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Hot Rods Quotes to live by...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Boneyard51, Apr 2, 2018.

  1. 2devilles
    Joined: Jul 16, 2021
    Posts: 416


    Be the man your dog thinks you are.
  2. The Road Is Long …
    With many a winding turn …


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  3. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
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    I cannot get over the art that I like. It comes from the early hot rod/custom car influence we started when we were little kids. If our dad did not take us to the local grocery/liquor store to get his three So Cal newspapers and some snacks, my brother and I would not have the time to come to the store to look at the magazines of all kinds, especially hot rods and custom cars.

    Since our dad was buying a bunch of stuff, the store manager knew him and it was ok for the two brothers to browse the magazines. So, being local helped start this long passion or idea of how cars got into our simple brains.

    A long time ago, I drew a Ford coupe, then changed it to a station wagon. But, there was not enough room for some good flames, so I made it into a sedan delivery, but a lowered version. There were a bunch of lowered cars in our Westside of Long Beach neighborhood, so we had to fit in with the style. But, in looking at that old drawing, it was cuckoo. It would not move due to the scraping stance and some giant stepped on the rear section, making it lower, yet.

    Some eyeball dimensions… maybe it was a colorful influence from those magazines. Proportion is in the eye of the artwork. YRMV
  4. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
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    It has been a long time since having a dream that I could definitely write down as an artistic memory. I dream in color as I remember, but, upon awakening, it all goes away, despite trying to write down what just happened. Sometimes, I get about a sentence or two and blankness… sometimes, it makes no sense in what I am trying to write down. So, what about it?

    Then, again, some dreams stand out so well that I try to do the same thing again. The same view, the same characters and so on, but when something clicks, I can see it, but when I wake up, nothing in the memory blanks, except for inklings of flashing images. And they are not all clear.


    So, when I try to think about an old idea that I once had from a dream, it becomes a confusing wreck of a memory jog. It is too bad there is no such thing as a screenshot of those memories and being able to print it to make it clearer in normal daylight. That would be really something…

    But, until then, it is normal idea, stretch it from mild to wild and then back to a nice design to meet the current pencil and eraser actions.

    In recent times, a station wagon has been our family daily driver. But, they are not hot rods. Although they are fast, low and get from point a to point b. so with that in mind, the art gets back to an actual what if status.

    Plenty of ideas come into this old brain and lots get put on paper. So, if one is to continue to the finished product, then weekly, the design gets changed until something finally hits home.


    From this original concept from my brother’s idea of a Model A hot rod/Gas Coupe, to how I saw the finished project: He has always liked yellow as a primary color in his future finished hot rods…
    upload_2024-10-11_2-50-51.png Model A hot rod or drag coupe for the drags...
    To this new idea of a Model A Sedan from a mixture of race car and old hot rod.
    upload_2024-10-11_2-52-12.png One more design is still in there somewhere... a Model A station wagon, not a woody. Coming soon... YRMV
  5. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,532


    “Be who you are and say what you feel”


    In our elementary school, there were two teachers who we all thought were the coolest teachers we ever knew. One was a tall woman who was the tallest on campus during our 4th grade year. The other was a 5th grade teacher who was about a foot shorter, but they both offered similar advice to all of their students.

    In the third grade, I did get in trouble with another teacher, who called me the worst student in all of her years of teaching. My report card was 90% “N” Needs to Improve. The other 10% were “E” excellent in all things sports and teams. What she told us was say what you feel. But as I did, I got in trouble, so why would she say that? the girl I knew sat in the next desk over and always got the top grades in every class. She chuckled at my report card and had a smile from ear to ear.

    My mom was horrified and did get called in to a conference that she had no idea what was being said. She kept hearing “… I told him … then he got in trouble…” very conflicting for my mom.

    So, over the summer, I learned to continue saying what I felt and everything started to fall in line. The 4th grade teacher took me under her wings and explained her idea of the saying.


    I was able to express my ideas and then everything started falling in place. The teacher was very accepting and led me to better grades and wiped off the smirk of the girl sitting next to me, as her grades were no longer the top in the class. YES!

    The 5th grade teacher also was one of the great ones. He taught us different way to look at things, yet to comment on them, but to be accepting of other’s ways to see and understand things. He knew I was a good athlete and selected me to be one of the captains on the two teams at each game or contest. He taught me to see other’s point of views, despite me, “going against the grain.”

