I have a 1954 331 Chrysler Hemi. ( complete but not running yet. It's got the cast iron timing cover and water pump and such. IF i go to the later short snout cam and timing chain ( since I'll want to cam it eventually)will the later sheet metal or aftermarket aluminum timing covers fit this engine with the oil pan i have? I read some of the threads here but could not find the answer. Im going to look at a pile of parts today . I want to run a aluminum Chevy water pump so I can get the radiator hose on the RH side to match my 32 Walker radiator inlet And loose some weight and hopefully gain some clearance . I realize new pumps are available for the 331 again but I'd like to go with a Chevy pump eventually when eventually rebuild this engine. Thanks
Paging @73RR The pan rails are different, but I do not know if the front seal between the timing cover and pan is, or not.
I see hot heads sells a cover for the early industrial 331 with ears for the addional water ports but I don't know if there standard cover for the later 55 and up engines fit a cam retrofitted 54 and earlier . Good to know the pan rail is different. Hoping to find at least a 4bbl intake today even if I have to mod it for a remote water outlet .
Bolt pattern is different '55 & up, usually holes at the bottom of the block that the timing cover covers. HH sells a 51-4 & Ind that eliminates the mechanical F/P, and allows use of the Chevy W/P. The '56 354 cam will work with a spacer between cam & cam gear, timing cover doesn't matter on that.
So the HH 331 industrial cover will work on the standard block and pan with the short cam snout and spacer ??? I think i have that right
The ind/truck blocks are the same as the 51-54 car blocks ('54 comes in long & short tail, but front is the same.), the 55 & up use a different cover.
Thank you . Good info . Hopefully my 331 pan is OK should be. Engine ran when I pulled it out of a rusty station wagon 20 years ago.
Ok great so I just need the $230 HH cover a short snout cam and timing chain . Then I can bolt on a SBC aluminum pump i have and use my existing 32 walker radiator . Hoping to get this thing on a runstand confirm it will still run then start buying parts.
New cam cores are sporadically available from the 'big guys', start calling around. You will need the beveled washer as used in 56-58 and then you can use an LA chain set, retaining bolt and cup washer. Front pan seal is the same 51-58.
I was looking at the new hot heads cams as a possibility as well. First step is get it on a run stand and see if will run as is or if I'm doing a rebuild or more. It ran 20 plus years ago when I pulled it If it will run and be OK as is for a while ill start collecting parts . Intake , timing cover and then cam and adjustable push rods as ill likely need them . Then a trnas adapter and all that I'm not looking to build some high HP monster just want a good looking pump gas hemi with a little cam lope in it for a 31 A PU that I hope to channel 3" or so and run a 32 grill and radiator I have. 230 HP would be fine for now. was thinking wrinkle finish valve covers and 2x4 carbs If it doesn't pan out to run I have a 496" BBC or several SBC options . was thinking id try to do this with 95% pre 1955 or so parts and use the Hemi taking up to much space in my shop for to long . I need to go back and re read all the past threads on here better . hauled this home from Jefferson swap 25 years ago for $1400. Thought I'd have it running in 3 weeks .
If you haven't yet, put Hemi Tech Index in the search box and sit back for awhile. As for a 2x4 intake, I recently sold an Edmunds piece for $1k so be prepared.
Yea Im reading up . I wanted the quick answer this weekend ( and I got it ) as I had a chance to look at a guys pile of parts and see if there as anything I needed . Yea Intakes are nuts . Should have bought a few 10 years ago . I was bidding on a stock 2x4 last night on Ebay and it went for over $480 . At that price Ill wait for a aluminum for more one and loose the weight or build my own damn manifold. Have a tunnle ram top that might work of it had a bottom and some U fab parts Wish one of the old school companies would do a run of them again . HEMI Tech- INDEX | The H.A.M.B. (jalopyjournal.com) so I can find it easier
Advertised C/R on a '54 is 7.5:1 & on low deck hemis might even be on the optimistic side. HH will ask for C/R, tranny, carb, rear gears, ect, ect. If you stick with a new cam close to stock or just a little warmer you can use the stock valve train, I E no pain in the ass adj push rods. Should be noted that in '55 the C/R went to adv. 8.5:1 and they didn't change cams.
