Well,been busy here at IWANAFLATTIEs house of horrors.. Finally got my paper title for my 55 Vanette,61 FC title and plates,and registration renewal for the DECOE. It rained for 3 days las weekend so I took a little break on the jimmy.. I hit it pretty hard from Tuesday til today... Cab floor,E brake,bracing the floor and firewall,shifter.. The gas and clutch had to be reworked.. I made a little bracket for the new cable on the go pedal and 2 pulleys for the clutch.. Everything seems to be working fine .... Really Wana see if this thing drives ok.
Outstanding work! Looks like your foot room is limited.....always tight on these trucks and adding a clutch pedal doesn't help. The clutch cable is genius, btw. I assume you will have to make a custom engine cover?
I didn't know how I was going to fix it... I layed there under the truck with the light and it just came to me to use pulleys instead of redoing the whole chimichanga ..you few guys commenting on my progress is what keeps me going.. I know its not the usual Brooksville SBC all aftermarket stuff every every one goes crazy for but I enjoy it. Engine cover I think it's not so difficult...bend here cut there etc but yes custom doghouse...notch around the shifter and notch around the dizzy... I wore my work boots when mocking the brake/gas pedal and it seems like I can barely miss the gas when braking in a panic stop but this truck will have to be a sandal/barefoot driven biotch
Put a bit more work on it this week. Started to wire using a 1959 school bus harness I've had for 15 years... I'm trying to use as much shit I have save around the house as I can. ....,linkages, brackets etc... I flushed the engine and bought fluids.. Today was finishing the seat mounts and the OD shifting mech...I filled the SM465 and it started leaking leaking like a seave,I missed a piece of old gasket..wat a fucking mess...all fixed now. Maybe fire it tomorrow???
Did you just assume my gender? Thanks for following...this group is really helpful when I get stuck on stuff or if I need that extra push to work on my stuff.. Well bitch didn't want to start yesterday...idk what changed...hard to get the firing order wrong..it just back fires and that's it... I might have to pull the intake...maybe i left a shop rag in there?? Could a bad coil be the culprit?? It's raining today so we went for a little cruise with no wipers on the coe or Vanette but still a cool adventure...got my friend to drive my Coe. Hope that he can get into them..
Back firing sounds like a timing issue. Maybe you have the dist 180 degrees off? or the wires 1 pole off? Does it have timing marks?
I'm going to check on the timing marks... I fired the engine bout 6 months ago then I didnt mess with it til this tike.. Only thing was I took the carb off and the dirstibutor cap off to move it inside the cab....I have 2 more 279s that I've been looking at the distributor wires and it looks right.....the spark is very weak so changed the condenser but that might be bad too
If you haven't pulled the distributor it's probably something simple like firing order or maybe too far retarded. Weak spark won't help....
Well,we had rain and wind all past week so I didn't work on it very much... I tried starting it but failed a bunch of times.. Finally got it running yesterday,a bit rough but it fired and ran for a few minutes anyway...that gave me the push I needed.. I think this week I'll get the vin inspection at the DMV,I'll remove the Aux box and make a temp driveshaft,buy and install temp and oil pressure gauges,do the brakes and maybe take it for a spin... Oh I also have to run some type of exhaust because it is LOUD, Pretty happy that lights work,ign switch etc.... I also pulled the 1949 Diamond T air horns that came off an old can I bought and sold and tested it with the air compressor...going to have to find a way to run a compressor and some air lines.. https://youtube.com/shorts/FBLMMJjr92w?si=Bh73rlPUUnhm7qu4 And have a question for you guys out there.. This GMC front clip came from a military fuel pump truck...i believe it was converted to 22v... It came with this siren.. Is there anyway I can test it with 12v??
Ok.... Big day for the Coe... Went to the DMV and got the vin inspection... everything is cool,the guy was cool and put the model as Cab-chassis so I can put whatever I want...I brought a box of doughnuts so that helped... You guys were right,I drove 4 miles real slow,,the rear driver side lug nuts came loose after a couple of miles of driving and a few sharp turns. The passenger side had the GM ring and was fine,the driver side didn't... I don't recommend using a dolly for a heavy pig like this...the wheel straps came off right outside the DMV,,,I had to pull it,slam on my brakes and re-tie the wheel straps..I also added my come along and tied the steering wheel so it didnt move... I was excited that it ran yesterday so today was vin inspection, started to run the exhaust and Wednesday I'll get the title in my name... I have a 200 Ford CI for sale that everyone keeps low balling me for...it has 2 exhaust manifolds..well today I cut the flanges off and I'm going to used them for my dual exhaust. Tomorrow I'll Hook the gas to my welder and will pop the cast iron wire instead of the flux core and will post the results.
Been working on the brakes..after 2 days I had a good pedal and real good brakes but when I went to test drive...pedal to the floor and zero brakes,???
Maybe just the blue door.. Thank you..it is a bit heavy and I still have to tub the inside of the box and fix my c notch
Wait....Wahaaaaat??!! Did I miss something?? Not sure I like the sound of this!! Love where you're going with this build!
hey man! I was busy before it got hot.. After the 100° I just went inside and drank beer. I just started to run around the backyard last weekend. In April I flat towed the GMC with my tacoma to a local car show Then I had my gf drive me to the house so I could drive the FC down and then again to the house to drive the Vanette down to the show... What a shit show it was hot,FC barely made it,,,etc.. Before the show ended,I drove the Vanette to the house,the I got a ride to bring the GMC but I decided to drive it,2 miles to my house,I made it 300 feet before it died in front of the train tracks(thankfully not on the train tracks) My mates were ready with the tacoma and they flat towed me the rest of the way... Around the corner from the house,a landscaping crew closed a busy intersection f To cut some trees down,once I passed the intersection, I hit the brakes to mess with my buddy in the tacoma(I was steering the gmc) And the brakes decided to lock up...my prank backfired on me so I had to sprint home,get a razorblade and cut the pass brand new brake hose,then I could be pulled fwd after annoying a bunch of locals behind me. After that,I drove with a buddy and flat towed the FC home... I've been silent after that till recently, I started to work on the Desert Express,I ordered new suspension since all the pass side ball joint got bent and I couldn't steer to the right all The way.. I picked up a pass fender, a 39 gmc grille for my other project and a new face for the next project a 30s Dodge Monteplier FACE for a car hauler.. Last week I started to clean my Backyard,I scrapped cabs,wheels,engines,transmissions,fenders etc and I installed an Electric fan onto my FC which didn't cure the over heating.. But I'm working on shit regardless of the heat... Just plenty of water and pineapple juice/skky and everything works out
Thank You for sharing pictures. The heat just kills a person’s want to I like the rear fenders on the box truck. Bet the locals still can’t see the brake lights lol
The heat is definitely a mood killer but I'm back working in the heat... The locals are too busy looking at their phone