    I changed the way I saw and heard others. I adapted my way to go along with the flow, yet still be individual and different. The teacher stressed continued ways to adapt or change to be accepted in mind only and to do the right thing in thoughts.
    upload_2024-10-18_3-3-20.png Not a hot rod, per se, not a drag racing car, custom car, and not a daily beach going vehicle as seen by others… But, it was our own car and happy to drive it for 125k miles of trouble free cruising.

    What I heard was protesting anything is fine, but not all of the ideas spoken will be accepted to all others, so, it will just float away eventually. Then in a few years, the radical 6os came along and it just fell in place. Listen and filter out what was what… live your own life the way you want… adapt…YRMV
  6. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
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    41 GMC K-18

    IMG022 1 (3).jpg

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2024
  7. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
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    I love it, dogs are the only creatures that give true unconditional love.
    Funny thought.
    I’m partial to labs, they love to retrieve some days they’ll retrieve an item maybe 50 times some days 5 or 10. When my lab has had enough she will lay down with her toy end of fetching for now. So one day is thinking “what makes her decide she’s had enough?”
    Dogs thinking “I bring you may best toy and what do you do - you throw it! Asshole!”
  8. J. A. Miller
    Joined: Dec 30, 2010
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    J. A. Miller
    from Central NY

    Every 20 minute job is one broken bolt away from a 3 day ordeal.
  9. 2devilles
    Joined: Jul 16, 2021
    Posts: 416


    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  10. 23crate
    Joined: Oct 6, 2010
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    from nz

    from my child hood "Eat it or Wear it"
  11. atch
    Joined: Sep 3, 2002
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    As my late friend Ed used to say "nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool."
  12. Stock Racer
    Joined: Feb 28, 2010
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    Stock Racer

    Trying to make a race horse out of a jackass

    If it has tits or tires your gonna have problems
    Toms Dogs, 29A-V8, X-cpe and 4 others like this.
  13. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,532


    “If you think you are going to lose, then you have already lost…”


    In the beginning, this brown/tan colored 348/280 hp 58 Impala was winning almost every round, including several weeks of eliminating my brother each time. The motor was the same, 348 ci and 280 hp, so something was making that tan Impala faster. My brother does not like to lose at anything. A game, a basketball one on one and bicycling faster from our house to the school two blocks away. It was always a race.

    So, he must have used the quote he heard somewhere as he kept at it until, one day, he said we were going to the local Chevy dealer and buy a complete 4:56 Positraction third memher and some smelly Positraction oil. Why? We already had aa 4:11 Positraction unit and it was doing fine. But, he looked at me with some determination and said, that will allow us to be perfectly matched with that brown/tan Impala.

    The next week, they lined up after several winning rounds and now two rounds to go to the final run for the trophy. At the light, somehow, my brother got the jump and led all the way to the finish. He came back to the tower with a giant smile and showed me the winning time slip. After that barrier was crossed, the final run against another Impala was nothing. He led from start to finish. YES!!!
    “Smiling Faces…Going Places…”
    Something, or some form of determination made him go after that goal with a fury. A nice tall trophy was now sitting in the driver’s seat as a result of his win. YRMV

  14. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
    Posts: 2,147


    Along the same lines, "Any time anything gets idiot proofed, someone makes an better idiot."
    Boneyard51, coneman, 29A-V8 and 4 others like this.
  15. Cosmo49
    Joined: Jan 15, 2007
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    This actually happened to me a half lifetime ago.... I was a mail carrier up in Buffalo and delivery was to the back service door on the side street of the old corner hardware store. As I walked in the door the proprietor was cutting glass to repair a 12 light storm door, there being two or three patrons or friends in makeshift seats watching the craftsman in action. He looked up, winked at me with a smile and said, "Yep, I've cut this glass twice and it's still too short!" I was choking I was laughing so hard, the others remained mute in absence of response, either it went over their heads or they had heard this one a dozen times before from the jolly gentleman.
  16. Sharpone
    Joined: Jul 25, 2022
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  17. 532r5
    Joined: Jan 4, 2017
    Posts: 46


    A fart is just a turd honking for the right of way
  18. 532r5
    Joined: Jan 4, 2017
    Posts: 46


    Dad used to say never stand in one place for too long, somebody's liable to walk by and throw dirt on you so keep moving.
  19. IMG_3143.jpeg

