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Event Coverage Photoshoot Roadtrip... Film only.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Aug 28, 2024.

  1. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Ryan submitted a new blog post:

    Photoshoot Roadtrip... Film only.


    Continue reading the Original Blog Post
  2. Sounds like fun. Hope some willing hot-rodders step up and make contact.
  3. Voh
    Joined: Oct 18, 2006
    Posts: 1,052


    I would suggest the I-40 route over the I-10 routs. Its been years, but a group of us did the run on Harleys. Many of those little towns had all sorts of cool things to see.
  4. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I've done both numerous times... i40 is certainly more entertaining... i10 is more desolate (which can be cool) and quicker.
  5. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,528



    Wow! A new college student in So Cal. And Santa Barbara at that! Our son chose UCSB because he liked the atmosphere of being right on the ocean for most of the campus. He did not surf, but one of the best spots in that area is within a walking distance from the on campus dorms
    upload_2024-8-28_7-0-30.png He chose a multi-story dorm walking distance away in Goleta. It was the nicest dorm of all we visited. great food, private rooms, housekeeping and a short walk to the campus. After the first year, he chose a small two bedroom apartment in the coolest housing area of the surrounding Goleta locations. Yes, it had/has the reputation of constant parties all week +++. but, our son kept his grades in the B+ to A range in all classes.
    upload_2024-8-28_7-4-39.png This article and others came out several weeks ago in So Cal. We all had a great chuckle. Yes, it is/was a party school. Our adult friends could not get over the fact that we sent our son to UCSB. How else was he going to meet some other students with a great attitude towards college and the local cool atmosphere? That was my wife's answer to all of the questions about sending a freshman class person to college. Well, at least it was only a couple of hours away and the drive to get there and back is one of the most beautiful coastal drives in the whole west coast.


    One of our friends's daughters wanted to go to UCSB, but the entrance for freshmen was daunting. So, she went to Santa Barbara City College, also right on the ocean in the downtown harbor area. Also has a great surf spot right in front of the school and on at the harbor pier. So, she spent one year there, earned her first year college credits with a B+/A G.P.A. and enrolled at UCSB the next semester as a sophomore. There is more than one way to skin a cat...

    We liked the campus and my ties go back to the 1962-64 surfing years. One of our surf /drag race friends enrolled as a freshman and was the only one of our friends to go to school there. Of course, having such great surf spots so close to the campus was the main draw. At least my GPA was not high enough to be accepted, but we certainly felt like college students when we went there to visit regularly for our surf trips and overnight vacations.

    Good luck to your daughter and she will have fun in that whole area. As you visit regularly, there are a ton of great restaurants all over Goleta and downtown Santa Barbara. You will not be lacking for variety. A great place to get the atmosphere of 60s So Cal coastal lifestyle, is to stay at the Kimpton Goodland Resort in Goleta. It is a short drive to the campus and to downtown.

    If she is going to the other college located in Montecito,(Westmont) it is socked into the local wooded areas leading to the coastal mountain range. We knew several students there and the campus + curriculum is top notch. But, it is not UCSB. But, the whole area is like a coastal resort, which it is and the low key atmosphere plays into a great college experience.

    If by chance you decide to continue surfing, try Leadbetter Beach just below SBCC near the harbor. Fun waves, not like Rincon Point or the Sandspit... YRMV
  6. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 5,256


    Moss Motors is right next door to UCSB in Goleta. Hopefully all that OT English stuff won't be a corrupting influence.:cool:
    Outback, SR100, chryslerfan55 and 2 others like this.
  7. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Alright... I’m about to veer off-topic here for a moment—brace yourselves for some shameless kid bragging.

    Remember that little one you all threw a baby shower for at the HAMB Drags 18 years ago? Well, that baby just wrapped up high school as the captain of the cheer team, student body president, and top of her class. She’s snagged a scholastic scholarship to UCSB, no less.

