weed abatement for fire season.
Well, I bought something last night that is kinda premature, but these don't come up very often. I am building the wall between the shop and the house to look like an old storefront. I have my current shop this way and it dresses it up and makes people stop and stare. So, I have never seen one of these this size for sale, so I jumped on it. I bought 2 aluminum awnings off of a real store front for a $100. Going to pick them up today. They are about an hour and some change away, but I think it will be worth it. I'll paint these with an automotive type paint, once I decide on a color. I have a tendency to paint the building white and the accents in an olive green color. It always looks very vintage. One of the awnings is 10'6"long and the other is 6'6" long. I'll have pics after this weekend also, the forms are up for the foundation. Finally starting on the construction phase!
Kim is focused on the house part...I can't seem to get enthused about that. All I think about is the shop side.
A few update pics. Can’t see a lot here, but it’s all I have today. The hole pic is the piers. They are like 3’w and 3’ deep.
They start pouring at 6 am. My best guess is about 75 yards before porch. Another 18 for that....They will be close to 100 yards.
Everyone get your marbles ready . Chris is going to have the perfect place too shoot em lol. Happy for Y’all . Your going to have a very nice place to hang your hat
Thanks. I have been talking about doing this for 30 years. Long before Barndominium was ever a term. We call it “The Big Barn Theory” in our house.
Built this Rube Goldberg contraption to water. Just watering the concrete. It’s already over 90 here every day.
Did the concrete guy polish the surface? Some of the guy(s) running the power-trowels/floats are really good, when they get done, it almost looks like a mirror. Coating/Sealer adds the shine. Marcus... You're going to have 1 very nice shop there. .
I'm pretty bummed after days of watering, I have a giant crack the spans the whole width off the shop. It's just a hairline, but I am still bummed. They cut the concrete today, but it looks like it cracked overnight. Oh well....it was bound to happen. They did power trowel it. It looks pretty good.
When we poured n finished my brothers' gar, we put in little "T" strips, to promote any cracks there. Didn't completely help ;D . But it was 'way smaller than your shop. When some pros did the garage(s) at the bus-garage(s) I worked at, their stuff also cracked(both new whole floor pours, & smaller piecemeal fixes) - & was supposed to be to state-govt-code. It does crack, re-rod, metal-mesh, shredded-fiberglass-fishing-line, all helps, doesn't stop it. Only slows it down, & if the hard-packed-sand-bed is thoroughly wetted, that too only helps slow the curing. Have seen plastic sheeting laid down to slow cure-rate, kept wet under that, sometimes gets surface irregularities from the plastic. Cold & freezing temps are a problem here as well as too hot, too soon. Hairlines aren't so bad, surface-shifting-level sucks. Maybe your concrete guys know why? I feel for you. ;( . Hope it isn't bad, only visual. Marcus...
The same thing happened on the back porch we poured a few years ago. I have an idea if the would have added some Sort of retarder, it might not have happened. It’s hot here and it dries quick. They sawed it this morning on 10’ grids. That should catch anything going forward. It’s sitting directly on bedrock, so I doubt it shifted.
Around here they say its either cracked or it will be. After 15 years laying floors on thousands of concrete slabs of every style Ive found that to be true. I wouldnt sweat it. I dont know if yall water your foundations up there. Ive found the slabs that keep a consistent soil moisture content via soaker hoses. Landscape & drainage have the least issues. It all makes a difference in the long run. Great to see your progress !
Hey, Rh; Are those light areas just dry, or is the surface spalling? Hope it's not the latter... Marcus...
I met with my contractor last night. He wanted a check, oddly enough. Those guys are super responsive when you owe them money. They are starting on the weld up Wednesday. That's a step in the right direction. There are so many moving parts on this deal, it makes my head swim.