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Hot Rods Build thread 1932 Ford 5 window coupe hot rod resurrection. Off the road since 1958

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Hitchhiker, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. Thought I'd better make a dedicated build thread for the 1932 Ford 5 Window coupe.

    Here is a link to my first thread that covers some of the first details and looking for info on the car.

    I didn't start that thread as a "build thread" so thought I should start one more focused on covering what I am doing, rather than searching for history and this way I can up my post count a little more :rolleyes:o_O

    So anyways....

    We got this sweet 1932 Ford 5 window coupe here at the shop. It spent most of its life locked up in a warehouse in the Portland area.


    Unfortunately shortly after it arrived...I tore a tendon in my left leg. So I've been healing that for the last 2 months.

    But recently I got cleared off of the crutches. So, I'm back at it. Look out world!

    My first goal was get the car apart. I pulled the hood, grill, radiator and headlights. Then I got the car up on jacksstands.


    I've been evaluating the car, its got some hidden issues. But it's overall a very solid car. And it's way nicer than my 32....

    hint...I don't have a 32. ;)

    So at this point. I started cleaning. Getting decades of grime off the underside of the car. You can kinda see how dirty it is under there in this picture


    And close up after a lot of scrubbing


    20241024_233517.jpg 20241024_233452.jpg

    I'm about to head to bed. More later.

    Attached Files:

  2. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,448


    Great !
    I saw the original thread and hoped that you would continue to share the build.
    Thanks for sharing the journey with us all.
    41 GMC K-18 and Hitchhiker like this.
  3. swifty
    Joined: Dec 25, 2005
    Posts: 2,437


    Yes I'm with @clem and followed your original thread as you only have to mention 32-5 window and I'm onto it. Couple of questions, re the cowl lights on your 5W. I thought that the 5 W was a standard coupe and the 3W was the Deluxe version complete with cowl lights. So did any 5W's come with cowl lights?
    Secondly the dropped headlight bar. You say this car has been tucked away since 1958 so the dropped bar must have been a thing before that. Any idea when they came into fashion?

    Love the car and it's in great shape. What have you got planned for it?
  4. 32 five windows do it for me! That’s an amazing example. Thanks for sharing the build.
    Hitchhiker likes this.
  5. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
    Posts: 3,519


    Look forward to the build. As for cowl lights on 5 windows, one of my books mentioned they were available on them new as an accessory. Plus on a 90+ year old car who knows what occurred during all those years.
    RodStRace and Hitchhiker like this.
  6. I don't know about the cowl lights. Honestly, I'm not super versed on the intricacies of 32s. I better read up!

    The headlight bar is pretty crude. It's a cut and welded drop. Not heated. One of the reasons for looking for old picture. I'd love to know when it was done.


    The plans call for preservation of the car as best as possible. We're trying to preserve as much "as-is" vs. Tearing the whole thing apart. Car is getting a flathead again. Hopefully hooked to the 37 packard transmission. Maybe a slight height adjustment in front. Nothing crazy. Just cleaned up as best as possible. Kinda "budget build" as much as a 32 can
    bchctybob, Tim, chevyfordman and 4 others like this.
  7. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
    Posts: 14,070

    Bandit Billy

    Dig the rig! I'll put a vote in for leaving the cowl lights. I have them on my 34 (parking and turn signals) and people tell me they can see my flashers for a mile. Not right on every car, but since you are going for a preservation rather than salt racer, I think they belong.
    41 GMC K-18 and Hitchhiker like this.
  8. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 20,809

    from oregon


    Betting Mitch knows of this 5W.
  9. The owner likes them, and the plan is to make them into turn signals. This car will be a driver, so some touches like that will add some safety.
  10. While I was sitting on my butt, I started looking for some of the stuff the car is missing.

    I found an interior header panel. Which we'll need to use to fix/hide some headliner damage. The car has been missing it for a while, judging by how the headliner was installed.


    Next I found a front splash apron with almost perfect patina to match the car.


    I also had this rough front crossmember that I will use to repair the one in the car.

    Still can't believe the splash apron. Such a lucky find. I traded a couple things I had to get it. He understood why this car needed it.


    The biggest thing I am looking for is a Flathead v8 core engine and a Packard to early Ford Adapter. Having no luck with the adapter. I decided I'd just make my own....

    Enter a a Ford hogshead. I'm still working on this, so I'll have more on it later.


    The last/biggest item...for now. Is an appropriate flathead. While this isn't a race car. It's definitely a hot rod. And while somewhat mild, I think it deserves a hot rod engine. It has to be a 4 inch merc crank. I'd like reliefs and any other old race tricks too. It's 100% has to have the look too. No stock heads or intake. But I also don't want a poser either. It has to back it up.

