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Good Ol' Fashion Hot Rod Road Trip!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by anothercarguy, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. e1956v
    Joined: Sep 29, 2009
    Posts: 2,474

    Alliance Vendor

    I’ll look for your group at the Nationals in Pueblo on Saturday. I’ll be the fat old guy in a hot rod shirt ;) oh wait that’s every guy in the joint…….
    I’ll be the fat old guy in the HAMB Mo-Kan quarantine shirt.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2024
  2. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
    Posts: 25,562


    Hats off to guys that aren’t afraid to drive their hot rods. Enjoying the thread.
  3. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    just caught up on your have upped the ante for road trip reports...well done
  4. Thanks guys for all the positive comments. For those that are observant and noticed the '56 Nomad wasn't in any of the recent group pictures, that is because our gal pal Curmudgeon Connie left us in Deer Lodge Montana. She is heading east for her annual pilgrimage to the Back to the 50's in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

    The first Curmudgeon car of the day is Les' '28 Ford sedan. He's owned the car since 1978 when it was an all original running model A. He began building the car as a hotrod in 2004 and completed in 2011. It now has 45,000 miles on it as a hotrod. Les said when he started building the car, he put a backseat in it to take the kids for ice cream. By the time the build was completed the kids were 6'5"!
    The next car belongs to our Curmudgeon Sweetgrass/folk singing bard, Given. It's a '39 Deluxe Cabriolet with rumble seat. Given has owned car for 10 years and estimates that he's driven it about 45,000 miles. It's an estimate because the odometer has never worked. He has a replacement but he's too busy enjoying driving the car to put it in.
    The drive today was from Casper Wy to Loveland Co., a modest 235 miles. The wind was blowing with gusts to 40+mph. It was necessary to pay attention at all times as the gusts or the sudden stopping of wind due to the terrain could result in a sudden unexpected changing of lanes! We mostly managed to stay together in spite of the traffic and had a mid and endpoint gas break.
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    With strong gusting wind, there was a casualty. Dave and Barney struck a tumbleweed...a valiant effort was made to revive it, however in the end, it went to the tumbleweed pasture in the sky.
    After our second fuel stop, we had a shop tour at Pinkees Rod Shop.
    From V8-60's to LS engines, there was eye candy for all...including this very interesting dual distributor V8-60 overhead valve conversion with dual carb intake.
    This is a very cool shop with plenty of equipment. The fine crafstmen are turning out some very nice fabrication and metalwork!
    20240619_142001.jpg The Henry steel '32 roadster is going to be a work of art. It had a very unusual 2-2 throat Weber carbed intake manifold. 20240619_142013.jpg
    After the shop tour, we went next door to the Mash Lab brew pub for an adult beverage and lunch. It was very tasty!!

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    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    woodz, WC145, Rawrench and 19 others like this.
  5. I previously mentioned that I connected with this group as a result of the HAMB. Here's how that happened. Bill, aka (@wstory on the HAMB) was checking out my '38 club cabriolet build thread on the HAMB when he noticed that I live on Bowen Island in BC. He sent me a message through the HAMB asking if I knew his friend (@40ply, aka Ed) or if I'd seen his friend's build thread (I had been following it) and that his friend lived on Vancouver Island.

    Anyway, Bill said he was leading a group of hotrodders up to Deuce Days in Victoria followed by a tour up island and around the area in general. I offered a shop tour at my place, if they had interest in another ferry ride. Bill said the agenda had already been finalized but thanked me for the offer. I said I too would be going to Deuce Days but likely as a spectator as my Deuce wasn't fit for driving yet and I was in process of selling my flathead powered '28 roadster (the '38 was obviously a long way off), so would likely see them there..

    Next, I get a HAMB message from Ed inviting me to his farm for a barbecue with this group he hangs with..the rest is history. Very fortunate history!
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    WC145, Rawrench, 40two and 11 others like this.
  6. And, an impromptu concert breaks out in the hotel lobby courtesy of Given! 20240619_190201.jpg
    And then another minstral, Oak, joined the show.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2024
    WC145, Rawrench, 40two and 17 others like this.
  7. The next Curmudgeon car is Mike's (aka "Rocky", aka "Mikeyver"). It's a '56 Ford Courier chopped 2". The power train came courtesy of a P71 Crown Vic. He's owned the car for 23 years and has rolled 98,000 miles.
    Next up is Gord's car. It's a best of all worlds Dearborn Deuce roadster...with's a roadster with the weather protection of a coupe. Gord said that in solidarity with the open roadster Curmudgeons, he would only turn the heat up a little bit. :cool::p Gord's car has been on the road since 2007 and has 65,000 mile on the clock.
    Both Mike and Gord are excellent guys to have along on the roadtrips. Between them there is more than 110 years of mechanical experience. They've completed many adhoc/roadside repairs for many of the travelling Curmudgeons to keep them rolling or get them home over the years.