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  20. TRAVLR
    Joined: Jul 18, 2022
    Posts: 172

    from NC

    Guy and Gals,
    Please excuse if this has been posted already... (There are 69 pages)
    I have always been a big John Wayne fan.
    My favorite quotes by him are...
    "I am responsible for what I say, Not for what you understand" and
    " Life is tough, but it is tougher when you are stupid"
  21. flatheadpete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2003
    Posts: 10,591

    from Burton, MI

    I’ll let you lick the stamp.
  22. I received a text message and a phone
    call (that I let go to voicemail) from
    someone in Australia yesterday
    who saw a video I posted on a
    1932 Ford Hot Rod I had transported
    for a regular customer …

    He was insisting it was for sale
    and he should be the new owner …

    Wonders Never Cease … :rolleyes:

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    Last edited: Oct 28, 2024
    chryslerfan55, Boneyard51 and 29A-V8 like this.
  23. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    ^^^^^ I remember one of my Foreman saying “ Your paycheck is your pat on the back and you’re lucky to get that”.
  24. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,532


    "Show me a woman who doesn't feel guilty and I will show you a man."


    Overheard years ago before the pandemic, at a gathering of friends and their wives. The topic was housekeeping, doing it themselves or hiring out to a cleaning service. It was 5 to one to hire out for the whole house cleaning every two weeks or monthly. We were the only ones to say that we did it ourselves.

    But, then it switched to the overall house, den, tv room and of course, the garage. The topics started to get pinpointed towards the mess in most garages. The majority response was that the wives drive cars and pull in, park, shut off and walk out of the garage. It was not a place to hang around and tinker or hang around an gather with other folks. There was something not right with the garages of most houses.

    When confronted with the mess in the garage, the answer was usually, “what mess?” as much stuff gets put in the garage and it is covering the wall spaces and shelves, that is the mess most see when the garage door is open. So, goes most households in America.

    Of all of our relatives and friends, there is one person who has the same attitude as her husband. Mess, what mess… and the hits keep on coming into play… ha!


    After hearing our own stories over time, our current garage for the last 20 years is not a mess, but a nice extra room of our house. It just happens to have two cars sitting in the spaces. The insulation in the dry wall covered walls is like the rest of the house. The tall cabinets hold our stuff, but are hidden neatly behind doors. The counter is long and ready for any work. But, is kept empty for workspace on any project(s) one of us has going at the time.
    During our world wide transition of adapting to the pandemic rules and locations, it was a warm welcoming site to sit in a nicely heated space that looked like the inside of any neat household room. Since no one was actually sitting around inside of a house with friends and family at the time, the garages then became the meeting place for such a family visit or two. “Mess, what mess…” YRMV
    upload_2024-11-1_3-11-8.png "A Game of Thrones..."
  25. tjm73
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
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    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
  26. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
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    Our granddaughter is in her second year of college. She is growing up fast. Her class schedule has changed from her freshman year. Now, she does not have 8:00 a.m. classes and is happier for it. As times go past, her college years are different than what our college life was, just as it was different for everyone growing up back then to now.

    Our son, as he approached his college days, enjoyed the new challenges that lifestyle offered. When we think of college, my wife and I always used to tell friends when asked, Why are you sending him to “that party school?” a school known for outrageous parties and social life… We did not think twice about the choice of colleges. (UCSB)

    He liked the visit, we had the history of the area from our teenage surfing days and now, family lived up there. So, it was a natural. Plus, my wife’s answer was… Where else is he going to grow up and adjust to the various forms of activities as he explores the next level of life? We then laughed…

    So, now the new generation is exploring her own college life as she can in the new era. It is different, obviously, but similar to those 60s college lifestyle days. It is more in line with our son’s time in school. we look and like what we still see, although Iphones take up a lot of social interaction, instead of challenging conversations like we used to do.

    Ha, phones were not invented as yet. So, we looked at each other in the eyes upon contact in classes and walkways between classes. The phone system “neck and back” problems will surface in the future with a curved spine!!! HA!


    Our granddaughter stopped over last week for a visit, while she was home for a short while. Although she is almost as tall as we are, a lot older than the last time she stayed with us for long weeks on end, it seemed like “old home week.” From 6 months to elementary school through high school, we revolved around her growing up days. Her favorite hot rod was a cool 63 Ford Falcon Convertible that had a powerful motor and came rumbling down her street. We thought that was going to be her first car… if only…
    But, our conversations and get together a few days ago told us that the history is still there. It was as if she was still growing up with our lifestyle and felt at home, like she did when she was living with us, weekly. Conversations and topics flowed like the old times. But, times do change, the past is the past, but those memories are priceless.

    The thing was, to my wife and me, our conversations and thoughts are more advanced, but it certainly seemed like it was coming around again like it was from 6 months to the teenage years… ahh memories…YRMV

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024

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