    All that being said, I've been looking all over, I was even prepared for a road trip to California to pick up a good start. But the injury held me back and im glad it did. As I think I found exactly what I'm looking for local. I go Sunday to pick it up. Hopefully all goes well. I'll tell the full story then.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2024
    bchctybob, 41 GMC K-18, Tim and 5 others like this.
  11. The first 2 video on the coupe if you want to watch those as well.

  12. clem
    Joined: Dec 20, 2006
    Posts: 4,448


    my standard coupe had recesses either side ( internally) where we drilled a pilot hole and then drilled them out to fit reproduction cowl lights, to use as indicators.
    I had always understood the 5 window coupe came in a deluxe version including cowl lights, but from my time on this forum, I think that I may be wrong and they were more likely just an accessory as stated above.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2024
    41 GMC K-18 and swifty like this.
  13. I'll post a bigger update tonight, I'm still on the way home. But this is what I went and grabbed today.

    Been inside since the 60s. 59AB style block 3 3/16 bore. 4 inch merc crank. Wild reliefs. Adjustable lifters. Had a Sharp 3x2 on it...which i got also.

    Old race car stuff I assume. The 32 will be the perfect home for it.

    bchctybob, 41 GMC K-18, Tim and 11 others like this.
  14. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,658


    That flatty is bad-ass!
    Hitchhiker likes this.
  15. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
    Posts: 21,766


    I’ve never seen reliefs like that before. Wonder why it has late water pumps?
    41 GMC K-18, Kiwi 4d and Hitchhiker like this.
  16. I know! I had to have it as soon as I saw it! It's super cool.

    Neither have I, definitely interesting. I wonder how much it hurts flow, if anything? I'm assuming it's worse than a regular relief. But who knows? ... as far as the pumps, I wonder about that too. I'm assuming it was in something interesting. It has a 8ba timing cover and distributor as well. I was kinda guessing he wanted the easy distributor access for a racecar? Unfortunately the long time owner has passed away. So I didn't get to pick his brain.
  17. So here is the story on the engine and acquisition.

    I've been looking for a suitable engine for the car since it got dropped off. The car actually came with a 8ba, with some decent new Offy stuff. It's a good engine, but not the "right" engine for this car. It just wasn't special enough. I know that sounds weird, and maybe I'm weird. But the car was telling me what it needed...and it deserved something REALLY special.

    My list of requirements was rather long, and thus made finding the engine I want a little difficult.

    59AB engine
    4 inch crank
    Relieved(hopefully factory)

    And obviously something that hasn't been stored on the bottom of Puget Sound.

    I had a couple leads on stuff but nothing I felt like dropping money on or driving to California for.... They were options. But considering my left leg was screwed, I could barely walk, my truck being a stick shift, and the seller not wanting to ship?... A California trip was a no go for me.

    Then I found this ad on Facebook marketplace


    As soon as I saw it, I had to have it. It was exactly what I wanted. So I fired off a message and went to bed.

    Then...nothing. the next day. Nothing. no reply message. No call. The next day, same thing....

    ... but the ad was still up.

    I figured, "hey, he's an old guy. He probably doesn't spend every waking moment on social media. He'll get back to me soon."

    So I waited and waited and pretty soon a week or so had gone by. Still nothing.

    I was looking at his Facebook profile. Day dreaming of buying the engine I wanted so badly. When I realized I knew him and had his number. He's a pretty big 1940 Ford guy, and I'd run into him when I was living on the peninsula.

    So I go digging, find the number, and make the call. I get his son on the phone, and the owner is in hospice, dying of cancer. Shit. That fucking sucks... big time.. My own father having passed 8 years ago from cancer. The last thing I want to hear about is ANYBODY dying of cancer. Fuck cancer. Iykyk.

    Obviously, at this point. I'm not gonna push them to sell me the engine. No big deal. A man's life ending, is far more important than an old ford engine.

    I do ask if they'll take my number down, and if/when things settle down to give me a call. And give them my respects and figure that's it...

    So I resume my search...if not a bit half heartedly. And assume I won't hear back.

    A bit of time goes by. A week, maybe 10 days?

    Then I get a call from one of the sons, asking if I am still interested in the engine. The father had passed and they wanted to help their mom get rid of the rest of his Ford parts.

    Of course I still wanted it, I said my condolences at his loss and we set up a time to come over.... Which was today.


    This is the engine as it sat. Pretty much everything I wanted! But...of course there is more.


    I ended up buying 2 engines, and some old intakes! ...basically a bunch of stuff! I had to make a run to the bank as I stupidly only brought money for the green engine! What was I thinking?

