Found this 48 ford sedan local to me on market place. Story went, it was used as a parts car, before the seller purchased it with the intention to restore it in 1981. It moved around various sheds, before he decided, around this time last year he wasn't going to get to it, so listed it for sale. I had a look, made an offer, and had myself a new project Hooked the trailer upto my trusty falcon ute, and hauled the 48 home Given the modifications, I believe it may have been used for some type of rally events sometime in the 50s,60s or 70s. Large Mud flaps, radiused rear fenders, evidence of a bullbar and extra front lighting, and an external on off switch/ kill switch. The next 12 months were spent gathering parts for the build, including a few hard to find items (in Australia) such as rear windscreen, good rear fenders, front floor etc. Now it was time to get this build happening, I Gave the fenders a lick of paint and fitted them up. Flipped the front main leaf in the spring pack, then mocked a diff in place under the rear to roll the car around I had a 351w left over from my f150, so that, along with a c4 trans was cleaned up and painted. An oil bath air filter was found in the back, so I had the paint colour matched to the filter housing. Mocked into position to fabricate mounts. I decided to front mount the engine to the standard locations, making up some Hurst style mounts. I also modded the oil bath housing to mount over the 4 barrel holley. I'll do a separate thread covering the filter. Mounts in place starting to take shape. Cleaned up the drivers door and ran the buffing wheel over it, too see how it's going to shine up. I think the paint work will clean up nicely. That brings us up to date with the build so far.
Oh man, that makes the pants a little tight! My coworker has been trying to sell me a pair of 47s and one of them looks just like yours. Also a good family friend of mine has a very patina-ed 46 4dr that also looks similar.
I 've got all the running gear seat aside to build a pickup on a 46/8 chassis but have a hankering for a sedan to pile the family in. Cool jigger. Are you planning a trip to the National's at Easter?
I had not planned to attend this year, where abouts is it this time around. I did come across for the Victorian hot rod show, and had a great time
Averaging 28MPH Sydney/Brisbane! Nowadays I average 63MPH for the same trip. Non-stop on one tank of fuel.
The Perth to Kalgoorlie at 33mph, no thanks! Even towing the roadster to Perko I probably averaged 60+
Dragged it outside for a really good acid wash and pressure wash. Mixed up a batch of a phosphoric acid rust convertor in a garden sprayer, 1 to 1 with water. Gave it a couple good coats all over inside and out. Scrubbed down with a broom and bucket of truck wash, then a pressure was. A few places needed extra scrubbing with a scotch brite pad. Looks so much better with the rust staining gone. Next job is to blow some paint around the engine bay so I can drop the engine back in.
Since your cleanup i just noticed those cool fender mirrors. They sure look like NASCO accessory mirrors that were available for the 1957 FC-FE Holden up to the 1967 HR Holden. I just did a quick search, i see pocket money
Today's job was to get some black onto the floor inside, as well as the engine bay. Not sure I love the black firewall now it's done, but it'll do for now. Onward and upward. Engine back in, to progress towards firing it up.
I believe the engine colour is for the truck engines of the era, but I think it works we'll with the cream body colour. We have a couple restored muscle cars, that have Ford blue engines with factory stamps and decals etc, so for this build, the engine 100% wasn't going to be blue haha.
Have had two of these old Avgas decals left from my days in aviation, been waiting for something cool to do with them. Figured this was finally a good home for one of them. It's a hot rod, it's meant to be fun, and not too serious.
Spent some time making spring hangers to bolt the rear end in. I'm using a 1969 Aussie falcon Borg Warner diff, with new pearches, teamed with early Mazda/ courier ute springs.
Diff back in and back on its wheels. Have some measurements now for shocks, to see what I can find. Bit unusual as it's eye top, pin bottom. Can see in the back ground, I've Cleared the wall space behind and painted in a gloss white. Will be using this space as a peg board to make up the new wiring harness.