You're lucky. You can't even get seeds to grow good tomatoes anymore. I witnessed the beginning of the end of delicious commercially grown tomatoes back in the 60's. The invention of automated tomato harvesters was the culprit. The tomato harvester cuts the vine. The delicate tomato had to be genetically altered to withstand the process of picking. Then when they could no longer get multiple pickings and seasons from their crops because they cut the vine, they had to re-engineer the plant to grow faster and to increase production, etc. I worked one season leveling/grading farmland for tomatoes. It was hot, dirty work. No air conditioned cabs in those days. I would get off my tractor and grab some tomatoes off the vine to eat. They were so juicy they would quench your thirst...jumping into the irrigation ditches to cool off wasn't bad either.
May be a bit on the homely side, but that's a custom built by the German coachbuilder Spohn, and is probably worth quite a bit of money. Mick
It doesn't matter who built it. It was ugly when it was new and it's still ugly! Those are old pics so it's probably returned to the earth by now.