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Projects My New New Ride

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by grdra1, Sep 24, 2022.

  1. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    My quick-change rear is finally here, also have model A crossmember and spring, when I find some time, I can commence the chassis build. Glen 20231017_150043[1].jpg 20231017_150001[1].jpg 20231017_145147[1].jpg
  2. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I have been very busy over the last couple of years, life in general has been full on with work, home renos, engine rebuild for my 31 coupe, also family etc. Its been a while since Ive worked on my 34, recently I started building a roll cage, mainly for seatbelt mounts and drag racing duties. Cage will be bolt in, mounts use body mount holes and are cross bolted thru chassis, cage tude is spec for drag racing in AUS. The main hoop is finished, I still need to fab rear bars - unsure if I will fab a full cage or keep it a 4 point, time will tell. A few pics, Glen 20240611_165038[1].jpg 20240614_112159[1].jpg 20240616_135146[1].jpg 20240618_164929[1].jpg 20240617_123145[1].jpg 20240617_123133[1].jpg 20240618_165640[1].jpg 20240618_165311[1].jpg 20240618_165331[1].jpg
  3. catdad49
    Joined: Sep 25, 2005
    Posts: 6,736


    Is this Aussie racing fuel (lots of ponies in this picture)?! Oz Rods.jpg
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  4. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    My addiction
    NJ Don, rod1 and catdad49 like this.
  5. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I recently took the body of the chassis, only took a couple of hours to fab up a wooden trolly and lift body off. First job is to modify front cross member to achieve a 30mm / 1 1/4 inch lower stance then I plan to set up front suspension before tackling the rear end.. A few pics. Glen 20240622_145324[2].jpg 20240622_150203[1].jpg 20240622_151328[1].jpg 20240622_170104[1].jpg
  6. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Finished front crossmember, approx. 1 1/4 inch lower than stock, now I plan to set up the front end / fab front shock mounts and set up wishbones. Glen 20240702_153624[1].jpg 20240702_153632[1].jpg 20240702_164650[1].jpg
  7. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    A few pics of recent progress, machined up some bungs to mount bones and sectioned frame for spring clearance, still a long way to go. Glen 20240804_162401[1].jpg 20240804_171148[1].jpg 20240804_171251[1].jpg 20240804_171300[1].jpg 20240804_171809[1].jpg 20240804_171314[1].jpg
  8. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I have finished setting up front suspension for now, some parts fully welded, others tacked in. I plan to set up rear end and engine / gearbox next. Today I cut of rear frame horns with a plan to tuck them up under body and weld a curved bar across the rear to make it neater, I feel doing this first before cutting out rear crossmember to install a model A unit will help with bracing the rear of frame - I will also weld in other bracing before cutting out current crossmember. Glen 20240829_171145[1].jpg 20240829_171156[1].jpg 20240829_171201[1].jpg 20240829_171228[1].jpg 20240831_110304[1].jpg 20240831_123843[1].jpg 20240831_123837[1].jpg 20240831_123847[1].jpg
  9. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Finished rear bar today, it was a lot of work but defiantly worth it. 20240907_162025[1].jpg 20240907_170201[1].jpg 20240907_165803[1].jpg 20240907_165806[1].jpg 20240907_165812[1].jpg
  10. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I recently fabbed my engine and gearbox mounts, still a little tweaking to go but happy so far. I tried to get motor as low as possible to keep the carbs under the bonnet ( 671 blown sbc, JW powerglide ), sump clearance should end up around 5 inch, gearbox will need a short pan as current deep unit will only have about 3 inch clearance. I also set motor back as far as possible for blower pully to front end clearance. I needed to section transmission tunnel for box to fit. A few pics, Glen 20240921_140836[1].jpg 20240921_141931[1].jpg 20240921_141937[1].jpg 20240923_154954[1].jpg 20240923_155338[1].jpg 20240923_154942[1].jpg 20240917_134249[1].jpg 20240917_134242[1].jpg
  11. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Today I started on the rear end, I have everything I need to mount crossmember and fab ladder bars and ladder bar mounts. Only issue is the rear end came with 5 x 5 axle flanges and the brakes are multi fit 5 x 4.5 and 5 x 4.75, I will need to have axles re drilled or order new ones, if I had have noticed earlier I could have sorted this issue. No big problem just a pain in the arse. A few pics, Glen 20240925_135805.jpg 20240925_135830.jpg 7db72c30-75d3-4a23-b709-b9c70cf8648a[1].jpg
  12. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    A few pics from recent progress, I have tack welded rear to chassis with 3 inch clearance and 3 degree of pinion angle, so far I have added spring mounts and tacked in crossmember, next is to fabricate ladder bars. Glen 20240929_193717.jpg 20240929_193725.jpg
  13. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Today I fabbed a jig to make my ladder bars, a few pics. Glen 20240930_183530.jpg 20240930_183538.jpg 20240930_171844.jpg 20240930_171851.jpg
  14. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Ladder bars tacked in today, next is to make mounts for shocks then I can mount body and check ride height etc. Glen 20241008_162256[1].jpg 20241008_162422[1].jpg 20241008_162428[1].jpg 20241008_162443[1].jpg
  15. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Fabbed up and tacked in shock mounts today, then put body on, A lot of work but well worth it. Glen 20241010_174624[1].jpg 20241010_174702[1].jpg 20241010_174630[1].jpg IMG_20241010_195737.jpg IMG_20241010_195743.jpg
  16. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Spent 2 days welding all the brackets to diff and chassis, next job is to set up steering assembly. Glen 20241014_163139.jpg 20241014_163159.jpg 20241014_163120.jpg 20241014_170347.jpg
  17. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Mounted steering box recently, fabbed up a mount out of 1/4 inch plate, I needed to modify my engine mounts for clearance, a few pics, Glen 20241017_173253.jpg 20241017_175827.jpg 20241017_175835.jpg 20241021_171506.jpg 20241021_171411.jpg 20241021_171526.jpg 20241021_171941.jpg 20241021_173108.jpg
  18. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I mocked up car today, I cannot get over how cool quick change rearends look, just love it. I am not happy with engine position, the carbs will not fit under hood and will run into louvers if I cut a hole in hood, so I plan to set back engine another 1 1/2 inch (40mm) and down 1/4 inch - this will still not allow carbs to fit under but will better position a scoop out of the hood. Once Im happy with engine I will set up steering coloum and wheel. Glen 20241022_163514.jpg 20241022_163118.jpg 20241022_163421.jpg 20241022_163822.jpg 20241022_170645.jpg 20241022_170651.jpg
  19. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I recently re mounted engine / gearbox mounts, I also needed to remount steering box and section body for box clearance, I will need to make room for dizzy in the future, now for the steering coloum. A few pics, Glen 72715934-3036-4a9d-a78d-63c710e6ea81.jpg 20241025_120046.jpg IMG_20241026_104324.jpg IMG_20241026_104335.jpg IMG_20241026_104238.jpg
  20. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I recently started setting up steering, I have a collapsable coloum with a breakaway setup under dash ( required for rego), I have also decided to mount brake booster under dash as there is no room under car as I need room for exhaust. Today I started fabbing a support structure, I will need to fab a right angle brake pedal assembly. I will also be looking for seat options ( I'm leaning towards a bench seat) so I can finalize coloum and pedal location. A few pics, Glen 20241028_170005.jpg 20241027_114211.jpg 20241028_172145.jpg 20241030_172326.jpg
  21. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
    Posts: 5,610


