hey ya'll, so i'm working on my 37 ford panel with a 59AB and a 39 style trans. took the torque tube and rear out to address a clutch issue. after spending about 8 hours trying to reinstall, it i'm no further then when i started. the issue seems to be the angle. i cant raise the rear enough to get the angle right without having the spring hit the crossmember. so my question is can i take the spring off and then push the torque tube in, and then replace the spring or is replacing the spring just another can of worms? any input will be helpful! thanks
Don’t take the spring out unless you have a spreader tool. I’ve only pulled a TT rear ends, so can’t offer advice other than don’t take the spring off without a proper tool, made or bought. it’s under a lot of pressure and needs to be spread out or the possibility of injury can occur.
You can't come at it lower and just manipulate the u-joint to engage the splines then lift it back into place? It does not have to go in as a straight shot.
I know some won't like this but three weeks ago I had the exact same situation with a 37 slant back. The cross member does present a real problem. I had one person under the car guiding the slip joint in while another was reaching down from within the car, I was at the back pushing on the rearend. No matter what we did the slip joint would not go onto the output shaft. After about an hour of swearing and cursing, we were about to do what you have just suggested and we had spring spreader. I did not want to remove the spring since it had just given us grief getting it onto the hangers. What did we do? I got the slip joint aligned with the output shaft and got it to a point of bind. I then got a heavy ratchet strap and ran it around the cross member and the rearend. I cranked up the strap to maximum tension and hit the slip joint with a heavy hammer. It sounded like a cannon going off, but, one hit and the drive shaft was home into the tranny. Good luck with this one. Warren
Is it possible to raise/lower the front of the engine to get a better angle? Should be easier than messing with the spring...?
Agree with Doublepumper. I'd consider removing the transmission biscuits or similar, then hoist the front of the engine.
You may be able to use a ratchet strap to compress the spring just enough to clear the crossmember. Run it over the spring top and around the banjo.
You can also loosen the spring schackle to give you some play with the spring to get it to align with the crossmember.
ok thanks for all the input. as it turns out, it was a angle problem. i had a fresh set of eyes. my wife came down to the shop and said"raise it here, lower it here and presto! it was in.