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Folks Of Interest Alias, Handle, Moniker, Nickname, Username?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by HOTRODPRIMER, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. It's been a minute since this has come up and we are always getting new members,
    So, the ball is in your court, lets hear the story behind your username.

    Whatever you call it, Most of us use one on sites like the HAMB and other assorted message boards, as time passes over the years many opt to use their given name.

    A Username use to be a must but I am unsure if it's all that important today but discussing the validity of using your name or a Moniker is something for another day.

    A long time member sent me a conversation recently asking me what was the meaning behind my username, HOTRODPRIMER ?

    My moniker goes back more than 40 years and at a time before primer was considered to be a finished color, every car I had owned seemed to have a coat of red oxide primer when it started looking bad I would shoot a fresh coat and loved the hot rod look.

    Our car club attended a show at Stone Mountain Georgia just a few days after getting my model A truck on the road with the primer still so fresh you smell it ten feet away.

    Brenda and I strolled around the parking lot eyeing other cars at the show and when we got back to the area the rest of the club members had set up camp we saw a sign in front of the truck that had "BEST PAINT AWARD" wrote in one of my friends? best crayola crayon script on the back of a 24 can Budweiser cardboard box stating the paint job was by "HOTRODPRIMER",the name stuck and I still hear it from few of the old timers in the club that was in attendance. HRP

    Six Ball, Tuck, 29A-V8 and 39 others like this.
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
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    When a crew member saw me getting into my '23T altered drag car he remarked,
    "Greg, every time I see you shoe horning yourself (I'm 6'6")into that tiny altered roadster I think of Fred Flinstone with his feet poking out the bottom of THE FLINTSTONE FLYER for motivation."
    "Well since I'm from Frenchtown, you can call me The Frenchtown Flyer."
    It stuck.

    Last edited: Sep 30, 2024
  3. My name on here came from my profession. I’m a medium/heavy duty diesel truck mechanic. I have been for 34 years. At work, I’m the lead technician/service manager. I fix all the stuff no one else can and do 85% of the computer diagnostics and electrical work. I’m known at work as “The Fat Dumb Farm Kid”. My wife gets mad at for calling myself dumb, but she fails to see the irony in what I do and what I call myself.
  4. dana barlow
    Joined: May 30, 2006
    Posts: 5,284

    dana barlow
    from Miami Fla.
    1. Y-blocks

    As teens,we had a great neighborhood ,of 12 teens with in only a few blocks,same age pretty much. That made it a super cool hood to grow up in.
    So ya,we had nick names for all of us. It was the 1950s n early 60s. Coconut Grove,Fla. bearly south of Miami.
    My own was "The Bat",I didn't mind it at all,even ended up using it as my Art name,for my pinstriping n Wild car T-shirts I painted.!
    The why,depened on who got asked? " He bat shit crazy,,he drinks too much Bacardi,he a bat out of hell,an so on,but that kind of was what would be, with asking about any of the others,TOO !
    Real name,has always been a bit like the song " A boy named Sue",at times even had to add a "Mr." in front.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  5. When I joined in 2008 I had not built a hot rod yet. So I was "hitchhiking" along with you guys.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
    Six Ball, clem, 29A-V8 and 23 others like this.
  6. 1-SHOT
    Joined: Sep 23, 2014
    Posts: 2,814

    from Denton

    IMG_2247.jpeg IMG_1568.jpeg One Shot because I use to put stripes on cars at the body shop . I also was a good shot shooting rats at the dump in Vietnam while we guarded it to keep scrounges out of it. But my buddy Rasmussen he was from Tennesee could call his shots where he was aiming for. I think he was born with a rifle in his hand
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2024
  7. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,826


    Sharpone because one of my hobbies is making knives. When I was signing up on HAMB I was asked for a username, since I’ve used Sharpone on other sites that is what I used not thinking that my moniker really doesn’t fit the hot rod and custom theme! Not as cool as most names here.
  8. Oneball
    Joined: Jul 30, 2023
    Posts: 1,358