    Looking great!! Do you take visitors? I may be in Geelong late June or early July...
  22. 61Cruiser
    Joined: Dec 5, 2013
    Posts: 215


    Best wishes for your new project. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  23. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Sure do, let me know when your in town, Glen
  24. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Started fabbing brake pedal and booster mount today, using pics from a eBay item, mine will be more heavy duty (over engineered as usual), utilizing whatever steel I have handy, a few pics. Glen 20241101_141951.jpg 20241101_145435.jpg 20241101_183436.jpg 20241101_183601.jpg
    bobss396 and loudbang like this.
  25. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    I spent a few more hours on the brake assembly today, happy so far, another day and it should be done, a few pics, Glen 20241102_191536.jpg 20241102_191455.jpg 20241102_191501.jpg 20241102_191450.jpg
  26. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,175


    Great build, thanks for all the detail. On rear ladder bars front heim joint ( u maybe call it rose joint ) - mount appears very tight. I do see spacer either side. How much suspension movement do you have with one end of rear up & other end down?
  27. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Amish, I'm yet to fully test suspension as waiting for more weight in car as progress continues, my ladder bars are very heavy duty, made of chrome moly as I want a street / strip car. I may need to make another less heavy set of bars with flex ability for street duty's, any advice greatly appreciated. A few pics of todays progress, finished mounting pedal / booster assembly, happy with results, mount is very strong with no movement. I will need to hide booster with some sort of panel etc. Glen 20241103_162525.jpg 20241103_165218.jpg 20241103_165417.jpg 20241103_165736.jpg 20241103_163944.jpg 20241103_165815.jpg
  28. AmishMike
    Joined: Mar 27, 2014
    Posts: 1,175


    Feel need to better explain earlier comment on ladders bar heim joints. Ladder bars for traction fore & aft you will be fine. On the highway rear will go up & down over bumps differ from side to side. Great explanation on You Tube of “misalignment spacers explained”. Search for “Barnes 4wd”. I know hot rods do not need huge movement of rear like off roadsters but the heim does need to rotate some. Watch the video.
  29. grdra1
    Joined: May 20, 2013
    Posts: 586


    Thanks again, I just watched the video and a couple of others, The reason I chose a bushed rod end is for longevity as a normal heim or rod end is open and allows dirt etc. to wear joint. I used this type of joint in my 31 coupe build, but that was a triangled 4 link so not as much articulation required. My thoughts were after watching countless hot rod builds with the so-cal ladder bar type e.g. bushed end with clevis at other end, was that limited flex is required for this type of suspension and was achieved from the bar length and the limited flex from the joint. I do like the Johnny joint (my first time seeing this type) and will look into the Johnny joint or other types of bushed flex joints for sure. Glen
    loudbang likes this.
  30. badshifter
    Joined: Apr 28, 2006
    Posts: 3,578


    Looks good, I would add an upper plate to the bellcrank so those rod ends are in double shear. Easy addition for a huge safety factor.
    SS327 likes this.

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