    Today, the distance to travel was once again modest at 165 miles from Loveland to Pueblo. This gave us an opportunity to check out a private collection/shop tour. We rolled into the very quiet neighbourhood and kind of took it over.
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    The first vehicle that greeted us was this model T truck. Check out the turbocharged banger T engine. The owner estimates it makes 40 hp now.
    The model A Vicky is an unrestored car with original interior and just 10,590 miles on it since new (obviously not owned by a Curmudgeon! ;)).
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    There were a couple other nicely restored brass era cars.
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    But of most interest, was 1910 Pierce Arrow speedster project underway in the shop along with the machine tools etc. The remnants of the car were found in a mountainside dump some 25-30 years ago. 20240620_091644.jpg 20240620_091732.jpg 20240620_091740.jpg
    This is a photo of what the car would have, and will once again look like.
    20240620_091657.jpg The restored engine. 20240620_091811.jpg The aluminum body. 20240620_091818.jpg Check out the rear suspension. 1/4 elyptical springs support the rear shackle of the full lower leaf spring. 20240620_091845.jpg Copy of the original drawings for the chassis. 20240620_092623.jpg
    Our hosts Larry and Donna were very gracious and kind to allow us into see their collection. Larry, a retired aircraft engineer is having some health issues, but continues to put in time puttering in his shop on his projects.
    After the shop tour, we rolled through Denver, endured construction and traffic incidents and arrived at the registration hotel in Pueblo. We're looking forward to the weekend!
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2024
    woodz, down-the-road, 40two and 17 others like this.
  8. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,726

    from KCMO

    Cool stuff! How far east are you all going?
  9. Thanks, once the weekend is done, we'll be starting to head west again.
  10. Rob28
    Joined: Oct 25, 2014
    Posts: 272

    from Calgary AB

    First time hearing that expression but I can definitely say I have fallen victim to a few of them.
  11. Apparently the CanAm Curmudgeons have been allocated a group parking area. I'm not sure where specifically yet, but if you're at the show, look for the cars with the maple leaf/stars and stripes licence topper. I'll be wearing a Hamb t-shirt.:):cool:
  12. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 4,881

    from Ok

  13. Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
  14. Yet another of our Bills is the owner of the next 2 Curmudgeon vehicles. The first is a Henry Ford '32 roadster that was purchased as a basket case in 2004 and put back on the road in 2010. It has rolled 35,000 miles since then. The roadster is our only flathead representative in the group. With 4:11 gears and a Mitchell overdrive, Bill and Neil typically roll in to our pre-organized destination later than the rest of us.
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    Bill's other vehicle is the patina 1939 Dodge truck with '39 Plymouth passenger car front sheet metal. It's freshly assembled and left BC with next to no miles on it and is being driven by his son Neil.
    Following are a few items of interest in the swap meet area.

    1940 Ford sedan (pretty much rust free) with a hemi.
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    1928 Ford tudor with original paint.
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    And a couple venders with nice displays of HAMB friendly stuff.
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    After a long day in the sun, shade, wind, heat and sprinkles, it was time for an adult beverage and dinner (Applebee's did a great job of accommodating our large group).
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
    woodz, down-the-road, WC145 and 19 others like this.
  15. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,995

    phat rat

    anothercarguy, your letter to Street Scene about this road trip is in this months issue
  16. That letter was written by fellow HAMB'r, and our ilustrious leader Bill Story, aka "the Colonel". I just saw it the other day.
  17. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,733


    That is so Cool! Been a long time since our last adventure, but I, the Wife and Girls still have the memories!!
  18. MMM1693
    Joined: Feb 8, 2009
    Posts: 1,402


    You guys are doing a bang up job! I really wish I was running with you.
  19. One of the California guys that met up with us at Pinkees Rod Shop brought his golden retriever, Dakota. Dakota did his best to melt his way into all of our hearts with great success. He became the unnofficial CanAm Curmudgeon mascot.
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    While Dakota was soaking up attention last night, once again our travelling minstrals entertained the group in the hotel lobby. The hotel staff enjoyed the entertainment as did the passing guests that stopped in their tracks for awhile to listen in.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
  20. One of the Curmudgeon cars is Gene's (@Gene T Stark on the HAMB) Factory Five Cobra. Gene usually does his Curmudgeon cruising in a '35 Ford sedan, but his '35 is being rebuilt after many years and many miles (Gene has a HAMB build thread documenting the process and progress).
    Now, just weeks before the cruise, Gene had an "incident" with the car that almost rendered him without a ride. But through the careful use of rivets and duct tape, the car was able to make the trip.
    Of course many "creative" explanations have developed on exactly what and how the damage occured, including how Gene entered turn 2 at Laguna Seca too hot just as a Corvette took his line which saw him and the Cobra making introductions with the tire barrier.:rolleyes:;) Incidently, Gene has had the cobra on the road for 7 years and has driven it 20,000 miles.

