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Folks Of Interest Rickybop?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by GearheadsQCE, May 29, 2024.

  1. lostone
    Joined: Oct 13, 2013
    Posts: 3,131

    from kansas

    Happy to see that personally you guys are fine and recieved no harm !

    I hope that all will go well and you guys will be back to "normal" soon.

    Sending my best !!!

  2. Look at you kicking in windows and dousing flames with a garden hose !!!!

    very happy to hear you and Judy are ok . Stuff is just that , stuff . Whatever it is it can be replaced .
    Sucks having your life upside down for a while .
    But a slight silver lining is you will have everything that’s not right now , all shiny and new with a few improvements.
    Times on your side , one thing at a time and this will be complete and a distant memory soon enough .

    Godspeed , take care , small bites . You got this .
  3. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    la la la la la...
  4. Last time you did this shit I had the cops on your ass! Straighten up Ricky :p
  5. jim snow
    Joined: Feb 16, 2007
    Posts: 1,866

    jim snow

    Glad you’re back. Keep on keeping on. Snowman ⛄️
  6. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,227


    Good to see ya back brother
    Rickybop, Stogy and Tow Truck Tom like this.
  7. choptop40
    Joined: Dec 23, 2009
    Posts: 5,528


    Hey hey...Thats alot to deal with....sounds like you stepped up and took the bull by the horns....good job sir...Please do check in and bust some onions will ya....Rooting for you and prayers sent your way..
  8. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    You guys are alright.
    I don't care what Lloyd was sayin'.
  9. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
    Posts: 4,342


    I can just picture you on the roof with a hose that's too hose has always been too short:(

    Seriously Ricky, glad to have you back and getting yours and Judy's lives back to normal. Ya need to take it easy though and take care of that ol' "ticker" buddy... You still got a hot rod to build.;):D
  10. winr
    Joined: Jan 10, 2008
    Posts: 289

    from Texas

    Glad yall are ok.... had a fire an azzhole set, got out with my 2 cats wearin underwear and a long coat

    What size shirts, britchs and shoes do ya wear ??
    I also have a bunch of spare sheets, comfortors, towels and such

    Will send them to yall if ya need and pay shipping as well

    Or ya can set up an Amazon or such list and I will contribute

  11. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,266


    the old cliche " you can't make this stuff up "..... wow
  12. Tow Truck Tom
    Joined: Jul 3, 2018
    Posts: 2,384

    Tow Truck Tom
    from Clayton DE

    Whoa just when Ya think You're all groaned up,,,,
    Life Yells BE DA MAN.
    You come back with I YAM DA MAN.
    Good to here from Ya.
  13. Man, good to hear from you. Sorry about the fire, but thankful it wasn’t much worse and that you are ok.
  14. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,048


    Yall dodged a bullet! Glad you’re ok.
  15. flatheadpete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2003
    Posts: 10,516

    from Burton, MI

    Scary stuff! Glad you and your friend are ok. Stuff can be fixed and/or replaced.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2024
  16. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    Thank you, my friends.
    "DA MAN" wishes life would quit yelling and shut the hell up for a while. LOL
    It's getting a little irritating for me that you guys have had to be witness to more of my calamities over the last few years than good progress on my projects.
    But I am feeling quite a bit stronger lately. The sun is shining and the sky is blue. I've finally got Zander's mini bike jetted and running great with a new Mikuni carburetor. It goes like hell and he's enjoying it. Zander and his dad Eric and I are finishing up bringing in the hay today. After that's done, I think I'll have time to get my engine running.
    Head on down the highway.
    Lookin' for adventure.
    In whatever comes our way...
    Stogy, 427 sleeper, Ford52PU and 18 others like this.
  17. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


  18. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,601


    All is well that ends well and nothing like being able to haul ass in one trip....
    Glad you are on the 'up side'
  19. Mitchell Rish
    Joined: Jun 10, 2007
    Posts: 2,007

    Mitchell Rish
    from Houston MS

    Glad you and yours are good. Never met you in person but you have been kind to the League here on the Hamb. Door is open if you are ever in this part of the world.
  20. I've had a similar summer in a way. I came down with a nasty virus June 2, with 103-degree fever. It was the day before I had planned to take my wife to the hospital for right knee replacement. Her sister took her instead. Four days later I brought her home and promptly gave her what ailed me. And it weakened me so much I could barely take care of her. Then the dog needed emergency surgery (pooper wasn't working) so $$$ and daily 60+ mile trips to the vet specialist. Then a severe storm blew a locust tree down on my house and punctured the membrane roof, which flooded the living room during the next rain. I and another 75-year-old guy climbed on the roof twice over the next week to get the tree's limbs off the house and repair the punctures. Doing that in the heat and humidity sapped my strength and subsequently turned my slow recovery from the initial virus into life-threatening pneumonia. Basically it has taken until now to do anything to my '29 AA. I'd had big plans of getting it painted, wired, started up and the engine run in this summer. But I was too sick, too weak, or it was too hot and humid in the garage to do anything.
    By now, I'm well on my way to recovery, the dog can poop again (the vets did great work), my wife is up and around but still recovering and I'm just starting on calling contractors to fix the storm damage. So yeah, I hear you brother. Tough times don't last; tough people do, amiright? Here's to both of us turning a wrench again soon, and grinning about it.
    Stogy, rod1, hotrodjack33 and 9 others like this.
  21. Tow Truck Tom
    Joined: Jul 3, 2018
    Posts: 2,384

