Just wondering why a 1940 For is referred to with the “for” and not the “four” which refers to the number.....
Forty is the accepted way to spell “fourty”. On the other hand, Ford called their four door cars Fordors. LOL
@Fortunateson how is “40” spelled in BC? I think in Canada color is spelled with a “u” in it, as many other words are. Is that the reason for the topic?
Yes, colour is spelt with a "u" in Canada, and in numerous other countries. So too are many other words....... like umbrella, unicorn and utterly ridiculous. Nowhere in the world is forty spelled with a "u". The "u" in colour tragically fell overboard to its death sometime during the journey of the English language across the Atlantic to the USA......
The English language makes no sense sometimes. Many words in Canadian English have an added U, such as colour as you noted, or favour, etc. however the correct spelling even in Canada is Forty.
As I was told, the reason for dropping letters such as the "u" in colour is back in the typesetting days people paid for printed articles by the character. So the less characters the cheaper it cost to print.. Larry