    The block letter Sharp intake came on the green engine in the 60s when Ed bought it. I was able to purchase it along with the other stuff pictured.

    I'd love to know some history on the engine!

    So all on all, it was a pretty good day after a few weeks of nail biting.

    I'd like to thank the Swan family for selling me this old engine and Ed Swan for saving it for me all these years!

    Rest in peace, Ed. She went to a good home!
    29EHV8, warbird1, bchctybob and 19 others like this.
  18. Started pulling this "stuffing" out of the deck lid. Probably asbestos. Decided to pull the lid for cleaning and for better access to the trunk. The bolts holding the deck lid on were likely not correct and the lid was very floppy. Something we'll need to fix in the future. 20241107_143916.jpg



    Here is the stuff coming out.


    I've also washed and hand scrubed most of the frame from the k member forward. Just trying to get all the grease off everything and have a clean slate.

    and I started pulling stuff that isn't staying. Like wiring. Old brake lines, master cylinders and pedals. The pedals were only bolted on at the firewall....I'm starting to understand how polished aluminum firewalls became popular to put over butchered originals. Nothing beats a stock firewall for me. So we'll be repairing this one.


    Hopefully I'll have a video out this weekend that covers this more in depth.
  19. Pulled the timing cover....


    finding a Winfield cam was a nice cherry on top.
  20. You guys think this is original paint? It looks more cherry red in person.

  21. Weedburner 40
    Joined: Jan 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,049

    Weedburner 40

    I doubt it, Ford didn't have a bright red in 1932.
    PONTNAK123 likes this.
  22. I wouldn't say it's bright red. The firewall is bright red. The quarter panel red is definitely more maroon ish maybe?
    41 GMC K-18, Tim and Tow Truck Tom like this.
  23. Weedburner 40
    Joined: Jan 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,049

    Weedburner 40

    The only "red" Ford offered in 32 was Ford Maroon, which is very dark.
    PONTNAK123 likes this.
  24. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,785

    from KCMO

    Very cool
    Hitchhiker likes this.
  25. The 2 things I need really badly right now are

    1) a REALLY nice original 32 firewall

    2) and nice set of block letter Sharp 59AB heads. There is a rough set on ebay currently, but I'd prefer to find a nicer set to start with. And I do know about the H&H repo which are an option...even though they only come in script letters on the repo.

  26. Well...its been snowing. Hard. We have 5-6" here. Luckily I'm stocked up on oil and have the heater blasting. Work in the shop is going.

    As far as the 32 is concerned we've had some project scope creep.

    Firewall has been acquired. It had a blemish that Texas Matt cut out and fixed.

    He also built this cart. Just about perfect for putting a body on....while we fix the frame.


    Unfortunately, this car has typical 1932 rear frame sag and the wheel base is off side to side. It should be noted that the front crossmember is also bolted in. This is all important stuff and we've(myself and the owner) have decided it's best to make the old girl sound in the chassis department. Even if she'll be a little "worn" on the outside.

    With this I set about removing the fenders. I gave several spray downs of Kroil. Over a period of a week or so and I was able to remove all but 1 bolt. Which I ended up cutting.

    I started with the rears and moved my way forward. 20250205_143641.jpg

    They came off easy enough.


    Throwing the tires back on, I knew it was gonna look cool!



    Than I moved to the front...


    I gotta admit, there is something incredibly cool about taking the fenders off a 32 that have likely been on there longer than you have been alive. Next up! The body comes off and the frame goes on the frame table. I'll have an accompanying video out soon on this. But wanted to document this as my first time taking the fenders off a 32 ford. And figured ya'll could have a sneak peak too.

    Sorry for the poor picture. Should have taken the welding blanket off
    NoSurf, warbird1, bchctybob and 11 others like this.
  27. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
    Posts: 4,465

    41 GMC K-18

    Most impressive Amigo!
    "PEZ" is watching through the window !

    snow pezz.jpg Madona &Child.jpg

    PezzFace grin (3).jpg
  28. couverkid
    Joined: Mar 30, 2007
    Posts: 1,133


    Neat to see someone finally do something with this car. Tony Marino in portland area had it for years. After Tony passed i think in 2010, me and my dad bought a ton of stuff from his estate. A couple 32 fords and many truck loads of parts. Tony never sold a thing in his life that I know of. There was still a 26-27 RPU with a V8-60 hot rod motor he bought at age 14. His parents and him had a furniture store in Portland for years. I think he had about 50 cars.
  29. From the small snippets I've heard about him, Tony seemed like he had a lot of cool cars! I wish I could have talked to him about the car.
    41 GMC K-18 likes this.
  30. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,785

    from KCMO

    Thanks for the update!
    Hitchhiker and 41 GMC K-18 like this.

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