i have a 37 truck with a 350 engine , Edelbrock carb, with a stock hei new aluminum 4 core radiator and 185 thermostat. when it gets to 185 operating temp while driving if you let off the gas it will die but it will crank right back up , carb has been rebuilt i have changed the coil and cap on the distributor
I don't know anything about what your problem is with out seeing it,... but some thing to check, when it's cold, it goes on fast idle... and when it warms up that goes away,.. maybe the hot idle is too low of rpms and when it warms up you need more idle...remember hot idle needs to be set when the motor warms up...
Key element here, gets to 185 and "soils" the bed. I have had ignition modules do all sorts of evil things to me over the years. One would start right away and keep going, another would start and I'd get a short distance, rinse repeat. The last one would refuse to start again after it was shut off, I'd have to try again in 2-3 hours.
Had an O/T carbureted HEI Ignition 350 Chevy years ago would do the exact same thing . start up Idle Accelerate and run fantastic . let off the gas and it would just shut off , no burps , farts or stumbles . Just off like you turned the key off . Then fire right back up . ended hp being a bad engine ground . chased that one for a bit before I found it . good luck .
I had an hei where mechanical advance weights were not returning/closing when throttle closed, due to corrosion and dirt. At low rpm it had too much advance and died.
If it is warmed up and setting still, will it idle on it's own? If not, you either have a plugged idle circuit, or a fair sized vacuum leak.
thought i would let yall know the idler screw was missing the stop . i bent the stop and it seems to be working now.
2 common ailments I've seen that cause this: 1. the pickup coil and magnet are failing. They drop out at lower rpms and would give you a complete loss of tach signal before the engine even stalls. 2. The heads got shaved but not the intake, and you have a vacuum leak in the lifter valley - at the bottom of the intake ports from misalignment. If you have a manual choke, it may be your best tool to enrichen the mixture and see how it responds. The fact that you're not holding stat temp leans me to say the timing is retarded, so I'd be trying a higher setting and verify the vac unit doesn't leak.