I'm running dual 97's on my flathead on an Edmunds manifold in my 37 Ford. I want to run a regular linkage, not progressive, from the original gas pedal. I see a lot of linkages either on HAMB or in catalogs that show linkages on the gas inlet side of the carbs. I must admit to being surprised at that. I bought a linkage from Honest Charlie's that I thought would work but it seems cheaply made and doesn't operate very very smoothly. Does anyone have any suggestions. All my buddies are muscle car guys and not much help with flatheads. Thanks in advance.
The best set-up is two double set-screw dogbone swivel arms connected by a rod, mounted on the driver's side, then just pull off the rear carb's throttlearm with the stock firewall mounted linkage. All this stuff is available in stainless steel and I sell it . Sometimes, when setting this up, it's a good idea to remove the carbs from the bases so you can actually see and make sure both sets of throttleplates are fully closed before tightening everything up.
You might want to just fabricate one, use and old linkage that fits the carbs, cut it and measure it and tack it together (braze or weld), you can get linkage connectors from NAPA or most suppliers and measure/fit it to your accelerator bracket. Or if you are real handy you can make up a real nice one using steel/chrome brackets with the connectors. Speedway (www.SpeedwayMotors.com) has some nice ones, I used a 9" I think on one of my 2x2 setups and they are adjustable for around $15.
Here are 2 97's on an Edmunds regular intake. Run your shortened stock throttle rod to the right side of the rear carb and your golden.
Good afternoon…I know this post is from several years back however I believe it may apply to my question and application. It seems that my 2x2-97 (aftermarket carbs) setup (8BA) has the throttle linkage on the passenger side of the carb. Is this proper or is there a better more efficient, less hassle, simple, and clean way to have this hooked up? I feel like there’s a lot going on. Please see pictures. Do you still sell the linkage and what does it look like installed? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give. Stay safe, blessed, and be well.
Uncle Max is the best Stromberg rebuilder there is, and he deals all the parts that Stromberg sells. Look at the Stromberg website and you will find a nice linkage that connects the carbs on the left side. Then just connect the pedal to the rear carb on the right side. Order all the stuff through Max.
Thank you kindly @alchemy. This is great info. This is exactly what I was looking for. I just couldn’t wrap my head around why both carbs on the passenger side have all this linkage. As you can see in the pics I have a CP progressive linkage on the driver side but the passenger side looks all complicated. So, just to confirm…I can ditch all this linkage on the passenger side and just connect a rod/linkage from the pedal to the rear carb and I’ll be good to go? Thank you again for the information.
Most people are blissfully unaware of it, but all flathead dual manifolds are not created equal. See this post on "T Ford Barn" where I differentiate between the different types : https://www.fordbarn.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2258996&highlight=biased#post2258996he
Your pics are small on my phone. Can’t tell what is connected on the right side. Maybe the chokes? Don’t need throttles connecting on both sides. And actually I would run straight linkage on a dual carb, not progressive.
@alchemy Ok, copy that, yes chokes on both carbs. I’ve been seeing a ton of commentary on my searches and this seems to be the consensus more than not on the progressive linkage. Thanks again for the info.
@wheeldog57 thank you for sharing the pics. That’s what I’m looking for, just a simple and reliable linkage setup.
Dog bones and non progressive linkage on drivers side for 2x2 set up, throttle pedal on pass side. You have to synchronize your carbs to idle the same vacuum rate at idle, then hook the drivers side link together.
@1935ply Great, thank you for sharing the pics. Looking for something just like this but obviously my carbs are shorter a distance apart.