I did a quick search but didn't see much in the way of threads on this subject so let's get one started as I am surely not the only member who's into these suckers. In my home garage I have these three (as well as a much newer, late 80's, NAPA) but I am unsure of what era these would be? If I were a betting man I would think the blue/orange Echlin is late 70's early 80's Orange/white Echlin is 70's (bought it from the fella who owned the parts store it came out of) Bosch is also 70's by his recollection? I will get a photo at a later date but I also have an awesome standing cabinet w/ a book rest built into it - also Echlin as it seems to be all I find around here.
Those are nice! Seems every one I find is in bad shape or really over priced. I only have this small one