If it sold for less than $5-600 then you were probably looking at the 55-58 style without the t-stat. If you stay with the 54 heads (which are excellent by the way) you will need an intake with the t-stat. Using a 55-58 intake requires a bunch of goofy plumbing that usually looks better on a rat rod or a boat The stock 1x4 manifold works well for a mild street engine although it lacks the sex appeal of doubles. As George notes, the low c/r does not like much cam. If you must change it, then keep duration low and bump the lift some. I'd suggest saving the money and keep it stock until a full rebuild is planned.
Thanks for all the input I figured on having to do a remote thermostat. Id really like multiple carbs even if its two 2 barrels. I have a pair of 390 holleys as well as some 450's also a matched set of Edelbrock 500's I can fab a log style intake also . 95% of having a 331 Hemi in this would be for looks as long as it runs OK . A stock 350 SBC will put out more if I wanted to go fast LOL The Ebay manifold went for $481 yesterday. IF I found a 54 wet 4bbl intake priced reasonable I'll grab it. If I find a 4bbl dry intake cheap I'll grab it as well and machine it for fittings . If the engine runs out as is id likely just run it intally. I have no illusions of it being anything great with out major work like pistons and the works. I could just swap a 4 bbl intake on it and run the rest as is if it runs. I heard it run but never drove it or saw it move . I'll be surprised if its not a smoking leaking pile. Im not expecting very much. Hoping to get some time this weekend to get a run stand together or at least started. Untill I know the actual condition it's all speculation. If parts were not so expensive I'd just tear it down and rebuild it first ( if its not cracked or something) To many projects never enough time.
Good point on staying with a new cam and running stock push rods. Push rods are nearly half the cam cost and you have a new cam in the end .
I have a spare '54 wet 4bbl manifold I would sell. PM me if interested. I run '54 heads and intake on my '52 331 long bell. Dave
I'll bet it will run! I bought a a 1954 331 Chrysler hemi engine for merc and it sat for several years and my buddy put it in my merc and it ran. Before we installed it we put an adapter for a turbo 350 on it. I had the trans laying around for several years too1 Did a rattle can paint job on it. I eventually put an msd distributor and edelbrock carb on it.Move my old merc along pretty well.PS I couldn't afford to rebuild the hemi that was already in my merc and I didn't want a SBC even though i have one on my engine stand.
kind of like that stock look . Certainly like the air cleaner Im starting think a single 4bbl done on a no bling type build like a kid would have done in say 1959 with a wrecking yard engine would not be so bad . Im hoping to build this with all the stuff I dragged home from all the swap meets over the last 30 years in WI before I die LOL Channel the 31 A cab over a boxed A frame I have with a Speed way type dropped cross member . I have a dropped solid axle and square back spindles , No brakes yet other than disks . I have a 57 chevy and also a 57 Olds rear to choose from , 32 shell with a 3" shorter new Walker BBC radiator , 4 speed 1958 T10. Ford radius rods front and rear and I think I have a 54 ford truck box . Have rough Model A bed . that old be OK for now . I bought a steel wheel barrow shell from tractor supply about 25 years ago for doing the fire wall recess. Likely Could just run the factory water pump and stuff with a simple 4bbl . paint the valve covers add a few chrome dadds here and there and call it day . Id need to buy a trans adapter .
I saw this truck on here and it kind of stuck in my head. I have 95% of it . Id do it with out chrome for now . Looks like the radiator / shell is moved forward a little bit?
Thanks!My friend Shug suggested the air cleaner. I just wanted to get it running. and change things as I go along. I changed a few things since I got it running like the carb, distributor and I found a set of old chrome valve covers.
If ever get a little extra money I have another Hemi I would like to build and run this Weiand WC3D intake I have.