    Oneball is the only nickname I’ve ever been given so when internet stuff started and you had to have a username, I used it and have ever since. It’s not one that anyone else seems to pick! It came from the guys at work after I got testicular cancer and had a bollock chopped off.
    Mart, Six Ball, 29A-V8 and 25 others like this.
  9. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
    Posts: 1,826


    You should get an award for most earned nickname!
  10. 51504bat
    Joined: May 22, 2010
    Posts: 5,264


    Always have liked big trucks. Used to have 3 1940 1 1/2 ton Fords. They went down the road when I bought Rusty but I'm still crazy (5150 CA Welfare and Institutions Code) for Big Ass Trucks (4BAT)
  11. All the names I picked were taken and I really don't have a nickname.....unless the a**hole or weirdo names stuck?!?!?

    I though my screen name would be funny at the time. Everyone said I was "old" because I've always like anything old (even though I wasn't). It was funny to me 20+ years ago, now I'm growing into it.
  12. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,785


    When I was younger, I always preferred the five window Deuce to the three window, not that I could afford either! Today, I actually prefer '30/'31 Model A's and conveniently, they're all 5 windows.

    FWIW, my avatar is nose art for my dad's fighter in WWII, done by a Warner Bros cartoon artist
  13. Mine is no where as interesting as the ones posted thus far. My car is a 55 so I played around with that in other languages. Finally decided on Dos Cincos (two fives)
  14. warbird1
    Joined: Jan 3, 2015
    Posts: 1,217


    Mine is the designation for what I worked on at my last job before retirement.
  15. redo32
    Joined: Jul 16, 2008
    Posts: 2,248


    My given name is Edward, to family and old school buddies I was Eddie. In 1970 I worked for a short time at the Chevy dealer. There was a mechanic with red hair, he was 6 ft tall. I've only known him as Red. With my red hair and 5'8", they sometimes called him "Big Red" and me "Little Red". The truth is I was 80 pounds lighter then. Some since have called me "Big Red" or "Red Beard" even though my beard is now white my hair has gotten darker with age and is now classified as auburn.

    The license plate is a regular registration Oregon plate. Not a vanity plate. I expended some effort when I heard that DMV would use prefix RED to get several registered with my favorite years of vehicles.

    When I registered here and chose my nickname I thought I typed RED 032. I hit "O" instead of zero. Leaving me redo 32.
    Mart, Six Ball, 29A-V8 and 20 others like this.
  16. "Seadog"...goes back to my sailing days.
  17. snoc653
    Joined: Dec 25, 2023
    Posts: 789

    from Iowa

    My user name is a combination of events leading up to this one that I have used for many years and on many sites. I started out with SnoC. It is how you spell my German last name (S [no C] h u l t z). We called it the family curse as there is no C in our last name. (long story short they changed the spelling and claimed to be Pennsylvania Dutch when being German was not a good thing to a lot). The 653 was our racing number. Dad bought a hydroplane when my brother was 6, I was 5 and my sister was 3. That boat was a major part of our growing up so I use it to this day. When I race, I still try to use that number.
    Mart, Six Ball, 29A-V8 and 17 others like this.
  18. kabinenroller
    Joined: Jan 26, 2012
    Posts: 1,227


    My user name is German for “Cabin Scooter”, besides the other vehicles in my life I own three Messerschmitt KR’s, the “KR” represents Kabinenroller. (Ka- been-en-roller)
    Mart, Six Ball, Baumi and 21 others like this.
  19. oldsmobum
    Joined: Apr 26, 2012
    Posts: 211

    from SoCal

    I am a bum and I like Oldsmobiles. After reading some of these, I realize that I need a better origin story.
  20. notaford1
    Joined: Feb 6, 2012
    Posts: 267

    from webster ny

    My user name comes from my reply to most casual observers of my car. I drive a 29 DODGE sedan but most of the time people ask about my model A or Ford car to which I have to say it’s “NOT A FORD” !!!!!!
  21. Sky Six
    Joined: Mar 15, 2018
    Posts: 13,752

    Sky Six
    from Arizona

    Sky Six is a military call sign. I was never cool enough for a nickname.
  22. buford_59
    Joined: May 30, 2010
    Posts: 82


