Man, he has had a bad run the last few years. Don't know whether he broke a mirror, walked under a ladder, ran over a Chinaman, or what. Maybe all three.....
Jay doesn't sit around and play it safe. He gets out there and lives every day. I used to have a boss that said ''if you're not screwing up, you aren't trying hard enough''.
I am surprised he was staying at a Hampton Inn. Plenty good enough for me, but I thought he would have stayed someplace a bit nicer.
I didnt here about his Indian bike crash
Hampton Inn is pretty top notch compared to the back seat of his Buick back when he was starting out.
I have a lot of admiration for Jay. Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin. Don’t forget the wild ride in the Hemi Under Glass.
Gettin' cloth lined by a steel cable haulin ass , cutting through a parking lot on a vintage Indian motorcycle...... Damn Jay, you crazy fooker ! ................ "Wild Man Leno"
I beg to differ he was not haulin'. There was gas dripping onto a hot motor. After the Doble steamer deal what would you do? And Yes, one time to use a pay phone I pulled onto a beer distributor's lot to find a cable raking my A pillar. There it is My post was about his strength. Shoulda been more emphatic He always stands tall. The business with O'Brien was not his making. I paid careful attention, and never did he say anything negative. Only, that that was what the 'powers' wanted.