just heard an interesting story this evening. i was told that Jungle Jim campaigned a 53 or 54 Studebaker very early on in his career. can anyone confirm this and do you have any pictures? a solid 40 minutes on Google has netted me nothing and all i could find on the HAMB was someone saying they thought they heard he had raced a Studebaker Lark at some point. anyone know the real scoop? thanks
think theres a shot of the lark on the jackson bros. gasser video...thinking it may have been lou arlingtons...... brandon
I remember the lark at VACAVALLEY RACEWAY was running in AMP prob in the late 60s pontiac powered paint was orange also the tiger tail was hanging from the back. Jim was the driver at that time.
I hear a full length movie is in the works on Jim's life. Six Second Love Affair was the name mentioned.....FYI
I knew Bernstein had a stude, but not Jungle. My dad used to share a shop with him way back when. Jungle even built my dad his first set of zoomies when he worked for Goodies. I will ask about the stude.
This is from Jungle Pam's web site: The first serious, non-stock car that Lew and JJ built (predecessor to Hercules) was (gasp) a Stude Lark set up I believe to run AA/MP, but is more of a funny than what was AA/MP in those days. Complete roll cage -no interior- ran an injected Hemi. It was not around long (right away they got more ideas and started on Hercules) and ran only locally at Fremont, maybe Vacaville. I have pictures of it somewhere........ and if I never find the pics, it's firmly in my mind. Every once in a while nowadays I see a cool Lark at a car show and my heart does pitty-pats. <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><!--msthemelist--><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=baseline width=42></TD><TD vAlign=top width="100%"><!--mstheme-->[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]"Jungle Bobbie" Liberman on her and Jim's first funny car, 12/98<!--mstheme-->[/FONT]<!--msthemelist--></TD></TR><!--msthemelist--></TBODY></TABLE>
HJ, I think 440 means "HTF did he get that particular engine/body combination into that particular classification?" If memory serves the term/class "Modified Production" had a somewhat different definition at that time (early-mid '60s), than it did later on into the late '70s....RIP, MP, we knew ye well.
I also remember his Stude being Pontiac powered, not chev. Lew Arrington and Jim were both into Pontiacs up until mid 1965. Steve Sunday April 11, 2010 8th annual Nostalgic Show & Go! Phoenix www.nostalgicshowandgo.org
Am I the only one that is comparing the front of a bullet Nosed Studie and Jungle Pam in a tee shirt?