    Buford is what they call Buicks and I have 3; a ’39 sedan, ’59 Invicta wgn. and a ’59 2dr. sedan. + a couple of 4dr. parts cars. Also I’m 6’-4” and used to be a pretty solid 280. Buford T. Pusser (spl.?) from Walking Tall got me the nickname. All my other names were taken. Especially Wagon Master given to me by “Woodie” Will O’Neil back in’77.
  23. I used to get asked "which truck is yours?" ... I said the "rusty one"
  24. Z06-LITE
    Joined: Nov 13, 2010
    Posts: 245


    ZO6-LITE comes from the vanity plate on my Corvette. I ordered it with no options to get the lightest ZO6 possible. I tried to get it with no A/C, heater, or radio. They laughed at me at the dealership. I started using that username on Corvette forms over 20 years ago and it kind of followed me here.
  25. My first hot rod. 38 Chevy (2 dr sedan with a) 454.
    Six Ball, 29A-V8, Oneball and 12 others like this.
  26. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,145


    I used to have dreadlocks. I was my wife’s dreddybear.

    Look at this sultry look of uh sultry sultryness. Almost salacious but somehow safe. Fire. Danger! … But also safety. The kind of look that says “we can cuddle, and I’m happy if that’s all that happens. But also we can get tacos.”

    And tacos is as serious as it gets. And I’ve had many. Too many. So many that I don’t look like this anymore. :p

    Im getting tacos now.

    Six Ball, Tuck, Never2low and 17 others like this.
  27. chevy57dude
    Joined: Dec 10, 2007
    Posts: 9,039

    1. Maryland HAMBers

    DUDE! Because I LOVE 1957 Chevys! Big 'ol tri five dork. To quote Popeye, I yam what I yam.
  28. TRAVLR
    Joined: Jul 18, 2022
    Posts: 174

    from NC

    Travlr is short for Traveller. I have always been an avid history buff.
    Traveller was the name of General Robert E. Lee's horse he rode during the Civil War.
    I had a friend "modify" an original 1950 NC license tag for me. The tags from 1950 only used 6 numerals.
    Six Ball, 29A-V8, Oneball and 13 others like this.
  29. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 4,517

    41 GMC K-18

    My username comes from the very cool, totally radical, NOT normal for a 17 year old, to purchase and drive, the "1941 GMC K-18" Signal corps radio panel truck.

    Back in those days of the mid 60's, all of us hippies had to have something cool and different to drive, and believe me, this was it for me!

    My dad tried to talk me out of it, but I was obsessed with having something that others did not have!

    There are a lot of great memories of all of the booze and drug filled, fabulous furry freak brother's type of adventures, that took place in that rolling palace of pleasure and scaring the hell out of Honda cars, when pulling up in back of them, and hitting the high pitched Italian duel, air horns, I never got tired of that!

    After installing the Clark 5 speed transmission that had 30% overdrive, the mighty GMC, 270, 6 banger, would power the rig down the freeway at a blistering 55 MPH !

    Back then, the speed limit in California was 70 MPH on the freeway, so there was a ton of intimidation from frustrated drivers in back of me, but the sheer presence of those military style, can opener, thick as hell bumpers, kept them from nudging me out of the way.

    That old truck, taught me a lot about how to work on various component's of that truck.
    I was so lucky that during the time I owned it and drove it, that there wasn't any problems with the brakes or the ancient rear end.

    It now lives in a storage lot of an aviation and military museum in Bakersfield California, awaiting its turn to be fully restored.

    Thanks from Dennis.

    41 GMC dog tags (2).JPG 41 GMC K-18 side view (2).JPG DSC_3758.JPG k-18 in 1971-1.JPG k-18 in 1971-2.JPG k-18 in 1971-3.JPG DSC_3787 (2).JPG DSC_3792 (2).JPG DSC_3813 (2).JPG bakersfield K-18 (2).jpg
    Mart, Six Ball, 29A-V8 and 26 others like this.
  30. Back in the 1970's drag raced whatever I could get into. Best was an old 1951 Thames panel van that started with a nailhead and was last ran with a 392 hemi at the old PID. Took a break and began back in the late 1980's drag racing OT Fords and they were called Warhorse's so the name became my moniker.

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