Because there are so many really good shows/rod runs this time of year I rarely return to past ones I’ve been to but this show was one I will return to. It previously was one of the oldest car shows in Texas called “Run to the hills” and was pre-49 only but the founder passed away and with declining attendance and Covid the show closed only to be brought back by the son as Keys to the hills with pre-75 cars. Boerne is a great place for a car show, Friday night festivities and Sunday Rod run were well done. I have to believe this show will really grow! Wish I were a better photographer!
Outstanding! That is some great country to cruse around in! I spent a week on my Harley in tat area, several years ago! Great cars! Bones
I’ve been advised that the organizers of this run were not associated with the original family at all. Sorry that I created any confusion! It was a great get together well done by the current organizers.
A few more i took as well.. parking Saturday...most of these are HAMB friendly. lastly my '41 and dads '37.
Boerne Texas is located on the southern edge of what is call Texas Hill Country. It turns into real hills pretty quick.