    The second Curmudgeon car is Rick's 36 Ford 5 window. Rick purchased the "finished" car 3 years ago. However, it required a significant number of "do-overs" to bring it up to suitable road warrior status. Now that it has achieved a suitable standard of driveability, Rick has added 6,000 mikes to the clock.
    Today at the fairgrounds, the Curmudgeons did their best to help build excitement for hotrods with many of the younger "next generation" hotrodders. There were many smiles and much goodwill when young ones who showed interest in particular cars were asked if they'd like to sit in the car and have their picture taken. Here are a couple examples. 20240622_135632.jpg 20240622_135603.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024
  21. Next will be a bunch of photos of Hamb friendly cars spotted at the show. I've not been to an NSRA event in many years, but it seemed HAMB friendly hotrods were certainly in a minority! I belive there were around 1800 cars registered.

    '40 Ford with Cadilac engine with 2-4 barrel carbs. 20240621_111055.jpg 20240621_111104.jpg


    Banger powered model A roadster.
    426 max wedge powered Plymouth with cross ram. It looked like it meant business!
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    '62 Belair bubble top 409, 2-4 barrel and 4 speed was drop dead gorgeous!
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    RPU, for sale, $140k asking...former AMBR contender with less than 500 miles in 12 years...obviously not a Curmudgeon car! It did look good though with it's blown flathead.
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    This car had all the look of an old survivor hotrod build...but was a glass car. Well done!

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    And a couple pics of a very swoopy chopped Merc for the customs fans.
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    Tomorrow, we're back on the road.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    woodz, down-the-road, WC145 and 13 others like this.
  22. The Colonel's Garmin decided to pack it in a few stops back which pretty much immobilized his ability to lead the way. Instead he was limited to hanging on to a car in front and was very concerned about getting separated by traffic. After numerous attempts to revive the expired electronics, it was issued a toe tag.

    In appreciation of the many years he's spent leading this motley crew, organized tours, and the untold hours of planning and trying to keep us all together (like hurding cats!), we took up a collection amongst all of us, and purchased a replacement Garmin.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  23. Way to go you guys! Bill has driven that roadster so many miles I think he's wiped out a few of those Garmins!! Nice coverage Tim keep up the great work.
  24. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 5,132


    You've done a really great job of keeping us informed and entertained. Got a question about the $140 K RPU. Are my eyes going bad? Looking at the pic of the engine and it seems that the alternator pulley is forward of the lower pulley. I thought it might be camera angle, but after a closer look, I'm pretty sure my first impression is the right one.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  25. Great trip so far. PXL_20240621_152529757.jpg
    woodz, down-the-road, WC145 and 9 others like this.
  26. j hansen
    Joined: Dec 22, 2012
    Posts: 9,780

    j hansen

    Looks like it is "off"
    Skärmavbild 2024-06-23 kl. 20.23.47.png
  27. To be honest, I'm not sure if the camera lens angle is making it look bad/worse or if it's really that far off. I mean what do you want for $140k? :eek::p

    So today, the Curmudgeon car du jour is Oak's '34 Plymouth coupe. Oak is one of our 2 Curmudgeon musicians and poet lauriete/song writer. He's owned his car for 16 years and 85,000 miles.

  28. This morning, before heading for the highway, we decided (unbeknowned to the Colonel) to hold a memorial service for his dead soldier GPS. The service began with the deceased Garmin being rolled in inside the hearse, complete with hazard lights flashing.
    The Garmin was then laid to rest in the pre-prepared grave site. The substitute/back-up Reverend Richter (filling in for the missing Reverend Green) said a few last words while Curmudgeons sadly looked on.
    Then each Curmudgeon place a rock on the defunct device before the tombstone was erected and the flowers laid. There wasn't a dry Curmudgeon eye in the house (or at the service).
    After the eulogy and the tributes were completed, it was time to hit the road.

    We started southbound on Interstate 25, until we intersected with hwy 160 which we drove until we reached Durango.

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    Hwy 160 to Durango was a great drive. We went through a couple tunnels carved into the mountain.
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    And there were signs that indicated the fun to come!
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    This was at one of the summits...10,884 feet! Our carbs which were tuned near sea level noticed a distinct reduction in power and rougher idle.
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    After a quick gas stop in Durango, we pointed northbound on hwy 550 on our way to Silverton. The air was thin with a couple summits just short of 11,000 feet.
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    The scenery visible from the stop at Molas Pass was beautiful. The camera hardly does it justice!
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    Last edited: Jul 6, 2024
    woodz, down-the-road, WC145 and 16 others like this.
  29. Once we were checked into our lodging for the night in Silverton, we all wandered down the street to the Handlebar restaurant and Saloon.
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    The meals were fantastic! In the corner beside our table sat a carved mascot monkey in a cowboy hat. We took the opportunity to make him an honorary Curmudgeon.
    Fun times!! My mileage to date is 2265 miles.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  30. Just before Alamosa, Wayne seemed to be losing his power steering. So a quick investigation at the gas stop indicated a leaking fitting on the high pressure side hose fitting. Just then, a local who had seen the cars roll in, came by to take a look and offered his shop which was a few blocks away to assist in the repair. An hour later, the fittings were tightened, the power steering fluid was cleaned off everything (including the brakes), and the fluid was topped up.
    The fellow leaning over the fender is the shop owner. He did the repair. His card is below...great guy!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024

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