Nice Austin, when I look at this, all I can hear is that, (Bad to the Bone), song, and it’s got real 1/4 windows.
More body work and some lyons caps. think he’s currently giving himself a well deserved breather from it for a bit. probably wonders what it’s like to have finger prints again lol still can’t believe he’s gotten so much done in such a short time.
Not a fan of superlatives, so this is just to add one that's more, not the most!!! @Austin kays I dig your car, I'm not dissing your work.
Hey fellas kinda been a min! I haven’t done anything but get some lyons caps and work I’ll be back on it soon I’ve got some more metal for under the trunk lid on the way, plus a few more list of need to do’s haha
Man there sure is something about seeing them outside and being able to take a step back. so bitchin!
Is there a "Go Fund Me "account to help you get another light bulb setup for your garage to see better when the sun goes down ?
Is @Tim trying to say there are times this car doesn't look cool? Might need an evening in the stockade for that lol.
Sanded the shitbox down and made it one color gotta do a little more work around the back window and install the below deck lid panel and the body is as far as I’m gonna take it for the foreseeable future. I’m ready to drive this thing and meet up with my buddies . Oh and make the inside presentable thinking about making a bench seat off my buddy’s templates.
Saw your post about the flathead flywheel on FB. Is the flywheel that messed up or has the flathead just worn out it's welcome and you're wanting something different
@redzula its fought him pretty much every step of the way since it landed in the rails. This particular flywheel is the correct flywheel but it just didn’t have as much life left in it as he thought. Waisted some teeth it appears. a chevy , adapter, cap half the necks on the radiator and keep moving forward.
Yeah the old flathead has pissed me off for the last time runs good and was overhauled at some point has adjustable lifters and a new starter needs a flywheel I have a resurfaced one but if I pull it out to fix it it’s not going back in will trade for a neat sbc or a y block
Didn’t take a lot of pics but screwed together A small block outta stuff in the barn and added some new bearings and rings for good measure cleaned it up and made it less ugly.. now time to cram in in the 34 still gotta some finishing up to do on the motor but the bottom end is done