My deuce daily driver is needing new shoes. Currently has 500-16 & 700-16 Excelsior radials. Fronts are 25 tall and rears 29.10. While the Excelsior's have the look that comes with a price. Buying them at Speedway the total for 4 tires is $1700.00. Alternative radial tires seem to be a problem, There's a few rears available but finding a 25 inch front with a matching rear seems impossible. Height and width is important. I don't want to raise the front and in the back the rear fender is only 10 inches wide. Also currently my speedo is right on. I tried Diamond Back, that was a no go. STRUGGLING.
I've got a like new set of those exact same tires. That would be so very cheap to you. But shipping might be cost me
I was going to suggest diamond backs auburns but you said no dice on diamond back. Good luck finding a cheaper solution, not a lot of them out there anymore :S
Ever consider doing staggered combo? I ran into the same dilemma and because there are more 25ish inch tires available in 15”, I decided to do 15’s front and 16’s rear. Helps with the sidewall profile look as well (I think). And now that diamondback does the auburns in 15 and 16, I’m glad I did.
Shipping is not a problem with Speedway, it's free. Called Coker and no body acknowledged an Alliance discount?
I'll know more on shipping tires in a week or so as I have a pair of 800x15" shipping from Calif. to Nebraska via Pirate shipping at $52 per tire, not sure I would do so again as many vendors offer special rates & as a first-time user the Pirate shipping was a real pain to manipulate for an old timer.
I just checked the list of vendors on the HAMB that offers an alliance discount and Coker tire isn't listed anymore.
Notice that Coker is listed as the featured vendor right now on the HAMB but they are Not listed in the list of alliance vendors. View a complete list of participating vendors and their discounts. I wonder if the Coker add on top is a mistake, or their absence from the vendor list is the error. I know they used to be listed so I wonder why they got removed from the list?
I think the add is old and when Coker stopped being a member of the alliance they got removed from the list but the feature remained un noticed. I would assume they were removed from the list because they didn’t want to offer a deal to alliance members. Probably not any more complicated than that
For whatever it might be worth to anyone needing shipping referrals Pirate shipping about half the price of most carriers, but would suggest doing your own research first .
As many people complain about Coker tires, I wouldn’t offer a discount to them either if it was me. Never had any, so I can’t speak to their quality or lack thereof.
Calli Tire & Wheel LLC They can probably make you what you need. I've bought several sets of tires from them in the past and they were easy to deal with ...
Diamond Back did not have correct sizes to replace my 16 inch Excelsiors. That may not bother some of you but I gotta have tires that match front and rear. Only exception has been some of the highboy cars I've built with Michelin XZX'S on the front and some obese large tire on the rear.
I bought a 4 Firestone’s last winter from Coker around the holidays, they offered 10% off and free shipping, maybe they will do that again this year.....I have recently got email from them offering free shipping, but don’t know if it’s still available
I’ve heard that diamond back has a shorter front if you go to a 15”. That might be the only way to get the matching tire and size you want. I have 5.50 16 on the front of my pops and I’s T roadster and I wish they were shorter.
Received my tires via Pirate shipping, I was a bit nervous as they requested them to be shipped individually & thought better of it if separated ,as one tire wouldn't be of much use & slim chance to find another as they were original 800-820x15" Goodyear dirt track Blue Streaks mounted at some point but never ran as the nubs are still intact. Aged & a bit hefty for a flathead but hoping to find something close to make a similar example, reaching out to Goodyear as they do make the later sport tread Blue Streaks & see what they have forth coming before proceeding. And back to the original topic the freight came in at $52 each from Bakersfield Ca. to Papillion Ne.
There was a new tire company at the Louisville Nats, Handsome Tire Co. No idea if they have what you're looking for. I ordered some redlines for my GTO, not received yet to give an evaluation. About half the price compared to Coker.
Not certain how to describe the D.T. Blue Streaks, similar to an alternating kidney shape flagstone sidewalk would be my best guess.
Not sure what brands are available from Handsome Tires, but they certainly have good pricing as mentioned on the redlines, the shipping may be the defining factor.