Hi all, Don't know what this is all about but my '46 flatty is revving and decellerating by itself, the quits! The only cable connected to it is my pedal. Smokin like hell and popping through the right side of the motor. I screwed in the needles all the way and the carb doesn't change at all!! Baffeled! Thanks, Mike
First off, if the screws do nothing, possibly of a blown power valve flooding the engine is likely. Secondly, if the throttle plates are too far open, the transfer slots do nothing rendering the idle mix screws worthless. Now revving and decellerating by itself. Makes me think you may have a return spring issue, or a throttle shaft failing (granted very unlikely) Now if its getting mixture from an air leak in a gasket, with the power valve dumping, it could do some weird shit. Also please note, I have found bad condensers do this same kind of getup. But I would pull the carb and put it on the bench, go through it with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing it was ok prior to this recent issue or a fresh carb?
I second blown power valve and lack of a return spring. A Holley 94 is a fairly simple carb to dissect - the power valve, if not blown, may be the wrong type (Holley 4 bbl power valves physically fit but the sealing surface is different), or may have the wrong gasket used. Those are the things to watch out for with the power valve. Other things to verify is make sure the float floats, the needle seats, and fuel pressure is not excessive.
Some good info here fellas. Take a look on here for what @Dreddybear has posted before. I have and use the 94 carbs and his info helped me in the past. I too would pull it down and check it out, but check out his threads, cheers Sorry I may have steered you wrong. I couldnt find a link from @Dreddybear regarding the 94. Im getting old, lol, but there will be some great info on here
Thanks @deadbeat, the link to the group is below and that link page should be at the top: https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/social-forums/holley-94-group.232/
To be fair, there may be a lot of missing pics and such in the above thread. I put it together two decades ago
Since it's only on 1 side, I'd check for vacuum leaks. It might be a PV, but a leaking PV should show up on both banks. Maybe leaking head gasket between 2 cylinders; check compression.