    Now, like her old man, she’s got a bit of social anxiety. But unlike me, she’s got a razor-sharp mind and a strategy to match. She turned down UCSD, UCLA, Stanford, Berkeley, and a whole slew of other top-tier schools, and why? Because:

    1. UCSB has one of the best Chemistry departments in the nation, and she’s hell-bent on becoming a crime chemist.

    2. She picked a party school on purpose, knowing it’d force her to face those social situations that make her uneasy. It’s a move straight out of Sun Tzu’s playbook.

    Of course, there’s also the fact that she’s been riding Hawaiian waves since she was knee-high, and wherever she ended up had to have a decent break. UCSB just happens to have one of the best beach breaks in the country (Rincon), and that didn’t hurt the decision-making process much...

    Plus her dorm room has a fucking ocean view. Why the hell did I go to Oklahoma?
  8. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,528




    Yes, our son had a foreign car, and we thought of Moss Motors, but we sent him to
    Bob Joehnck Automotive (since 1959) in downtown Santa Barbara. 4 years of trouble free mileage, driving to and from the campus/dorm/apartments down the coast to our house and back many times.
    (local legend hot rod/drag racer)

    It also included a round about way to get home with an inland route to Lake Casitas and almost to Ojai to get around the La Conchita massive landslide that closed the Coast Highway for months.

    The Joehnck group did a great job and our son was confident for the next 4 years and beyond. YRMV
    chryslerfan55 and 41 GMC K-18 like this.
  9. V8RPU
    Joined: Sep 23, 2010
    Posts: 321

    from Nor Cal

    RPM nationals, Santa Margarita, up the coast from S.B. More great hot rods than you imagine all in action. Sept. 21.

    If you come through Sacramento I can drag out a car or two and probably arrange for other friends to share their machines.

    066 WH lineup 2022 01-02 .JPG

    066 WH lineup 2022 01-02 .JPG
    Outback, AHotRod, 36 ROKIT and 11 others like this.
  10. hrm2k
    Joined: Oct 2, 2007
    Posts: 5,269


    Just travel safely and don’t get arrested.
  11. BigRedRivi
    Joined: Nov 22, 2022
    Posts: 71


    You're always welcome here in Albuquerque via I-40! Unfortunately I personally don't know any hot rod guys, there's a guy down the street with a couple of late '30's cars but with folks being protective of their shit I haven't wanted to stop until I get my ride. That way he might see I'm a car guy too. Even though it's not the '34 Ford I wish I had, I'm proud of my collector even though it doesn't fit the J.J. timeline. I hang out here cuz I'm a car guy no matter what the vintage. Anyway take the southern route over and the northern route back? Gotta Love a Road Trip!!!
    61Cruiser and 41 GMC K-18 like this.
  12. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

    I really enjoyed the posts that came out of that trip years ago and meeting up with you in the city with everyone as well. Looking forward to whatever this trip produces.
  13. saltracer219
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,151


    I would guess that Washington State is probably out of the question.
  14. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,205


    If you decided to go south, let me know...that that I have much photogenic at the time.
    Just Gary and hrm2k like this.
  15. Awesome ! Congrats on your daughter's transition to "college kid". I did the opposite migration with my older daughter as she went from Nor Cal to Austin, attending UT.
    As has been suggested, the RPM Nationals are not too far north....if it works for your time line.
    lothiandon1940 and hrm2k like this.
  16. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I was so hoping I could pull that off... Move in day, however, is the same day as the event...
    lothiandon1940 and hrm2k like this.
  17. Blue Moon Garage
    Joined: Mar 1, 2009
    Posts: 447

    Blue Moon Garage

    You're always welcome here in Albuquerque via I-40! Unfortunately I personally don't know any hot rod guys

    There are plenty of us around, check in with the Rt. 66 Rodders for more plus Hot Rod Haven with Jamie Johnson.
    BigRedRivi likes this.
  18. BigRedRivi
    Joined: Nov 22, 2022
    Posts: 71


