Gotta fix the kids carb. Ran ok. Flooded very easily. Hard to crank at times due to flooding. A student rebuilt the carb and I traded him some paint for it. Kid did ok but just didn’t run like it should. Anyway. This is after an hour soak in CLR mixed 50:50 with water and a touch of dish washing liquid not bad for a cheap soak and mild brushing. Compressed air thru all holes. The clr mixture dissolved the gasket residue. Very little scraping.
Looks good. I've got 3 1/4 to clean and rebuild for a 3 deuce setup. I'm going to try Simple Green and an ultrasonic cleaner. Let's compare results when done.
This one is quick clean and go. I’ve used clr on bases and the iron looked like it was bead blasted. I’ve got 3 2gs to build coming up. I’ve thought about an ultrasonic cleaner. Those carbs need to look better than this one.
I'll have to try it on one of the bases. There's one that's a little bit rusty, not bad, but what the hey, give it a try...
The result will depend upon the carb as much as the quality of the rebuild. In the mid-'70s, GM tried to crutch emissions while cheaping with a carb and distributor; couldn't be done, but the result was some crap running vehicles. The cure was to swap back to a 1960s carb and distributor. Bottom line, some Rochester 2GCs can't be made to run right with a standard rebuild. jack vines
If you leave the body too long at 100% it tried to remove the plating on another carb I did. Didn’t seem to hurt anything other than the finish. Ran it for a few years. But I would not set any soft metals in it over night. this one set for about an hour with a couple scrubbings in between.
Probably so. This was the best large base I could round up. Runs better now. Doesn’t seem to flood ……yet this BB#64 was stuck. The base was not very tight with its original or very old gasket. Looks like the student I got it from replaced the float. Wasn’t set though. Was close on closed. Opened up way too much.
Glad you have it sorted out. I've used Pine-sol cleaner on motorcycle carbs a few times. Left soaking for a while.
Dropped these rusty pieces in the remaining clr mixture earlier this week just a fyi if you need to soak a rusty part Kinda cheap and EZ. This did remove the paint. I’ve soaked in molasses before and that not removed paint, only the rust.