    Tow Truck Tom
    from Clayton DE

    When I was 75, last winter, my roof got to leaking more than I could keep ahead of.
    Up the ladder again and again in the wind.
    Spring came with a new roof, and new age.
    Sorry Rickybop
    Sorry osageorange
  22. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 9,900


    "Old wiring not to code and mice probably chewing on it."


    Sorry for your experiences. Old houses have their own quirks and difficulties. When we lived in a house built in 1963, it was 36 years old. We lived on a sloping hill that led to a wild grassy area that was a haven for wild animals, including field mice. We went through a zillion traps and did our disposal mode many times over. It was awful looking at bulging eye under the metal clamp.

    But, once we moved to another house that was 20 years newer, yet still it was a 15 year old house at the time, the problem still existed. The field mouse situation in those hilly communities always takes the brunt of uninvited visitors at all hours of the day and night.

    When we moved in, we constantly heard the pitter patter of teeny feet running up and down our roof and inside of the attic. So, we put out the standard traps. Caught a few and more kept coming. The house was not mouse proof and no house can be with all of the standard building codes and construction leaving openings available for tiny bodies to squeeze inside and run rampant. The air pockets, the spaces in between tile roof panels, etc all could be cemented in, but there are a million cracks just large enough for a tiny mouse, squeezing in his dinky body to get inside.

    Then modern technology became popular and the digital age was around to allow homeowners some sense of peace and quiet. Electronic devices, such as ultrasound devices not harmful to pets, humans or whatever, is halting the running rampant in the attics of most homes and garages.

    We decided to place them in the rooms most frequented and got a licensed electric contractor to place new electric lines and outlets on the beams of the attic above our ceilings. There was access and the electrician placed three legal outlets in our house attic and two in the garage attic. That was twenty years ago.


    From the time we had to suffer through little feet sounds all night, to nothing close to making a sound and the rain was the loudest noise we could hear anywhere, was well worth the effort. Those ultrasound devices work and work well. We have had 20+ years of peace and quiet and no worries about being bothered by those mice or other animals on or near our house. They are inside devices and work well through the roofing to keep outside adventures silent all year around.

    No cats, no pet snakes and the devices did not harm our little doggy at all. So, there is that. No mess to clean up, no poisons to worry about and no cat litter damaging our health or surrounding smells. It is a silent device that keeps everything away that usually bother folks everywhere. They work and work well.

    Yes, they are sold everywhere and prices vary, but the electronic devices are so similar in frequencies that they work well. Some folks we know have used different models with different frequencies that cover the whole spectrum of “keep away” from here, mode…YRMV (The key element is, once placed, they WORK and work well. It is great, because they all work in a silent mode and with no maintenance or upkeep.)

    If you want to place them on an extension cord inside of old cars just sitting around, they will do their job inside, also... But, usually one plugged into the wall outlet for a normal size two car garage should do the job.
  23. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    Here's to you and your wife and your doggy.
    And me.
    And Inky and Blinky and Stinky and anybody who's overwhelmed with challenges at times.

    Which I think, is all of us.

    So here's to ALL OF US !!! :)
  24. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 2,641


    It's called "life".
    Sometimes good, sometimes not so much......... but always better than the alternative.
    Stogy, Rickybop, williebill and 6 others like this.
  25. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    You said it, Blinky.
  26. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,594


    I relate this thread to a couple of things that I have had personal contact with.
    My dad used to go to a certain cafe in Renton, Wa every morning for breakfast after he retired and for one reason or another he decided to stay home and make his own for about three days in a row and a couple of the other regulars showed up on his door step because the waitresses at the cafe sent them to check on him. After that when he was coming over to see me or wasn't planning on going down for breakfast he let the waitress know that he wouldn't be there.

    My former coworker who taught Ag here in town would show up at the cafe two miles down the road every morning to meet with the morning coffee group and when he didn't show up for a couple of days in a row a couple of the guys decided to go check on him and found him laying on the kitchen floor where he had fallen two days before and couldn't get up. He survived that one but went to live with one of his sons not long after that.
    Stogy, Sharpone, Rickybop and 3 others like this.
  27. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 2,641


    Happy to know I am not "Stinky"........
    Stogy, Sharpone and Rickybop like this.
  28. Ricky has had some rough times but he keeps digging deep and comes back stronger than ever, he finally got in touch with his inner Popeye the sailor man ~ toot, toot! :D HRP
    Stogy, Sharpone, Rickybop and 5 others like this.
  29. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 9,749


    I eat up da woims
    And I spit out da joims...
    Stogy and Sharpone like this.

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