    Thanks for the heads up, seems most places are word of mouth? I haven't seen much advertising and no mention of them in car club stuff that I have seen. Sent you a side conversation.
  19. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 5,256


    I remember moving my son into SDSU in 2011. Probably the hottest day in San Diego history. No elevator in the dorm but luckily he was only on the second floor. Plus being a boy he didn't have a whole lot of stuff. But another father showed up with all his daughter's stuff on one of the carts like the bellhops use in a fancy hotel. I still remember the look on his face when they told him there was no elevator and his daughter's room was on the 4th floor. The things we did/do for our kids.
    lothiandon1940 and firstinsteele like this.
  20. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    Congratulations on your top notch daughter who isn't afraid to challenge herself and commit to going after what she wants
    ...even more to you being the dad that has invested in and know who she is....
    safe travels
    Just Gary likes this.
  21. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 5,142


    You should have gotten on the South Canadian River side of the dorms if you wanted a water view;).
  22. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
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    Oh no... that description may be around the famous Rincon Point, but there is a beach break no one sees unless you actually go surfing there. There may be some waves, but around shoulder high, turns into walls with very short rides, but at least it is a one turn wave. So, that location, not the famous lines wrapping around the point could be called a "beach break."

    YELLOW ARROW: The famous Rincon Point Break all the way to the Coast Highway.

    RED ARROW: POSSIBLE LOCATION of a "beach break" up the coastline a ways.


    At any rate, most of the winter months will have a good swell running and early a.m. surf scene is recommended. Unless an unusual Pacific Ocean storm pops up, Rincon Point is like a nice looking lake with ankle slappers near the rocky shoreline beach, the other months of the year. YRMV

    College life will be somewhat difficult, but there are plenty of times to have fun between down times.
    It will be hard not to spend some time walking the built in lagoon during a nice sunny day. Or along the fairly empty cliff side beach all the way past the Isla Vista apartments to Devereux Beach. Those waves at this portion of a beach are so much fun on a good swell. Hardly crowded unless the "word" is out. It is walkable from Isla Vista apartments on the cliff top. Bicycle ride away from the East Campus dorms...YRMV

    But, it will be very difficult not to surf Campus Point, since it is walkable from a lot of ocean view dorms on the East side of the college grounds. It is a good thing one has to walk down a cliff or at least to the edge of the cliff top to view the actual swell below. Otherwise, no one would go to classes. Ha!
  23. Not to hijack @Ryan thread but I’m willing to bet I’m the only guy to take two daughters to two different colleges/univesitys in two different city’s in two days for a total of 1200-1300 miles in a ‘65 Barracuda.
    Damnit if they have to leave home they may as well go in style!

    congrats Ryan, it’s exciting to see them starting their lives
  24. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Short detour to Minnesota and you can shoot my crappy stuff….
  25. 60short
    Joined: Jul 4, 2018
    Posts: 6


    I'm in Santa Barbara if you need anything while you are here.

    RPM Nationals is a short drive, but probably the most on-topic event.

    Here is the calendar ( ) but weekday events may be a bit slim

    Enjoy the drive!
  26. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,770


    Well if you’re going to stop at Moriarity’s place you should stop by mine too.
  27. First of all congratulations on your baby girl going to college, as for you going to Oklahoma, SOONER or later you’ll get over it.
    alanp561 and lothiandon1940 like this.
  28. I remember your last photo road trip. I recently looked for the thread but was unable to find it.

    Get the word out and you will have a lot of guys show up with some great hot rods & customs. HRP
  29. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    from KCMO

  30. Sutton Speed
    Joined: Jul 15, 2006
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    Sutton Speed

    @Ryan Proud dad moments right there! UCSB is a pretty amazing place in one of the most beautiful parts of California.

    Man that's a bummer you can't make the RPM Nationals while you're there. You're gonna be an hour away from one of the greatest traditional Hot Rod events there is!

    Anyways, this was a fun one from when you were out in California a few years back...
    Outback, Tim and deuceman32 like this.

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