I’m a first time rebuilder of a 1929-30 Ford AA I found fixing to go to scrap. Just trying to learn something and find parts. Thanks for adding me. I have been told the driver door to the 1928-29 closed cab I have is the holy grail.
Hey Harry, welcome from East Tennessee. What are your plans for your truck? You might want to take a look at the "Ford Barn" if you're restoring it. Lots of knowledge there, and there are several HAMBers on there as well.
Thanks for the welcome. When I get a title, drive into town and see what reactions I get. Take it to a Cruze or a show just to be around old auto folks. This is a possible stepping stone for me into a possible 20’or 30’s street rod. I have been accumulating parts I can use on other projects. Growing up in the 70’s I enjoyed the cars we had access to as a teenager at that time. Now that I’m retired I can focus on enjoying cars and being a hobby mechanic.
And yet another Okie here, also a retired aircraft mechanic. This place is great for info on just about anything auto related and then some.
Hey @Harry1899 Welcome to the H.A.M.B. Universe, from Dennis in Seattle. I am the only one in my family that wasn't born in Oklahoma or Arkansas. But I have history there in that state, places like Paul's Valley, Ada, Lawton, Norman, OKC. As a native born Californian, that has been a transplant to Washington state since 1979, I always smile when I see that another "Okie" has found this website.
A welcome to the H.A.M.B. from Sweden, Harry! Would be cool to read from time to time about your progress, decisions and directions of your build. Greetings, Carsten
Welcome from another Okie, (Claremore). I am older as the 60s were my era. Didn't grow up then, just got older, still working on growing up.
Hey , Claremore, Will Rogers my favorite Okie’s Birthplace. And I haven’t totally grown up yet eather and hoping I don’t.
Yes, Sir. I’m not a carpenter but here is a picture of the top I’m working on now. Hope the photo loads.