I'm sure it's out there but I've searched here and Ford barn and lots of references to late '32 rear crossmember shorter to account for the reinforcement plates and early is wider for lack of braces but can't find measurements or anything to identify one or the other. A little preface I am putting a stock frame together, I have a cherry K member, rear crossmember and rails but all from different frames. I need to figure out which rear I have as I'm willing to fabricate the braces, unless anyone has some to sell?
These pics are of an early Deuce chassis, I'm not sure about the rear but note the difference in the center cross member.
I have a complete late '32 fordor, I took these pics but hard to get accurate measurements on a complete car and was hoping someone had measurements to ID my loose rear crossmember. Not huge difference but once complete would be 1/4" difference in width, the early is wider and late narrower to account for the brace.
Worst case I can get the fordor jacked up in the air and do my best to measure I was just hoping someone knew of the top of their head or had a link
Go on The Ford Barn, and address your question to David G. He is THE authority on 1932 fords. I am quite sure that David G. will have your answer.
Posted on Ford barn also and got some good advice. No measurements but the braces also fill in the top and bottom, I dry fitted my rear crossmember and there is slop top and bottom so I guess I'm in the market for the frame stufiners. Messaged Iona as I have a lead that they reproduce respectable repros but not seeing a site or product list of what they offer.
I don't have any measurements for you, but sounds like if you're building your own frame then you might be able to tackle the stiffeners as well. Here are some I made for a frame a while back. This was an early frame without them, so some modifications had to be made to the crossmember too so it would fit. Made from three pieces of 1/8", welded at the corners inside and out then smoothed to look like a stamped piece. All riveted into factory framerails with a factory crossmember. I did add some plug welds to hold the stiffeners to the rails before riveting. I didn't have anything to measure or pattern from, just studied a bunch of pictures and tried to get as close as possible.
Thank you for all the replies, onto my plan B of fabricating the reinforcement plates, better off having the anyway. I slid the rear crossmember in the rails and it had 1/4 slop top to bottom also so dead give away it's a late. For future reference anyone searching and runs across this thread the late rear is 40 1/8 out side to out side from the front. The picture is a bad angle and doesn't reflect the actual measurement. I'll get a better picture tomorrow.