Worked a deal on an upholstery sized sewing machine with stressed_out. He says he can get it to KC this weekend so I'm hoping someone will volunteer some storage space until I can come after it. Anybody? Pretty please? Oh yeah, the closer to Worlds of Fun the better. THANKS! RASHY
Allright. I just re-read the for sale post. Says really big and heavy. Anyone else in Kansas City reading this keep watching. Don't want anyone to stop reading just because I was first to reply. I'll do all I can and may have a space - but I don't want Rash to miss out if I can't swing it.
He's delivering it. He's heading to Worlds of Fun so I'm trying to find a spot close to there to make it easier on all.
Looks like Rashy is going to start making curtains....Don't let my wife know. If you could get it to Wichita I'd store it, otherwise you might try Porknbeaner or Raven. I bet Kevin could store it on his porch, but I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't last over night...... Sorry just a friendly poke at your "hood" not so much you immediate neighbors though.
Im the same as the warbozz - if its dropped off I can store it. I am in zip 66224 (about 33 mins south-ish of that park you mentioned according to yahoo maps). Not sure what direction its coming from, but I'll pm u my phone number in case I am enroute.
I'm about five minutes closer to World's Of Fun than Raven61, and I don't think he'd have the space anyway (not inside at least). I'm easy to get to- about three blocks off of I-70. It's around 25 minutes or so away... at the speed limit at least.
He will be coming from Omaha. I'll call you guys when I figure more of it out. Anyone closer to W.O.F. don't be afraid to step up. I'll bring you a case of Genuine Okie beer. That's right! 3.2 alcohol by volume. We call it "Barley Soda"
I could make space for that fairly easily. But I'm right in the middle of KC - no where near as close as warbozz or raven61. Call if you need anything.
Rashy, If Warbozz or Raven have any problems, let me know, my brother is in Independence also, again, just off I-70. I'll call him to make sure he will be in town, I know he has room. J.
I am in the south side of KC, but close to the interstate and I have room in the shop behind the garage. I think it is about 20mins. from Worlds of Fun. And I can store it for a while if you are not in a hurry to pick it up. But, the garage is taken. The wifes car gets it in a couple of weeks after I drag the "Stude" out of it. Chris Nelson Kansas Oh yea, PM me if you need the space and I can give you my cell number. Full house.........
I don't mind going a little out of the way. To be honest, I really don't even want to go to W.O.F. but the queen of the house becons me to. A half hour extra from W.O.F. doesn't bother me. You guys just figure out which one of you will store it, and I'll take it to you, no problem. Just let me know...
Hey, I got my welder on a WOF trip! She must like that place. If I can help at all let me know... I got space like you read about
I've sent you an email and a PM. I'm less than a mile from Worlds of Fun, and I have an empty garage if you need to stash it there until you can come get it. ~Jason
MAN! What a HUGE response! I really appreciate all the offers guys, they were coming in so fast I couldn't keep up. The machine is now at Sodbuster's house. I've been needing to get by there and see his digs so this works out great! Thanks again to everyone, especially stressed_out and Sodbuster!
Machine was delivered yesterday to sodbuster. Cool guy with alot of cool stuff. Thanks again everybody!
Oh yes, she a roller coaster/theme park, addict for sure. I can't judge though, because I have my addictions as well, lol....
It is stored inside out of the weather........I received it yesterday and "stressed out".......sorry that I could not chat longer, but we were sorta' in a mid-harvest of the Stude. Chris