Damn, I need to get my eyes checked! That's an even better combination! This build is so "right" it hurts!
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/?p=20658 Just dug up this article Ryan did six years ago from when the car was in its early stages.
OOH! Yes, The stainless makes it! I will admit I was curious if you were gonna use more stainless on the back glass after looking at your chop comparison pics, Looks Awesome!
Sooo worth the wait!!! How about the sound track...is the flattie still running through a single pipe? Are you still planning an OHV swap?
Started to watch this build back when it was the "Black Cavendish."LOL It's been a pleasure to see it come to fruition. Torchie
Gordon Buehrig is gona be proud of you for dragging one of his designs home, 1936 Cord, 1956/7 Lincoln Continental and 51 Ford Hard top. Your shoe box is the best, nobody understands how hard it is to do windwings and windows on a chop, you did real good!
https://auto.howstuffworks.com/1958-lincoln-mark-2-concept-car1.htm http://www.curbsideclassic.com/auto...ord-falcon-and-continental-mark-ii-skyliners/
Seriously, Eric, you have GOT to do this! Carl Schneider's incredible, custom-built 'Pacifica' re-tractable HT.